I’ve played all those guys and I don’t hang, but it has nothing to do with walldives or sky high claws - they’re just flat out better on the ground and with the right jumpins than I am.
The comparison to blanka is kind of ridiculous, because if you knock blanka down with an upflame you don’t gain nearly as much as you do in the claw matchup. Sim can convert a knockdown (upflames) into a win against claw, but against blanka you want him at full screen.
I’ll trade a few st.fierces for sky highs given that eating a small bit of damage to neutralize the walldives (where you win in damage, mind you - either he eats an upflame or a j.rh, both of which do a lot of damage) is worth it.
I think i might be using too much hyperbole here, but the fact remains that most claws won’t sky high claw spam you because it’s risky, and if they do, the damage gain is minimal – it eats a st.fierce and a positional disadvantage, if it hits. if it misses or is blocked, it gives up a lot.
the point I am leading into here is that the walldive game is not the main difficulty in this matchup. It’s much easier to counter full screen walldives than it is to counter the majority of his other stuff.
Having played ning and immortal a lot I’ll reiterate that even with the old knockdown spam walldives, I tended to lose due to j.hp combos, standing claws, slides, and super fast walking speed throws a lot more often than anything else.
My experience with the matchup (granted, I’m really inexperienced and bad at this game) is that I get fucking clobbered by Cammy. You can keep her out with projectiles and pokes, but whether she backfists through your yoga fire, Hooligan’s over your long punches or Cannon Drill’s under your limbs, she’ll get inside.
I have a hard time AA’ing deep jumpins and crossovers, and the ensuing mixup is insane.
If you’re in the corner and he does a wall dive standing back + jab beats it 90+% of the time. So, if he’s a full screen away and you’re close to the corner, back on into it. It effectively shuts that down. Just dont get stuck there if he moves in on you, since his normal jumps and ground game can be tough if you’re in the corner.
At mid screen, if you dont have time to up-flame or jump RH, then standing back + strong or back + jab can both be used to beat the dive. But which one works is very situational depending on his trajectory, where you are, etc. It’s worth playing around with these though to get a better sense of when to use each one. It’s usally safer tho to tride to slide out of the way of his dive all together, or just try to block it. Teleport can work too.
If you do a couple of up-flames and expect him to use sky high claw, through out a jab or strong regular flame. If he goes for it, he’ll get hit. If not, it’ll make him stop for a moment to think.
If you suspect he’s going to fly off his wall and you’re full screen away, simply jumping up can be a good move. From this position, you can do the mummy if he does a regular dive, or a drill if he does sky high claw or nothing.
Keep in mind that none of these probably work 100% of the time. Depending on how early he attacks in the air, how he controls himself in the air, etc. can really make it tough to beat his attacks cleanly every time.
At close range, standing back + jab beats the hooligan.
Only a few reliable anti-hooligan tactics I’ve seen, but the best one is Rh drill if you can get the reaction down – I still have problems with it so i tend to just slam a few jabs and hope for the best
I’d love to go a few hundred rounds with ya fatboy I have enjoyed the hell out of your blog – you easily doubled my honda success rate (from like 5% to 10% against solid hondas:P). The claw matchup is one I have worked on extensively, but unfortunately still have issues with due to reaction time difficulties.
To make a comparison to Blanka again, the claw-sim matchup seems a lot like the blanka-sim matchup - from blanka’s side. Blanka ( vs. Sim ) wants to make lots of trades and try to get the better of them, and then eventually work his way in and pound him. Seems like to me you wind up with a similar philosophy with Sim fighting Claw. You need to put him in spot where you can lock him down, but you’re going to take lumps getting there (trading antiairs, eating sky high claws, etc.).
If you’ve got some advice for how to deal with the normal spam other than mashing db.lp/db.mk, I’d love it
I was doing very well today against Chun Li’s jumping shorts and forwards with Dhalsim’s jumping roundhouse. It doesn’t look like it should hit at all. It looks like it should completely go over her head. But the hitbox goes well below Sim’s actual leg and it was nailing Chun every time. I think it’s actually going right over her leg and hitting her in the body or head somehow.
No, the biggest nerf was Boxer. Not counting motion changes (which may or may not turn out to be buffs), Dhalsim got 2 buffs, the higher Up Yoga Flame and reversal super. Boxer though, got nothing but nerfs. Zero buffs.
Here is his list of changes:
(-) Turn punch and headbutt award less super meter.
(-) Small and medium headbutts travel slightly farther and are barely less safe.
(-) Throw range decreased slightly.
(-) First hit of throw does less damage. (+) Turn Punch can be performed by holding 2 punches or 2 kicks, rather than all 3
(-) Super does a little less damage (around 50% rather than 60%). (+) Super input window is larger and is a fixed size, rather than random size.
[Sarcasim] Hey, getting a fixed super window and being able to do a trun punch with 2 buttons sounds like buff to me. [/sarcasim]
Actaully, he is still a strong character. He not as good as he was, but then again neither is Sim, Claw, Sagat (compared to the power of O.Sagat) or Chun.
The reversal super is not feeling like a buff at all to me yet. It doesn’t seem to work to stop crossups (maybe reversing the motion would work) and it doesn’t stop jumpins that are high enough (chun, bison, blanka).
You’re forgetting that while he was giving it reversal properties, he made its hitbox the size of montana and seemed to reduce its startup invulnerability and reduced its damage.
Is there a B&B dhalsim thread for moves/combolist? I’ve been perusing this thread and most stuff is anti-cammy / anti-claw. What moves should I be using with sim and are there any comboes to land? Thx.
A rather broad question. This is really match up specific, so I’ll respond with a broad answer.
Sim is a keep away character, so in general your job is to quite literally keep them away. He has more than enough tools to do this. One important factor is that you must be cognizant of spacing at all times because certain things only work at certain distances. Try to get a feel for his moves and think about what will work when and at what time.
Thanks for the reply. I just meant such general things like Fireball to set up for s.HK, stuff like that. Or c.LK to set up for a noggie. I’m not too familiar with sim so I don’t know basic stuff like what to do against FB Spam etc. This was the only sim thread I saw so I posted here, sorry if I missed the more general one. I’m just looking for answers to the basic questions like, when to generally use drill, and what does it set up for. What are his basic AA moves, does he have any air game? Stuff like that.
Has anyone made any headway on figuring out how to cancel into sim’s super? I was in training mode the other today and I finally did it. I cancelled down-back MK into super. I did this only *once *out of like literally one hundred tries. I also tried to negative-edge cancel down-back LP into super. I never got that one to work.
So what about you guys? Anyone else get a cancel into super to work? If so, any tips on being able to do it more consistently. I tried doing it slow, I tried doing it fast. I tried everything I could think of. But I only did it that one time :sad:
Kamui8899: Sim is an extremely situational character. He doesn’t have a bunch of big combos. His AA depends a lot on spacing, the opponents move, etc. My best advice is this - Go read the Sim thread in the old Super Turbo forum. 99% of the stuff in there applies to remix. Also, go on youtube and watch match vids with gian. Those two things alone should help you get up and running quickly :wgrin:
^^^^ I have had the same luck. I did once in like ten minute of trying. NOT worth going for. I don’t care what anyone says, they fucked up the on the programing somewhere for this move. I can Kara, renda kara, and normal cancel EVERY practical ‘super combo’ combo in ST. To have this much trouble in canceling any normally cancelable normal into super = problem in game engine.
Fatboy (or SweetjohnnyV or any other exceptional Sim player): First, thanks for all the matches online, eventually I will break out of my bad habits from playing below-average players (trying not to stick out my limbs as often/predictably)…
Second, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do the second part of your E Honda strategy on your blog. I am at a loss on how to reliable beat him if the player has decent skill. I was playing a buddy and his best character is Ken and I beat him no problem. And then he started switching it up and I still beat him reliably.
Except when he chose Honda.
And I. Could. Not. Beat. Him.
Like, I only won 5 out of 40 matches
I’ve been pouring over Gian videos trying to find glean-able material, and I’ve picked up a thing or two, but not enough to reliably win. And this problem is compounded by the fact that it seems that there are more Honda players now (or maybe that’s just in my head because I’m developing a complex about fighting him!)… Even if you don’t do a full-on blog, I’d love to know the basics…
Here’s the biggest problems I’m having:
Once he gets in I’m usually toast. I find that I get backed into a corner with him very easily, whereas it’s very difficult for me to push him back into the corner.
I do a great job of keeping him out and then I guess wrong one time and get knocked down. Or I guess right and trade, but his hit does more damage and knocks me down, and because I fall down and get up slower, he has the advantage once I’m up.
He jumps over a slow fireball from not-quite-full-screen and his j. roundhouse hits my medium, hits through my flame, hits my slide…
There are other things. His butt slam shenanigans, the fact that his meter charges so fucking fast that he usually gets off two supers before I charge one, etc…
I’m having an extremely difficult time turning a corner on this match-up. Usually I know what to do, even if I’m not actually doing it, which I chalk up to just practice practice practice. But this is a match-up where I’m not even sure what to do anymore…