Dhalsim - YOGUH!

Agreed. Fuck Honda. You have to work so hard to get so little damage, and Honda just crushes you within seconds.

Yeah, trying to cancel into a super is BS. I can’t do it for the life of me. I just keep pushing it out faster and faster, and It never works. sometimes the only way I can even do the super is to force myself to do it as slow as I can.

Regarding beign in the corner, teleport is easier to do now, so it might be a viable option. If you have a super stored and he knocks you down, if hes close enough you can do it on wake up and hopefully catch him off guard. If you anticipate a jump in/sumo splash, try sliding out of the way. Another difficult to execute strategy would be to wait until he does his sumo splash, and once he begins his descent, do B + Mp at the right time to hit him out of it. Or once he does the sumo splash, walk forward a little bit and then block it, hoping that it ends up crossing you up such that he pushes you out of the corner. You’ll still have to deal with Oicho throw, but at least it gets you out of the corner. An aptly timed lk yoga breath works well too. In fact, if you have super and he does a jump in, doing your super will at least get you a knockdown. You could then teleport out of there.

Sim getting knocked down can be an inconvenient situation. I suppose what you do is situation specific. Try and pay attention to when he is charging and when he isnt. If hes walking forward, you know that he cant do headbutt/sumo splash, so mix up c. mp/ s. mk. If you know hes going to do a headbutt, block it. Then consider if he does the hands/sumo splash. IF he does hands, block or drill if you’re at the right distance. If he does sumo splash and you anticipate it, teleport or lk yoga flame. If he does sumo splash and you know hes going to whiff right in front of you, either do lk yoga flame or jump back and hit Fierce or MK depending on the distance. Also, pay attention to the patterns he does (i.e. headbutt to hands to headbutt, headbutt to hands to sumo splash, sumo splash to headbutt, sumo splash to hands, etc…)

At certain distances your standing anti airs wont work. Take advantage of Sims floaty jump and jump back when he does this, and hit him with Fierce or MK or whatever jumping limb that will hit. Even if it does crap damage it still creates space. Beware though. If you do the jumping limb and hes not in the air (i.e. hes on the ground), he could anticipate it and headbutt it. Also, when you do the anti air, make sure its outside his hitbox. Go into training mode and turn the hitboxes on to see what I mean if you dont already have the Yoga Book Hyper already. Actually, buy the Yoga Book Hyper anyways since its an invaluable resource.

Well, that ought to tide you over. At least until Fatboy responds.

Ya, I am so sorry it has taken me sooo long.

I am in the middle of a professional designation program. I am getting my ChFc, CLU, and CFP at the same time.

I just moved in with my Girl.

My business has been crazy busy. I am in wealth management. The stack market crash has made work REALLY busy.

I will try my best to get it done over X-mas. I owe Ryu1999 a tutorial a how to deal with Ryu’s hurricane kicks too.

They’ll get done.

On another note: I have playing a shit load of HD remix. I really feel Guile wins the Sim match up now. All the (scrub) guile players will argue with me, and many of the really good players will deny how good he really is in HD. DOn’t get me wrong, Guile is EXTREMELY difficult to master and play well. Major props to the elite few who play him well.

But, I tell you [ Mark my words], in the long run he’ll easily win this match up.

I already see strategies, that Sim will have a very HARD time beating. The guile players I play do them every once in a while. But, I don’t think they know what they are dong b/c the stop doing it, and then do other stupid this that cost them the game.

I need to do some more homework. If you Sim players are on XBL please sand me a FR. I need to play some Sim players, to test somethings out. I suck with Guile, so I need to fine tune it.

Cya on line! :woot:

I’ll be sure to add you, just as soon as I get my 360 back from microsoft and DL this game. Till then, I’ll be on PSN.

Its the RH Flash kick isnt it?

The not being able to spam cr.strong + the rh flash kick + the overhead mixup. The overhead mixup is one of the worst things, imho, for the Sim matchup.

That + guile’s ability to beat any drill with st.jab, beat slide with j.fierce, his huge jumping priority with j.fierce and j.mk, etc. He has all the tools to beat Sim. I for one am in agreement with Fatboy on this one :slight_smile:

*You cant span c. strong anymore, but it does trade. If you have a lead in life you can still use it.

*RH flash kick is potentially a problem. Fine. Find a way around it. Ever notice you get a free Noogie if they whiff?

  • Overhead mixup: A problem, yes, but Sim’s always had problems when he gets knocked down. What else is new? Notice that the overhead got slowed down slightly, making it a little easier to spot. If theyre far away block low unless you see them rise above the ground. Else, theyre coming closer. If they try overhead from close range, c. MK. Else, you block the low attack/trade. If they go for the throw, counter throw or soften the throw. You can also reversal super now. If you see them throw SB, slide under it, drill over it (early) or block and anticipate next attack. If you’re worried about RH Flash Kick, consider whether hes moving forward at you or not.

  • Guile’s ability to beat any drill with a jab. True, but try to anticipate when he’ll throw a SB and do it when he’s in recovery frames. Sliding under SB’s works as well. You arent just spamming drills are you?

  • Huge priority with j. Fierce and j. MK: Do b+ lk. This beats j. Mk or at worse trades. As for j. Fierce, well, then dont slide. Try a different anti air. Or why not just walk underneath him and throw him?

Has this match up improved for Guile? Yes. Does Guile reign in this match up? That has yet to be determined. I say no.

You can only drill booms on reaction from very short range. At full screen there is no space in which he won’t recover in time to jab you - at mid screen generally you’ll still eat the jab if the guile is on his game. Booms recover very, very quickly.

Yoga chop does indeed beat J.mk, and there are things you can do to stop the neutral j.fierce. The problem here is the option limitations imposed by Guile.

You can’t fireball at mid range because you eat Rh flash kicks or jumpins. You can’t punish close range sonic booms reliably (the worst you can do is force him to block a drill, in general). You can’t slide under sonic booms to punish at close range (because of the J.fierce).

You can still fireball like crazy at full screen and punish his jumpins if they’re timed badly. However, guile has a real solid gameplan now and Sim can’t really break it - the turtle defense of throw booms at full screen and neutral jump fireballs.

He can also boom and bazooka into a range less than full screen, where he wins the match - anywhere less than full screen he can punish Sim for any actions taken (drills eat st.mk or jab, fireballs eat jumpins or RH flashkick, slides eat j.fierce, blocked booms become a mixup).

The thing about Guile’s overhead mixup is that it’s not just a mixup on knockdown. It’s a mixup on any blocked sonic boom within a certain range.

LOL… Yes agreed Pokken 100%. :lovin:

The bottom line is that if Guile is played tight. Sim has very few ways (I can count them on one hand) outside of a throw or super, to do more than 13% damage without trading.

Guile now often trades attacks even or in his favor. Sometimes Sim can get 2% net trade in his favor. However, given Guile’s ability to combo, his overhead, his new flash kick, and new super. He’ll easy make up the 2% difference throughout the course of the match.

Basically, Sim has very few options to hurt Guile without trading. Where as Guile has many ways gain clean damage on Sim while still possessing the abilitymix up his attacks and do heavy damage without a super.

Cosign… agreed again.

Are you good with guile fatboy? I would like to fight you sim (me) vs guile (you).

Walk underneath him and throw? LOL. Let me know how that works for you.

Why would you drill him from far away? If your at mid screen slide if you’re close enough, or yoga fire if youre far enough away to where you wont eat his backfist and hes not charging for flash kick.

So dont. Slide or create space.

Then slide. Youre at close range after all.

This doesnt make sense the way you phrased it. Are they jumping straight up? Then jump back and hit them. If theyre doing the “dreaded” j. fierce, wait for the boom to go under you and RH drill down once its past you. Otherwise theyre jumping forward and you can slide under it. Unless they did the boom from a distance and then j fierce, but then you jump back, hit em with MK after they did the Fierce and then hitting them gives you enough hang time to avoid the boom.

Disagree (that Sim cant break it) for reasons already stated.

Maybe you’re just overagressive? If hes predicting what move’s youre doing, then mix it up.

Then dont block it. Find another way.

Quite well. Thanks for asking :wgrin:

WD, I am not really sure what you’re talking about anymore. It’s not about him predicting. He can pretty much just do the same loop of maneuvers and guarantee anything you do he’ll trade with, the majority of the time.

You need to go play some upper tier Japanese guiles. I want to say Yuuai is the guy who learned me on this shit on GGPO. OR go play Afro’s guile. Same story.

Even pre-STHD, Guile had a pretty hard to crack shell involving series of booms -> neutral j.fierce on reaction (or premptive) to slides, jabbing drills, jumping in with rh or mk over fireballs and then jumping back (at medium range).

From full screen, I use RH drills and Mk drills to advance, generally, because sliding is risky. I’m not saying I drill him from full screen because that’s stupid. I am saying that is one of the options you don’t have because of his boom recovery.

Sliding to advance does not really gain you anything. You don’t want to advance anymore, because cr.strong pressure no longer works, and if you’re in close range he can start doing boom mixups on you.

The bottom line is Guile used to lose at mid screen to Sim and now he doesn’t. He used to have all the tools, except an answer to cr.strong. Now he has all the tools (rh flashkick and the ability to throw booms safely from mid screen).

If you look at the jump arc and hitbox on J.MK or neutral J.Fierce, there will be no walking under him and throwing him. I don’t even know what you’re alluding to. You can sometimes walk under his J.LK if it’s a late crossup attempt or something but that’s about it.

Guile still loses.

Is it just me or are his slides slightly slower to start. It could be my TV/different stick/just me going crazy but it seems the animation it takes for him to go into the actual slide takes a bit longer to do (not much just a tad bit). And I’ve been reversing super no problem, though I’m with everyone else when it comes to cancelling into super.

SweetJV I’m going to add you tonight, miss our long mirror match sessions :tup:, and damdai I’d love to play you sometime as well!

No he doesn’t.

^^^^^ LOL. I just thought it was funny to give a same type of response.

C’mon now Shirts!.. You know I love ya! :lovin:

But your gonna have say more than that.

You got to give some reasons.

Can you PM, your gamer tag. I haven’t played you for a while!

Fatboy is too cool. How you been?
