DC ST playtest @ C3 - My findings

wow, Mike Watson read the reason for this thread and posted some constructive knowledge that we all can learn from. Did the NKI hype train just derail?

console ST sucks and NKI has not led us to find a better version over the years. we’re back to square one. thanks for the laughs :yawn:

now back to the point of this thread - if anyone else finds differences between arcade and DC ST, please post them up. We are trying to compile a real list of differences to help all competitors at EVO, instead of just saying “set your dipswitches and this version is great!” because you know, we are all attention seekers who don’t care about the community but instead want to make a name for ourselves. thanks.

The old official XB360 pcbs couldn’t work with p360s. I just gave up on them back then.

I’ve seen a lot of gibberish in this thread.

Everyone is at fault in some way, but let me address a few:

CVS2 Players calling ST glitchy? Ok Roll Cancelling madness. Gee, I wonder what version that was fixed in and why players don’t want to play it.

3S Players loving old glitchy versions instead of fixed version.

EVO changing from Arcade to DC to PS1 to AE to PS2.

Every single version of ST has timing and speed differences. If everyone would stop running the bandwagon for a second with videos and such and understand timing on games, it’s pretty obvious. Those versions have to be accepted as such, which are console versions.

Everyone will always talk about so and so doing well in tournaments, so and so doing such in such version. THE ONLY CONSISTENT TOURNAMENT RESULTS have been on arcade.

Where have Cole, Watson, Choi (until last year), and others been? Trying to deal with sitting on the floor and dealwith random sticks and timing from version to version. Everything else has been wide open and random, which opens the door for discrepancies beyond belief.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out ST CCC2 had delay issues. Shirts and I figured that out in about 5 minutes since I have an arcade machine right next to me, but everyone is on the "it’s arcade perfect, everything is great, we are sheep bandwagon, that it’s asinine beyond expectations.

I admit, I play ST leisurely. Heck, I only really play in tournaments, and I don’t even play every year in tourneys, but even with my not playing the game in years laziness, this stuff takes all of a few minutes to figure out if you’ve ever played arcade extensively. Most people that don’t notice this stuff just play on the same sticks from version to version, or play on emulators, or play on Japanese cabinets and not American cabinets, etc. If you play on everything, and you play online as well, you can become extremely sensitive to all this mess, but going off topic here, what I really should say is:

ST should be cancelled for one year. No need to bastardize it by bringing a Japanese game that was never released in the US so people can scrounge around practicing for all of one tourney on a system that really is only used for Marvel. WHy is no one rooting for CVS2 on DC then? At least Naomi/DC are the same thing almost, I’d rather have that than PS2.

EVO 2009 will be PS3 STHD. It will probably be two tournaments at first, or maybe the new one at first since it’s DEDICATED console, and everyone will have a chance to get good at it at the same time with no excuses…

All in all, all of these versions should be treated as such, console. They aren’t genuine 100% bonafide factors for who the best players are. The arcade is the only way to do that. And when I mean arcade, I mean no sitting down on floor Superguns either. Arcade version, stand up or sit down cabinets. Use PS1/Jamma converters on those if there are issues.

Done with old man I hate console rant, but don’t get me started on people thinking the US are catching up to Japan because we win on console against them. LOL

Roll Cancel is understood. It’s a universal glitch.

Nobody even knows the ST randomness. That’s the crux of the problem.

And DC CvS2 doesn’t work because you can’t taunt without risking your tournament life. K-Groove is already too fucking good without losing tactical taunt to fight it.

Other than that, I’d have no problem playing CvS2 on DC.

no official xbox360 controllers work with them because no official xbox360 controller is common ground. you have to use a madcatz micron or a standard madcatz to get the common ground.

also i haven’t tested this yet but try hooking all the grounds to the ground in the wire that goes to the usb(for all your buttons and joystick) just to see if that will make it work. just a little theory i have :smokin:

3S version B didn’t fix shit, if anything taking out unblockables hurt the game’s balance even more by taking from characters that weren’t even top tier.

My point is, RC was fixed in CVS2EO. No one wants to play it because they “like” the glitch.

ST randomness? Much more overrated than people think. ALpha 3 has tons more randomness than ST. I don’t see much randomness in ST. I think if people played the arcade version more, and saw it as the norm, they would not be shocked at some of the stuff. Remember, this is mostly a whole group of newer players (past 5 years) who haven’t played the game as extensively.

threads like these just make me miss the arcade even more =(

Which is why MWC rules even harder :woot:

I’m just wondering if anybody with something constructive to say will post with more DC differences, or if the thread will deteriorate into “NKI rules, you all suck, eat a dick” rants. I personally do not own the DC version of ST but I did my best to explain my own playtest at C3. I hope others who are lucky enough to have this version will do the same, objectively.

They ARE genuine 100% bonafide factors for who the best players at the version being competed at are. The winner of the PS1 ST tournament may not be the winner of the arcade ST tournament, but he is still the best that day at PS1 ST.

I was the highest ranked American player in the PS1 EVO tournament for ST. I got 4th. On that day, i argued the same point you are arguing now. However, after playtesting it, I know the game is shit. I think the PS1 version is the worst out of all of them to be honest.

However, my point remains the same. How can anyone say that they are the best at ST, when every year we are playing a different version of the same game? We all agree that these versions have drastic differences, so why aren’t we all agreeing upon a common version so players can adapt? I hate repeating myself…you all know the answer.

Keits, I agree with that. I stated back then that DSP is the US PS1 Champion, and he has yet to be dethroned.

I don’t really play ST more than casually, so I really can’t speak to the accuracy. I was just wondering DSP, what are you proposing we do if the DC port is deemed unplayable?

For EVO the arcade machine ship has already sailed, which version would you prefer?

First of all, I never want to play PS1 ST again after trying to pick it up years later, and realizing that basic supers (like Ryu’s) don’t even come out most of the time…fuck that bullshit version. If I am the champion of that version, I might as well be the champion of eating garbage out of a dumpster.

Second, my version of choice is CCC2 on PS2. For a few reasons.

The gameplay itself is arcade perfect. You will be hard pressed to find actual gameplay differences from the arcade version, because they don’t exist. CCC2 actually IS the arcade equivalent of ST, because it is the ST board emulated for PS2.

The problem with CCC2 is that 1. there is massive slowdown/speed up on some stages and 2. there is input lag. However, from my perspective, I feel it is better to adapt to this bullshit (avoid the bad stages and play the game enough to adjust to lag) rather than to play a version of ST that abandons the basic gameplay rules of the arcade board. DC ST stretches out the sprites and fucks up your perspective, PS1 ST is just total ass considering that moves don’t come out and the game fucking freezes when it says FIGHT!, and we won’t even get into the shitfest that is AE. All of these versions have drastic gameplay differences, while speed and input lag adjustments can be made with practice. I played CCC2 hardcore since it came out in the fall of 2006 and I was satisfied, since I was well adjusted to the differences.

One guess who wants us to go backwards and adopt a version that’s already buried? and for unproven reasons aka “the dipswitches will save you.” Sorry, I’ve taken that bait before and been sadly disappointed.

you still have set to prove that supers dont come out in ps1 ST. ** WE NEED PROOF!!!**
also dc st is only 10-15 pixels taller than arcade. i dont have any problem with going back and forth on arcade to dc st.

also ccc2 sucks for the input lag and the stages. it makes the game horrible. i for one believe it is one of the worst versions of ST on console.

Unlike NKI, I don’t have the liberty of recording videos to prove something. And I don’t have 4 years to playtest something.

Insert PS1 ST into your PS2.

Select Ryu.

Get super.

Try to do super.

See how many times it comes out, off of a basic super motion. Don’t only try to do it standing, but try to do it off a buffer such as Foward+FP.


I quit after 20 minutes. Unless I had the most fucked up version of PS1 ST on the planet, I think you will understand.

hmm seeing as how i used to play ps1 st all the time i think i would know that pulling a super is simple… i can do it on 1 try.

lol, arguing with you is like competing in the special olympics…

i found those few issues just playing like 5 games of those versions. wonder how many more i would actually come across. i like wilsons idea of skipping ST for 1 year till everything is set. ps3 FTW, good or not, im pretty sure this is it and no more changes.

Phil, I am glad to see that after four pages, you finally decided to kind of back up at least one of your claims. :tup:

While “supers don’t come out” is obviously false, I do agree that “Ryu’s super is really hard to combo into”.

I tried several other characters (Ken, Cammy, Fei, Chun, and Guile), and had no problem with any of them. It seems to be limited only to Ryu’s super, and only when you try to combo into it.

/me waits for the ggxx guys to come in begging to take ST’s slot…

i would definitely agree. it would suck, but it would be nice to avoid the fiasco for one year