Dash U2 gets easier, I think. I can get it pretty good now. I’m like 1 in 4, as long as I can get the dash right.
The things that help me get it are making sure I get enough charge, dashing as soon as possible, making the dash motion clean and fast, and double tapping 3P at the end.
i can do dash ultra so all i have to work on with ex mgu dash U2 is my dash timing then i’m set. i’ve been feeling it out. I can tell when its right and wrong but i’ve been playing on a laggy tv. still need to work on the p2 side.
I tried it many times in training never got it done, then again im trying it with my fightpad never attempted with my stick. Walk ultra 2 will be my friend just gotta memorize who can get lost in the beat
i’d like to chip in and say that deejay’s U2 motion can be performed the same as Cammy’s TKCS, so if you are proficient in that it’s essentially the same (you can sharpen it up by practicing walk > TKCS or dash > TKCS with cammy, although you will have to adjust your dash timing since cammys dash is leagues better than deejays)
I dunno if this was answered…but is dash+u2 doable on a ps3 pad. I’ve never used a stick and was been trying to do this for like 2 months and still no luck :{
If the Ultra doesn’t come out there are two major reasons.
A: You didn’t charge long enough.
B: You lost your charge because you didn’t input the dash fast enough.
Sometimes C: You just messed up the motion.
If nothing came out you pressed the button too early. If you do a jumping/standing normal the charge was lost or never there. Jumping/standing is no difference you just happened to hit upback after the dash. Basically, if one or the other thing happens, there is nothing in particular about the way you whiff. The most important thing is the time you charge and the speed of the dash input.
Try the dash ultra without MGU first, if you can do it properly you can start thinking about connecting it after MGU. That’s when it gets tricky.