Yeah you just can’t do it so easily on reaction any more.
If all theyre doing is Hooligan, do back + jab. If you anticipate Cannon Drill, jump up and do down + RH/MK
Block or slide under it if its the RH one.
Again, slide underneath, or jump back and drill
If hes fireballing, you’re drilling from the appropriate distance.
If he whiffs DP, you standing MK/RH him on the way down at the right distance (else he DPs you again for knockdown)
For air fireballs, jump back and hit him with your limbs. That, or teleport to reset the situation.
Havent tested it yet in remix, but b+ lk (and b + mk i think) beat out ALL his jump ins in classic. I think this trades if you do it at the wrong time, so again, jump back and hit Fierce in the air.
Can’t be helped. Find a way around it.
Blankas a wierd match up, jab toasts the Ball attacks, but Blankas jumping LK can cause issues, take the hit to avoid a corner situations and you should be ok.
I’m a noob to ST as of HD Remix and I’m maining Dhalsim. He feels so right to me because he’s such a control character, but the matchups I have the most difficulty with are against Chun Li, Vega and Blanka.
Against Chun I just don’t know what to do against her jumping shorts and forwards. Roundhouse doesn’t work, nor does upward Yoga flame. Best thing I can come up with is jump back and either forward kick or drill, but sometimes I trade or lose even. Only surefire solution I can think of is KKK teleport the hell out of there when she jumps at me.
Vega’s Barcelona attack really gets me. Best thing I can come up with is a well (lucky) timed jumping forward or roundhouse. Does flying headbutt do anything to a Vega flying at me?
Blanka is just all over the place. I don’t know where to begin against him. When he starts jumping shorts at me it is very hard. Somehow when Blanka jumps he always ends up safely above my standing roundhouse. And in those situations I don’t know what to do. I try just to teleport out of there. One thing I’ve noticed is I get a free strong for every blocked horizontal roll. I’m pretty sure you get a free fierce actually, but I think the timing is a little hard because sometimes it gets blocked.
BTW, this might not be the safest strategy, but I have won a lot of matches by roundhouse sliding under fireballs, especially against Guile and the shotos. The range they love to be when you are in the corner is usually pretty perfect for hitting them with the slide. And Guile players love to end block strings with a sonic boom, which I often slide under and score knockdown. It might not be a safe kick on block but from the distance I’m talking about I think it is, although you might be putting yourself at a frame disadvantage. I really don’t know.
Oh yeah, but on the flip side there are matchups where I pretty much clean house. Of course, good players would own me with anybody, but I’ve noticed that there are several characters I almost always win against. Fei, Zangief and to an extent Cammy. Fei and Zangief just eat up roundhouses. It even seems to go right through Fei’s flying kick and Zangief’s lariat the majority of the time. Cammy is a little tricky. I keep her away with fireballs pretty easily, but I have to hesitate just a fraction of a second to see if she’s going to do the punch move where she goes through fireballs. If she does I do Yoga flame instead and she eats it up. When a cannon drill is coming at me from afar, I either block or tap up and quickly do a roundhouse drill. If it’s from medium distance I just do Dhalsim’s knee and it smacks her pretty good.
Again, though, I’m sure good players have ways around Dhalsim with these characters.
Ugh. I’m really bad at Dhalsim vs Cammy. It seems like once she scores a knockdown or gets within range, she gets free jumping LK’s, which is really dangerous. She can throw, or set up hooligans etc…
I have a hard time keeping her out with just fireballs alone. If I think she’s gonna Backfist, Yoga Flame or retaliate with c.HP after she whiffs works well. If I think she’s gonna jump, I Yoga Flame or s.HK (often misses because her jump has a high arc). If I guess wrong, whiffing a Yoga Flame = free Cannon Drill for her. Trading s.HK with Backfist is a knockdown in her favor since she gets inside now. Then there’s the Hooligan.
Anyway, once she’s in close, I have a hard time versus her j.LK rushdown. Throws, Hooligans, safe Cannon Drills, etc… Back + MP doesn’t work very well as anti-air. In best case scenario, it trades, but she’s still in close and she can either DP upon landing or just continue the attack. AA Yoga Flame is obviously too slow. Teleporting out sometimes puts me right in front of her, giving her a free throw.
I’m still pretty new to ST. I only started playing it with STHD, but Cammy is one of the toughest matchups for me, with Vega and Honda.
Yup, Cammy and Vega are harsh matchups.
Careful jab and lk counters when they get in your face to push them back, upflame if they jump in alot.
Other then that I still have issues with these matchups too.
Is all of this info coming from online play or offline?
Go here
Scroll down to the 9/8/08 entry and watch all 3 vids.
(P.S. This also doubles as a shameless plug for Fatboy’s Blog . Its good though! )
Cammy? Really? All the Cammy players say that the matchup favors Sim.
I think her jumping strong beats a whole lot of Sim’s shit. I imagine the new cannon drills would be annoying as well.
Cammy/Sim was 4/6 before (sim won) imho. However, with all the changes, I am gonna say it is even.
However, the thing to keep in mind is that an even matchup for sim is different than an even matchup for say, Ryu. Sim’s even matchups are some of the most difficult in the game (e.g. Blanka, Honda, Claw, Dictator, Cammy, all roughly even). You have to play pretty much perfectly and the tolerance for mistakes is very very low.
it’s just kind of a downside to playing sim though, in that a lot of time winning feels like it’s a camel hair away from losing
Thanks for the videos, Warrior! I’ll watch them as soon as I post this here message.
This might be stupid but I’ve found something pretty interesting to use against Blanka that has worked in three different matches today. If Blanka starts jumping at you from very close, b+mp beats a lot of stuff, or if Blanka lands but doesn’t jump again, b+mp becomes the noogie throw. Sort of an option select that for me has been win/win today.
I also have done slightly better against Vega today. I’ve been using roundhouse drill kicks straight down on Vega’s slide, and I’ve been using the flying headbutt every time Vega goes off the wall. I won a match against a Vega player I’ve never been able to beat before that way. I was pretty ridiculous looking but all I did that fight was drill, flying headbutt and crouching pokes. No stretchy limbs at all.
with claw, the biggest thing that has helped my game is to pressure the hell out of him with st.strong. that move owns almost all of his ground moves for free and is fast as hell. not ducking strong, and not back strong. neutral strong punch. Keeps him on the ground so you can get in and start the trap shenanigans.
this is a big thing in general – using his st strong is important, and its way safer than st fierce most of the time (faster, less recovery). this works pretty damn well on another tough matchup – boxer.
also, db mk and db sp are super important against claw. Claw is all about just pwning his normal spam, and dhalsim has all he tools to do this.
I rarely ever use standing strong. I’ll definitely try to use it more often. I’m still a rookie.
Vega’s wall dives give me a lot of trouble too. It seems I either have to anticipate it and use the up Flame, but then he can switch it up and use the down-up punch instead or use the new wall dive bail-out on reaction. Maybe I should teleport out, but that can be dangerous and would just reset the match.
Here’re a few walldive tactics:
If he goes off your opposite wall:
- Free jumping fierce/rh/strong punch
- Mummy drill before he hits the wall
- upflame on reaction should work here
- Jump away (opposite of the wall he’s going off), drill across the screen with lk, and do something defensive (short kick, jab). Experiment with this.
If he goes off his wall it’s free damage:
- jump towards roundhouse (not neutral or away)
- Mummy drill (risky, as sometimes it will trade with the claw if he sticks it out early)
- lk upflame should win on reaction here
Another thing you can do if you’re sitting fullscreen is to do a series of random strength upflames (e.g. lk lk hk) - this will confuse his timing a bit as they last a significantly different time.
Also if you’re desperate, mashing back or st jab or back shortkick will occasionally (33%) beat out a non-meaty walldive. I’d tend to use this only if i have no other options and I am going to die in one drop.
Respectfully, this is not true. All claw has to do is vary his flight path. There are plenty of ways he can hit you out of every option you list. It is really a Rock-paper-scissor type of situation.
Some wall drive flight paths will beat some of the options listed, some will trade, and some will lose.
If you see Claw go off the wall you don’t konw which flight path he’ll use. You have to take a guess at which option to use. Then you just have to wait and see if you chose correctly. There is no “free” damage on claws wall dives ever. The is a lot of gambling in choosing your counters when facing a really smart claw player.
This is not the case in HD, remember the new flame travels a distance up. You can easily see which one it is. A good claw player eats this tact up alive. If they see you are the type if player to do this. After the first fake out, they just wait and do the other horizontal dive on reaction. As soon as they see Sim look up, off they go. Respectfully (not flaming), that would be free damage.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but d/b strong is an effective way to stuff Hooligan Throws.
I’ve played a few good Cammy players, and yes the matchup seems a bit more difficult than before. To be fair, I’m still trying to get used to playing against Cammy with anyone because of the new Cannon Drill recovery time. It used to be an automatic noogie after a blocked drill, but now cr. back strong -> yoga fire seems to be the best way to create some distance again.
To combat her jumping strong, the teleport is very effective if she tries to spam it. His regular anti-airs are very unreliable against it, so teleport and get some distance again.
EDIT: I realized that d/b strong only works when someone is foolish enough to do a hooligan throw from far away; it is still problematic when she does it from close range, so the point is don’t let her get in close
The real risk of the jumping attacks is not the trajectory, so much as the risk of sky high claw into knockdown shenanigans. But a jump toward roundhouse on reaction to him going off his own wall will win the majority of the time. It’s not quite free damage but…
Good claw players will almost never jump off their own wall from full screen against Dhalsim, as it’s a negative equity type move (more things beat it than lose to it, and without the knockdown on dive, it’s not worth the risk).
I’ve had the mixup of the flames work pretty well. Telling the difference between lk and mk flames is pretty tough.
Now, if they do a sky high claw it’s another toughie. But I’m willing to let them do that. Reason being:
sky high claw that hits you on the ground appears to be a free standing fierce punish, kind of like a blanka ball. So frankly I will let them hit me with this all day long to punish my upflames as long as the upflames + jumping punishment keeps them from doing izuna drop spam.
Agreed, that is all I was trying to point out.
That is a silly thing to say. The Shy High claw doese 21% damamge to a life bar. Dhalsim’s far feirce does 13%. If you let me hit you with that all day in hopes of excahging, You’ll lose all day. I would gladly play that exchange with Claw.
That is almost like saying, “I will let Blanka hit me with his Blanka all day long to punish my upflames as long, as the upflames + jumping punishment keeps him from jumping in on me.”
You can use whatever startegy you’d like . However, I need to point out that there are flaws to them. Other Sim’s need to know that they are not solid high level counter strategies to the match-up.
If you can try to play some long sets against immortalBMW, G Wolfe, DXP, or Ning76 (Canadian player) using that strategy. All play very good Claws. I think you would find the exerpience very rewarding. Good luck! :wgrin: