I’ve had Kikoken turn into SBK on both console and arcade, and as a balrog player (charge char) I know for a fact that I am not pressing kick buttons on accident.
I hope EVO does everybody a favor and cancels ST if HDR doesn’t get released in time.
If I had to guess, I would say it is an execution problem rather than a software problem
Not to talk down on your abilities, but if it were the fault of the game, shouldn’t we see a lot of SBKs in high level matches when they shouldn’t be there?
Really, I just think we should avoid words or phrases like “I know for a fact,” until we have conclusive, undeniable proof that it is the case. As of now, it’s just a speculation on your part that could only be fact if you were some kind of robot (we’re all human, after all)
Stuff like that is how shitstorms of threads like this one get started
It wouldn’t be hard to test, just set up a macro in an emulator and run it over and over and over, see if a SBK comes out. However, it might be a glitch that is caused by something completely unrelated to the fireball input, who knows with this fuckin game
that’s dumb when we have a near arcade perfect port sitting right before us (that some people just can’t seem to acknowledge)
Kuenai: That Zangief thing you speak of is not random. Getting redizzied by Ryu (what happened to me) is random. Vega stuff was posted in the C3 results thread as a possibility, and remember, dipswitches were OFF on the stuff I did. Never played with those things.
AS far as me missing execution with the Vega thing? Only if I’m using a 360 stick, so no, it was not an execution error.
Keep this in mind, people just COMPLAINED about the DC version at this tournament and they COMPLAINED about it at EVO 2004, so it will happen regardless. The timing/game does not act the same or feel the same.
Hell, CigarBob came over here and we played ST on DC (and you know CigarBob is a SERIOUS ST player), but there is no way him and Zazaa will touch that again. Poor Neil wanted to throw things because of the way that game performs. Bottom line, it’s just different, and old men want their arcade. Put it out of its misery and just wait for HD when everything is on a level playing field.
its not that dumb if you thing about it. st has been a fiasco for years since console. granted DC is best version, its a logististical nightmare, and i see dsp’s point about having to re adjust to a different port every single year. its a pretty valid complaint. this issue will never end, until hdr rebalance mode gets here ot kill the whole problem entirely
LOL, sounds eerily familiar like the CCC2 stuff we heard before. It’s different, and a pain for people to drop everything, get DCs and the game for one tournament, then hide it forever since it will NEVER BE USED AGAIN AT EVO. To get a Japanese DC the real way with the unburned game, it’s not exactly cheap, and this is not even talking about a stick for ONE tournament, not even a STANDARD.
The simple fact that HD is based on DC ST really kills that stance though.
edit- @ wilson
DreamTR: There are several serious ST players in the area, none of which have had any problems with DC ST. I’m guessing you didn’t have the dipswitches set for that instance either?
Still, Phil’s sugestion is still one I want to see happen. Enough of the shitstorm over “Cancel DC ST! Let’s play on some gross version like HF or give GGXX the slot at Evo!”. We know that Evo is going to be DC ST. Nothing short of a catastrophe will change the minds of Wiz and the Cannons, so let’s just focus on how to adapt from whatever version you were using before to DC.
Why? What is different?
I hope you’re not basing that off people bitching about getting screwed by something in a match that probably would have happened in the arcade too
People are too quick to blame the game, when 90% of the time it is the fault of the player instead
SaBrE said it best:
“al lthis mess is a good reason why the rebalance mode has to take over as the standard in HDR. rebalance has no arcade or original version to live up to. this will be the original version. and this whole fiasco will end. and i cant fucking wait. ST and console has been an absolute nightmare since day one, thats one thing everyone can agree with”
Even though I don’t think the DC version is horrible or anything, I do have to say that Evo picking console ST over Guilty Gear will go down as one of their biggest fuckups to date.
Seriously, imagine if we had AC as a main game on the big screen with arcade ST as a side tournament. Wouldn’t that be the most obvious win-win scenario?
You are saying DC is Arcade Perfect? Have you even read the thread?
Trust me when I say I’ve played a hell of a lot more ST than most people on ALL formats, and besides the obvious speed and timing issues, there are some gameplay elements that are different that people do not like that have already been explained here.
Yes, I’ve read the whole thing, and all I saw was Phil bitching about nothing
What are these “gameplay elements” that have already been explained? I must have missed them
Speed differences, are you joking? Japan and the US in ARCADE MODE don’t even play on the same speed, so how can you even compare DC and Arcade when there is no such THING as a proper speed to play on?
There are no timing issues on DC ST, it is exactly the same timing wise as the arcade. It’s not the DC’s fault you don’t have proper sticks. If you are talking about the timing for when the round starts, for all of DSP’s and the rest of the Midwest Championship people’s talk about how you had to “adjust” to shitty setups at arcades to be “oldschool”, I find that I have memorized the difference between arcade and console when the round starts and don’t need any adjustment time.
We’ve been playing twice-monthly tournaments on DC in Seattle for over a year now and we have not come across ONE gameplay difference that is repeatable between arcade and console, and I’ve also played a lot of ST on Julien Beaseley’s Japanese arcade cabinet and Preppy’s American cabinet, and DC ST is exactly the same.
We can now ignore the following posters:
Axel Kelly
Please mark them on ignore and continue the constructive discussion in this thread…let’s list DC differences from arcade ST. thanks.
I guess there opinions mean less than yours…
Just run ST on consolized supergun setups with multiple stick setups (jpn/usa sticks etc etc) or dont do st at all. period. whomever wins the dc tourney will get props for being a console st god, just like in years past.
and of course i know saying “just run st on supergun” is no easy task, as i know the logistics involved.
why wouldnt the community come thru to make it happen? st community is dedicated and anal and has come thru in the past. if youre worried about evo running st as a official game, just drop it from the official evo roster, and let the st players figure out the logistics of arcade setups on their own while evo would “back” the grand finals or top 4 or something.
either way, both parties win imo, because everyone gets what they want (with some compromises) while freeing up the tournament timetable for everyone else (obviously official evo games would get priority here)
im sure there are plenty of holes in my argument, so dont kill me.
quoted. for. truth. GG has earned it imo
Keep in mind, I have only played with the dipswitches Off, but there is this:
The size of the screen is slightly off (it’s a little too narrow), making the character sizes appear to be slightly too thin. There is no evidence to show that this affects gameplay in any way.
The Dreamcast version occasionally suffers from 1 frame of input lag (possibly more if you’re using a PSX->DC controller converter), though this is undetectable by most players.
During “Round 1/2/3, FIGHT!”, the game appears to be running at Turbo 1, despite whatever speed the game may actually be set to. This means you must slightly alter the timing of your opening attack.
There are a few other slight gameplay differences as well (such as Dhalsim/Ken/Sagat being able to reversal super), but all of the tested and known differences can be corrected using the in-game DIP switches.
And these:
Now mind you, that is just the basic stuff that NKI found out from translating dipswitches, but there are timing differences from ST to Japanese arcade. Keep in mind Japanese arcade would be the comparison since this game did not get released in the US on Dreamcast.
He says they are fixed with the dips, which I admit I have not tried, but I still think there are a couple of issues not fixed by them. All in all, logistics make this a nightmare for like I said, ONE tourney on a game to be retired at EVO on this format that has not been used for ST since 2004.
Just because Seattle players “play” the game currently does not make this the best decision for EVO. The best decision would be to cancel it for one year, or replace it with Guilty Gear. This is coming from someone who PLAYS ST.
It does seem rather silly that Evo is featuring a game the players don’t even wanna play, over GG.