I’ve already posted this in the C3 results thread, but for the benefit of all attending EVO this year and being forced to play this horrid conversion of ST due to the “stamp of approval” from certain parties, I figured I would share.
The following in my experience with the game over this past weekend:
"okay, I know some of you have been waiting for my full story on the DC ST situation since I posted in the other thread. I playtested the game all day Saturday and also watched the majority of the tournament. here are my observations.
within 2 hours of playtesting, I knew something was wrong. that’s right, it only took me two hours as opposed to nki’s years of testing and still thinking this version is worth playing. just as a note, during this day of casuals someone was kind enough to access the dipswitch menu and supposedly turn them on. I have no way to confirm if this was done properly as nobody at this event seemed to know how to properly do it - including all the ST players that entered the tournament. so much for the whole dipswitch thing neing easy.
the first thing odd that happened occurred during a match when I was fei facing ryu. ryu threw a fireball, which I predicted and jumped over early. as I was coming down, I pressed fierce punch and prepared to combo into neutral fp for a rekka combo. the jumping fp comepletely whiffed, passing through ryus body, and ryu was able to throw me. pretty sure that anyone who’s played fei can give a big wtf to that.
the second and biggest problem is already known - the screen itself is stretched much taller than all other versions. I tested this for myself a few weeks back - hooked up ccc2 and DC ST to the same 32 inch tv on different inputs. ryu is almost a full inch taller on the DC. but how does this effect gameplay? well, the screen is only taller not wider - but being used to real ST, you get a sense that everything is bigger. footsies and pokes are massively affected. I continually whiffed low roundhouses while attempting to sweep-cancel into a fireball. same goes for vega slides, they don’t seem to go far enough even though they are going the normal distance. however, anti airs hit higher, jumping attacks have more vertical effectiveness, etc. think of the ST screen as a colorform - the DC stretches the screen up and down, and takes the hitboxes with it. ASS. it drastically changes gameplay and takes adjustment to get used to. I don’t know how anyone can think this is acceptable as this is the only version of ST to have the issue.
playing as dictator, I did several lightkick headstomps on a cornered boxer. while coming down for the followup punch, if you attempted to cross up with it (which you can’t do b/c he’s cornered) the punch faced as if it was a crossup, but completely whiffed. dictator landed and got thrown by boxer for free. this seems quite odd but I can’t say for sure that it doesn’t happen in other versions.
these are the three things I personally noticed in the first 2 hours. now on to the tournament.
first, nobody had any idea how to fix the dipswitches whatsoever. so it was played on plain vanilla DCST. however, NKI has stated that the dipswitches only affect things such as reversal supers and not much of actual gameplay.
second, almost nobody had a DC compatible stick, and there were very few converters. people were forced to use lag-inducing converters as only 2 or 3 of the innovation converters were present. I personally know that EVO uses the laggier converters, so ST is gonna suck come Vegas.
I witnessed some vega-chun madness near finals, but at that point I was so sleep deprived that I can’t even describe it. comeback has mentioned some of this, so perhaps he can elaborate.
finally, I’d like to thank the few people who came up to me and said they agreed with me that ST is being held back b/c its a different console version every year. people like NKI love overanalyzing ST versions and talking the entire community out of them. well hopefully this 2 hour playtest by a pro is enough to convince you that its time for a second opinion. DC ST is a bunch of fucking shit. because of this, I opted to go random select for the whole event, as I knew it wouldn’t matter either way. fuck this broken ass shit.
if you agree that DC ST is crap, and that EVO should stop listening to certain parties on what is/isn’t acceptable for the ST community, I urge you to post about it in the EVO forums. time to speak up and put a stop to the bullshit rather than let it keep happening. seems to me that the vast majority of ST players still own CCC2 and not the DC version, and this tournament was proof of it."
Also, big props go to Comeback for reminding me of an absolutely insane glitch that was discovered during tournament play, as well as many other times in casuals by others:
“holy shit, I remember now. someone did a wall dive, chun jumped back and did an attack to stop him from reaching the wall. instead of hitting him, vega kind of froze for a second, and then backdropped her anyway without ever touching the wall. shag got it on camera, a true WTF moment. DC ST at its best!”
I would like the purpose of this thread to be INFORMATIVE. We all know that DC ST is not perfect, because it sucked ass back in 2004 when it was last used, and it seems nothing has changed even with the supposed dipswitch changes. PLEASE post in this thread if you have this game and are actively playtesting it. Any info at all could actually help the competitors come EVO time this year.
Also, PLEASE if you agree with me that EVO should stop being influenced by the same “certain parties” year after year, who have now led us back to this shitstain of a console version of ST, please make your voice heard. People are constantly telling me that I assume I am speaking for others, but it seemed at C3 that most of the players were also in agreement with my statements on DC ST and the fact that St players are forced to change versions every single year.
One other thing I forgot to mention: unless you have the Innovation converter, many joysticks simply don’t work on DC. Why? Because other converters don’t map the L1/L2 buttons. That’s right - if you have a custom PS1/PS2 stick that uses the L buttons, the vast majority of DC converters out there do not work with your stick. If it weren’t for Smoothcat donating his two Innovation converters for the tournament, it would have come to a screeching halt. Bottom line, be prepared to get ripped off on Ebay for these scarce converters, or else be prepared to have input lag or play with only 4 buttons at EVO.