Thank you. I get so tired of hearing people complain about RC. People will bitch about RC, and turn around and kara throw you with chun from midscreen. Get the fuck outta here with that.
Keep in mind with RC you keep all the properties of a roll, which include being thrown.
Would it be impossible to run this on Super Guns? Couldn’t they put a call out to people to donate/bring super guns and ST boards to run this. How many stations do they need to make this work, 5, 10, 12? Yes I realize there’s the whole Japanese/US stick problem too, but even if we had one or two Jpn/US set-ups for this, I think it could work.
I’m guessing people would rather have an arcade ST tournament rather then no tournament (or have it on DC) even if it was this short notice.
P.S. I have a super gun and board that I’m willing to donate for use.
this has been brought up over the years. they want to keep everything consistent with being on console only. but then again being consistent on which console to use is the issue so…
This also sums up the thread.
Well, that is not true. I had issues with CCC2 from the very first time I played it, and I told Sirlin. I just couldn’t figure out what exactly was wrong.
I say “we”, as in “most of the community”. We knew that the PS1 version wasn’t perfect, but I’m not sure if anyone knew before Evo just how bad the PS1 version is. (At least I never saw anyone posting any info, and I tried to follow that topic pretty closely.) With CCC2, there obviously were people who knew that the game was messed up (myself and yourself included), but again, I’m pretty sure most of the community didn’t know. Especially considering the backlash I received when I started talking bad about CCC2.
I would like to donate $50 to the chimpanzee training fund.
I for one support our chimpanzee minions.
NKI: The date you told him on that thread was this:
10-30-2007, 04:35 PM
We (Shirts and I) figured this out when the game was first released. What was that, November 2006? Close to a year before release? That post you made was after EVO 2007. I distinctly remember him saying that “Seth and NKI played it for awhile and found no issues” or something to that nature with the game right before release. I’ve always said there were issues with it from Day One, but I just don’t make posts about it. I talked about it in IRC and that was it. There were just too many people believing that game was going to be perfect, assuming way too much.
To the people bringing up RC in CVS2. I merely stated RC as an example of how people prefer to play games with glitches in them as opposed to updated versions of games that FIXED them. That’s it. No one’s whining about RC, so please quit trying to start something that was never there to begin with.
Read closer.
There’s an email in that post dated almost a year earlier.
Whoops, yeah, now I see it. He still was not sure about it. He knew there was something, though. I think trying combos too much as opposed to timed counter moves would really confuse people. Again, I had an ST arcade cabinet I played on normally with SHirts, so this was kind of a no brainer as soon as we played it. Timing on things such as Fei Long’s Stand Fierce into Chicken Wing Kicks trap would just not happen when you pressed the buttons.
Point is, the game should not be used period. Cancel ST, let it rest for one year.
I doubt that ST is going to be canceled, considering it’s already been officially announced and the Guilty Gear community was basically told to fuck off.
I’d rather see people post constructive info about DC ST that will aid people at EVO than ask for miracles. At least a handful of people have done that so far.
I also agree with Wilson that this collective “we” that NKI is using to say there were no problems with console versions of ST is pretty interesting. NKI has already said that EVO came to him personally to playtest versions of ST and approve them for EVO. So, who is this “we” he’s speaking of?
As I’ve previously stated, I feel that for a game like ST to be properly playtested, it should involve input from numerous top players from different areas of expertise. Consult people who are both pros on arcade and console, who are experts with individual characters and different playstyles. How can you possibly expect to get an unbiased, educated opinion from someone who only plays Chun-Li in tournaments? I’m actually not blaming NKI in this instance - I think that EVO should have had the insight to know you can’t just ask one person if a game is a good conversion, and then take their word as the ultimate decision to use it at EVO. I for one would have loved to give some of my findings and opinions on different versions - hell, I’m one of only two Blanka players in the US who actually pick him and play seriously.
Bottom line, this royal “we” is now dead. I think enough people have spoken up and said that EVO should not be going by what NKI says (or anything that only one person says) again. It puts too much responsibility on the one person, and there’s no possible way that ONE viewpoint can be 100% accurate on all occurrences in a game. I personally don’t understand how NKI got this official role of ST playtester when there are so many other good ST players out there, especially OGs, who would be willing to help test these versions. At this point, I don’t want to know. I just don’t want to see STHD dissected on an operating table with little nitpicky bullshit. Just take it for what it is and leave it the hell alone…so the common gamer can enjoy for once :encore:
also I don’t think anyone gives a crap about DSP vs. NKI in a grudge match. Honestly has anyone ever cared about ST in a grudge match? Even at majors when you get epic matches of old school vs. new school or crazy OG vs OG matchups, theres a crowd of like 3 people.
Besides, it doesn’t matter whether I win or lose, I just get the same disrespect from everyone afterwards. So fuck it, why should I give people what they want to see when they will just shit on me afterwards anyway. I’m sure when I lose on arcade cab at MWC I’ll have to hear about how I suck balls at ST all over again. I’m used to it :yawn:
i misread what DPS said… i thought he said to do a super not combo into a super.
it’s a bunch of things. no its not just standing there and doing a super…but there are instances where supers just won’t come out, when in regular arcade ST they do. I noticed this with Ryu specifically as it was during a time when I was trying to become more well-rounded and learn more characters. We were playing on DC and everything was perfectly fine, then we moved over to PS1 and it seemed like I could hardly EVER get out Ryu’s super when I needed it - whether it be in a combo, as a reversal, etc. I think it might actually have to do with a difference in inputs allowed on PS1 or something, as I kept getting jab DPs instead of super over and over. It was just a huge fucking hassle though.
True. most of the time it came out as a dp or a fb for me. like when trying to combo.
we should just get some superguns =\
I already explained this above. I meant “we” as in “most of the community”.
I agree that no single person should be responsible for testing out a game. Sure, I was the one who did the initial testing, but the game versions were announced months in advance. That’s plenty of time for the rest of the community to find anything that I may have missed (and I’ll admit, I did miss some big ones).
If we did that and actually listened to what everyone thought of each version, we’d just have a big load of worthless bullshit
because apparently even “pro players” (as you claim yourself to be) don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about (see: this thread)
yep this
goes back to chen & omni joking about how “that shit never would’ve happened on the arcade!”
this was havoc’s point that people seem to miss: it isn’t so much that st is glitchy, but that it’s a RANDOM kind of glitchy. this wouldn’t be a big deal, except that it means even after playing for years you’ll see something that’s never happened to you before…and when you do, you blame it on console.
Never had any of the problems you seem to have except for timing (which is different because of speed. Go figure, since even different arcade boards run ST at different speeds). Random redizzies? Happens in the arcade, too. Have you ever seen what happens in the arcade? Zangief can randomly dizzy Sim in one hit when sim tries to kick him out of the air and Gief splashes (down+fierce). Guile and DeeJay? Let’s not even go there. I got dizzied with a jump-in lk, cr.forward, pause, cr.forward on the arcade. US and Jap arcade boards behave differently on dizzies, too.
As for the charge problems like flip kick turning into wall dive, I think are execution errors. Never seen it happen in all the DC ST I’ve been in on, and I’ve seen a LOT of cheesy claw in Seattle. The only thing I’ve ever seen behave strangely is Chun’s kikouken, which sometimes turns into spinning bird kick. But I think that’s my middle knuckle brushing over the button or something, since that would be a really strange thing to happen.
Ever seen that happen, NKI? Any kikoukens turn into SBK? Please eliminate the last possible gripe with gameplay I can think of.
My apologies for the double post, but DSP seemed to get away with it, so whatever. DSP brought up an interesting point, and that was that constructive information would be the best thing to bring to this thread now, and I agree. Also, considering that HD Remix will be based on the DC code, it will probably behave in the way the DC port does rather than arcade.
My idea: Post up ANY differences you have, try to provide documentation on the differences between DC and arcade, and suggest how to adapt to the change, since it’s already been decided that we’ll be playing on DC for ST at Evo.
Contribute what you can, people!