Interesting. Wonder why MP Sting is different from the others in how it hits in certain places where the others don’t
forward movement during sting. There are EX specific combo strings i’ve found too for meaty sting, but they don’t actually do any more damage, so i haven’t really seen the point of them yet.
swag points duh
optimal combos
Confirm, cr.lp,, xx(standing only), cr.lp,, xx RES/Daggers(crouching only)
cr.lp, cr.hp, far mp xx(standing only)),, mp xx(standing only),, xx RES/Daggers (crouching only)
Meterless Punish (note that during a dizzy if you do not start the combo with a crumple or jumpin the last two combos will not work)
cr.hp, far mp xx
cl.hp,, xx
Strike Standing
EXCS cr.HP, far MP xx RES 292/450
EXCS cr.HP, far MP xx HP Rapid Daggers 306/520
EXCS cr.HP, far MP xx HP Psycho Sting 348/506
strike standing or crouching
EXCS,, xx (replace with cr.lp on crossup)
Primary Post BNB setup(RES)
slight step back, cl.lp, HK Scrmable LK or MK Divekick crossup divekick, lands in front on stand block with LK Strike, lands behind on crouch block. Causes U1, Super and ex upball to whiff. Backdash auto corrects into decapre to be punished. Can also punish ex rainbow on reaction. Loses to U2 Ground/Air. Delay MK strike to hit front side.
Primary Post BNB setup(Daggers)
LP or MP Daggers, empty jump throw/low short If they wakeup throw you will tech, will block reversal ex upball/u1/u2/super. If no quickrise go into RES setup
MK Scramble HK Divekick at Toes unsafe vs. EX Upball, U1, Super. Safe vs. reversal U2(either), electricity and normal upball. Can psycho sting vs. backdash ex rainbow. MP/LP break to bait reversals.
Primary Post BNB setup (Psycho Sting)
(midscreen)Empty Jump Will block EX Upball/Ground U2. AA U2, U1, and Super whiff. Once you condition them not to EX upball or if they are meterless you can J.HK safejump.
Midscreen Backthrow Crossup
b.throw, walk a tiny bit, whiff, j.lp makes Ex upball whiff(can punish with dash dash), backdash auto corrects back into Decapre, super/u1/u2 aa whiff, u2 ground will be blocked or you can lp/ex sting or u2 it.
Target Combo J.jab
TC1, latest possible air throw, walk,, j.LP Causes U2 AA and EX upball to whiff. Safejumps U2 ground. Gets hit by super/u1
Blanka Ball Punishes BLOCKED
All - AA U2
HP - Walk mp xx daggers
MP - RES or Dash xx daggers
LP - RES(inconsistent based on ball spacing)
Normal Upballs - RES
EX - dash, cr.lp,, xx
Blanka Ball Punish HIT
All Except Knockdown Balls - Walk forward ground u2
Thx a lot for all the stuff Veserius.
Need to figure out more fake crossup divekick stuff off of cancel strings. dunno who to start with. On blanka you can do like cr.lp, cr.lp xx mk scramble delay hk divekick and it’ll hit him super low if he’s crouching and you end up on the other side, but you’re pretty vulnerable to reversals.
reversal dp can hit you inbetween?
depends on the string and the character, need to play around with it more
Are you going to do Balrog again since your accidental delete lol
yeah, I just did Blanka first cause I was mad
Are you talking about something like this?
yeah i know how it works on shotos, but not much on anyone else other than yun/rufus, I also want to practice doing non ex cancels and look for results.
I know you can do it on shotos without Ex with hk strike but dont know the setup.
better optimized the post dk combo on rufus,, cr.lp, xx hp sting on front side strike.
Vs E. Honda
After RES: Step back, HK Scramble -> HK Dive - Crossup divekick, makes butt slam whiff, makes EX Headbutt whiff, safe vs U1, divekick is plus even against standing Honda. Having problems adjusting for delay wakeup (delay LK dive whiffs).
Mk dive is better vs. honda, tends to be 3 way unblockable. Against dwu, just crossup mp break, and meaty him.
Personal lab priority right now is finding a way to pressure Rufus safely through focus throw OS outside of hard read cancel meaty into HP Sting (meaty EX break maybe?). Also finding some defensive option selects since most lab work has gone into setups.
Also thanks Ves! I appreciate the assistance with that setup (as well as the ridiculous legwork you’ve put in towards this character).
Max range meaty will cause focus parry to whiff, let you block messiah, and snake strike will whiff.
hands into safejump divekick option select sting will beat rufus’s focus parry, ex messiah, snake strikes, and backdash if you do it correctly.
safejumps with max range’s and’s also dodge the parry and everything else, you can usually manually time these, pus it’s much harder to parry something without reversal timing to set it up as it ends up being a much smaller window for him to do so and you might just smack him with the safejump regardess.
b.throw unblockable on him(b.throw, step st.jab x2, also safejumps ex messiah, and causes the ex snake and focus parry to whiff.
defensive wakeup os, hold down back until you get charge, tap up right before you wakeup, db + lp~lk(momochi os). Will block an immediate meaty, dp a delayed meaty, and tech a throw. Can do ex sting ~ lk to deal with moves that are projectiles, delayed throws, command grabs as well.
I did a counterhit setup with and then followed it up by slight walk forward into target combo and air throw. It does really good damage. However the spacing for this is kind of tight, so I’d practice it. The actual follow up input I used is MP, HK, HP in the event I get, it completes the target combo with HP for less damage.
character, range, and cr./st. specific