Why the hell can’t I cancel short slide into super anymore?!?
Why the hell can’t I cancel short slide into super anymore?!?
I figured that short slide xx super wouldn’t work any more with the new motion. But I did think that down-back moves(LK, LP, MK) would be the new thing to cancel into super. But I can’t seem to cancel anything into super.
I’d be delighted if anyone figures out the trick to canceling *something *into super.
Also, how about that new up-flame? Ive used it a few times now against Vega, and it seems to work pretty well. So, I’m diggin that! :wgrin:
If I understand the engine correctly, canceling into supers is achieved by sort of kara canceling the moves into the super. It’s not really a kara cancel because the move does hit, but I believe it’s the same type of cancel as far as the engine cares.
It seems to me that the kara cancel window for sim’s super has been shortened enough that you can’t get the slide to hit before you cancel into super. This is very sad
Yeah, I think Dhalsim may have been nerfed a little too hard. Keeping my fingers crossed though.
Nah. I don’t think so. Except for the shorter throw range and the super cancel problem, he seems about the same. Other characters have been given tools to fight him, but he’s still dhalsim. He’ll always be hella cheap.
Oh I dunno, having his super able to reversal is pretty hot, couldent do that before, and uber high reaching flames makes Vega cry…
So is sim still the best character in the game? claw, boxer, and sagat seem just as powerful as they were in st so I assume the same is true for sim.
Weird you guys can’t cancel into super, I would try to check it out myself but stick is fucked. Meaty AA df+mk, c.lk xx super was buff D:
Sim is still good but I don’t like not being able to tick throw from slide or drill. Takes away from some of the mixups he used to have.
So far, I am thinking Dhalsim got a little better. The yoga blast particularly the rh one seems a lot better, much more useful since it ends in blocking, too
The fierce throw is still just as good. For the weeks leading up to this, I followed two rules to prep myself
I still did OK.
There is one big ass bug I ran into though.
Dhalsim’s super has basically hitboxes everywhere I got hit out of startup by a low tiger shot, and i’ve been jumpkicked out of it repeatedly from long distances. The head vulnerability I knew about, but low tiger shot out of super startup? Screw that
I haven’t gotten it out as a reversal yet, either, but maybe later.
The biggest problem I am having is with some of the upgrades.
Cammy pwns Sim bloody, with every monkey being able to mash hooligan throws. The best players just do it way more, and the cannon drill pressure is much better too – though I can still db.jab it easily enough.
I’ve had some problems dealing with Chun’s new SBK - it’s really weird.
Ken’s hurricane kicks make zowning him super difficult. He can pretty much RH HK you for multple hits on reaction anywhere except max distance. It’s annoying as hell, and means you have to resort to dirty drill zoning or nothing almost.
Akuma’s fb pressure plus really solid DPs plus demon shenanigans, plus juggling hurricane kicks, is really tough to deal with.
I am suspicious that THawk might beat sim now. The ability to basically spam hawk dive seems uberly badass. No eating a RH now afterwards makes it a whole different ballgame. And once he gets the knockdown it is still damn ugly.
Honda seems a little bit easier in some ways but harder in others.
Blanka’s increased ability to pressure was really not needed againt Sim
Yoga Fire - Dhalsim Tread
Well still figuring out how he deals with some of the changes. The changes to honda do not hurt Sim as much at I thought they would. Blanka match up is played the same way, just a little slower. I’ll add more in a bit. But just wanted to start the thread now.:woot:
The change in motions are MESSING with my head. It will take sometime to get use to it. I still think Sim is a very strong character. He still does well in many of the match ups where the other characters were “buffed” up. Slight game play changes are needed but nothing to really overly stress about.
I’ll be posting some of my finding on my blog @ www.yoganoogie.blogspot.com
Judging by the response to this thread, I think Dhalsim and T-Hawk (and maybe Cammy) are the most unpopular characters in this game. I’ve only come across one good Dhalsim in online play (Afrocole).
As a former Dhalsim player, I think the nerf to his noogie was unwarranted. Dhalsim wasn’t a worldbeater to begin with, and the nerf just took away one of his comeback tools. Why kick the guy when he’s already down and unpopular to begin with?
As unpopular as he is (I’ve also only played against one Dhalsim myself), the nerf to the noogie is acceptable to me. Any tactic that can be abused warrants toning down, so I think it is fair. You still have the throw if need to get some damage in from a tick slide etc…
fatboy: I’m loving the new motions… The half circle was ingrained in my consciousness, but it didn’t take long before the new version felt just as good, if not better. The only thing now is to get used to combos using cr. mp and cr. mk --> yoga flame.
also the fact that c.lp doesn’t go under sonic booms anymore, he didn’t really recieve anything too great like can be said for most characters. Everyone else got so much better and dhalsim didn’t.
t hawk on the other hand is much better i don’t know why he isn’t more popular.
Sim was horribly dominant in most of his matchups; the point of Remix is to get the tiers more compact.
The noogie nerf was the least Sirlin could do to him. Sim has crazy spacing and defense, as well as those pesky drills. He’s still a really strong character.
Stop whining.
T.Hawk’s being heavily played in the player rooms that I’ve played. I think everyone’s still experimenting with his new toys.
<-- loves HD Hawk.
it seems dhalsim took the biggest hit for the sake of balance, since he was so good before he had to get worse and everyone else had to get better. not complaining since i don’t use him just talking about it. it’s still early though and i haven’t seen too many dhalsims so who knows.
What are some good strategies vs chun li?
Cr. mp still goes under sonic booms, at least at certain points during the animation. You’re right about the lack of popularity. I main dhalsim on the xbl version because trying to play a controller intensive character like Ryu on a EX2 is impossible for me, but I don’t see any other 'Sim players online
There are a few on PSN that I’ve run into in Scoreboard mode, but he’s probably second only to T.Hawk in popularity. I haven’t seen any T Hawks yet.