DC ST playtest @ C3 - My findings

ive played all the versions. i dont see anything wrong with the DC version. i think the DC version works pretty well.

if anything, we should let capcom take all the time in the world to make the game. that way by next year we cant complain about STHD being rushed for release and filled with problems for us to bitch about some more.

as for now, we finally know the DC version is the best, so we should just play the DC version this year.

that pretty much sums it up.

"Now we know, and knowing is half the battle."
Yo Joe!

HDR soon please – yarg, this is a mess. I will agree with Phil to a point that DC ST is flawed – if just in that it’s an ass pain to set up., especially with moon langauge button configs (Though this isn’t a problem in the toodles verison, right?). Whenever I’ve played, I’ve just grabbed someone elses stick so I don’t have to worry about button config.

That said, I’d take the hassle over CCC2 and it’s random speed and input lag. All versions suck to some extent, but CCC2 sucks a ton and the DC version only sucks in the hassle department. Lets just hope nothing is critically wrong with HD Remix (which their probably won’t be). This argument is sort of moot as it should hopefully be a nonissue soon.

As far as keeping the data saved, perhaps there could be a controller in the 3p port with a VMU in it that’s to remain there at all times in each setup during ST?

Yea man, I definitely hope a grudge-fueled, maximum-hype money match comes out of this.

… assuming they can agree on which version to use! :rofl:

I think a better question is why is Phil such an ignorant bitch?

VMU has to be in 1A, I’m pretty sure.

People just need to not reset the DC’s.

IIRC any port works.

You made a post directed at me, and I replied to it. OOOOOOH, BAITED!!!

  1. Why can’t you prove it yourself?
  2. I don’t see anyone backing you…

So I’m curious: Did you not read what I typed, or did you just choose to ignore it?

We did. We settled on DC. And you’re raising a stink about it (and an unwarranted one, I might add).

At this point, I think I’ve sufficiently demonstrated that you have no clue what you’re talking about. Should you choose to actually do some research or test some stuff out, please let me know, and we can continue this discussion.

You can start by proving that supers don’t come out in the PS1 version of ST. After that, you can prove that converters lag 3 frames. After that you can prove that there is a one-inch difference between DC and arcade. We’ll just keep going down the list until you’ve backed up every bogus claim you’ve made so far.

Once you get that done, then you can start trying to disprove all the evidence I’ve presented to you. :tup:

I already challenged DSP, and he refused. Phil, if you can’t play on anything other than PS2, I’ll even play AE (with ST characters only).

Confirmed, it must be in A1. It specifically says so when it fails to load the save file.

Most everyone is already in agreement with the version.

I addressed this, too. Just wait for more chest beating and watch him use a handful of people who gave no details on what was wrong with DC ST and never even thought of testing as examples of the “common gamers” who back him from C3.

Funny thing about that is that just like in this thread, he completely ignored the fact that you offered to MM him on arcade and spewed out random shit again, even when he had been praising the tourney left and right for being on the arcade. If he would’ve just said “Sorry, but I wouldn’t MM you on controls I’m unfamiliar with”, it would have been better.

Btw, don’t address the fact that you’d be unfamiliar with the controls, as well. We know that DSP is terrible at adapting, remember?

ive skimmed through this thread and would like to add a couple things.
ps1 - bison fierce flame doesnt go full f*ing screen…
ps1 - balrog st fierce doesnt hit duck opponents the same as arcade from what i remeber.
dc - off the bat moves which are highly important for guile mainly. they dont start up at the same time when game is supposed to start. basically saying ive been doing a guile sonic boom to start the round for countless years and when i played dc the timing to throw this right when the round starts is not exactly the same.

im sure there are a ton of little mistakes here and there and it just sucks to have to “learn” ST all over again which is something i never bothered to do. regardless, not willing to go and find out whats wrong with particular versions since time is a factor and when time barely allows any practice how can we find more just to figure out what version not to play? console ST sucks. GG

Are people gonna start flaming the fuck out of watson because he says theres errors and no videos or 407473-73075057037 charts of playtesting?

Errors. Differences. Glitches. Not arcade-perfect.

Call it what you want. But when you know, months in advance, which version will be used at the event, the only person to blame for failure is you. Not the game. Not the time you lack in being able to practice.

You lack the drive to ‘relearn’ the game? You will not be the champion. Thats pretty much it.

:rofl: The hell? Who do you think you are, Caesar going against Pompeius?

Seriously, you sound like Suge Knight giving an interview after he he got out of jail, like he was still relevant.

Get the fuck outta here with your vendetta.

Noone likes switching versions, but it’s not like ST players have a choice. We all want the best possible version. Untill HDR, I’m sticking with AE Capkore, O and Super T only. Not perfect, but it’ll have to do.

Continue with your temper tantrum.

From what i’ve heard, this is one of the very few differences between DC and arcade that matter somewhat. When the announcer says “Round 1” or whatever, it’s on the DC slowest speed setting, then when the round actually starts, it returns to the speed you selected.

So if you selected Speed 3, the very beginning of the rounds will start at speed 1, then switch to speed three once the timer starts going. The arcade runs at the speed you select from right when you see the actual players.

Don’t ask me how i know, and I haven’t tested it–just what i’ve heard. I don’t even play ST, but it owns.

Yeah just be like the 3S players and just go “aw fuck it”.

This is true. If the opponent blocks Dic’s Fierce Psycho Crusher mid-screen, Dic lands right next to them. :confused:

(It behaves normally on hit and whiff.)

I couldn’t see anything different about his st.Fierce, but I’m not a Boxer player, so maybe I’m just not seeing it. What exactly was different?

This is also true.

I think pretty much everyone agrees that we’d rather be playing the arcade version. Too bad Evo says that’s not an option…:sad:

No, because Watson actually has a decent reputation. <3

ok these are my thoughts.

first off this is to the person that said p360’s dont work on xb360. p360s can be wired up and work perfectly(or as perfectly as the shitty happ models can) on the console if you hack the pads that have a common ground. just figured you might want to know =)

while i think this thread is a little ridiculous and out of control. i can see some of DSP’s points. i do think its ass to keep having to switch versions every single year when every versions has completely different issues. some versions having more massive issues than others. it can get frustrating not having a standard to stick with, for better or worse.

alot of people say “3s,cv2,mvc2 players said fuck it and dealt with it,” which is true. but also, those games had very very minor issues that didnt really matter. only problems i can think of off the top of my head with those games are the typical console port speed boost which is very small. in 3s ps2, akuma can be grabbed out of his f+strong overhead frames. and lets be honest, i dont think thats gonna cost any games. even tho i wont lie, i do use ti for some anti throw tricks in arcade, but it was never a deciding factor in wins or losses. in cvs2, i dont really see any differences other than the usual arcade to console speed increase(theres been no proof, afaik, to show if theres any gameplay differences. as for mvc2, same speed increase issue, and the only thing that comes to mind thats wrong with the game is some anakaris guard break shit that viscant talked about, quite a lot, when evo made the switch to console. im not good at mvc2 to really question how accurate the port is. but when i played the game serious for the first 2 years on dc and arcade, i could never tell the difference.

my point is. those games had extreme minimal issues. whle ST has always suffered massive issues. severe speed problems(ccc2), crazy input lag(ccc2), combos that could be done in arcade couldnt work on ps1 and vice versa. massive move property issues (ps1), etc. DC, from my time playing it over the years, has the best consistency. the round start problem is true, and the resolution is a little off. but the game does play accurate. i dont think the round officially starting a tad bit later is really game breaking and can be quickly adjusted to.

i can see dsp’s point about stretched resolutions maybe throwing your game off a little when it comes to spacing. the spacing and hitboxes are the same as arcade, but the screen size could potentially throw you off a little due to a slightly wrong aspect ratio. i know i have this problem if i play a fighter on an hdtv thats in widescreen mode, the game is the same, but all your visual cues are off. but then again, thats massively different then a very slight stretch, which honestly to me, never really messed with me.

dsp’s point on converters can be valid. i dont have a dc anymore, since i dont play marvel. i gave it to wizard last evo. and no one does dc sticks other than marvel players, and even they usually have ps2 sticks with converters. granted, if converters are provided at evo, then i have no problem at all. i find dc st to be very accurate after loading the proper rom date, so i will still practice on arcade board/emu. so theres no real problem for me here, as long as converters are provided(iirc, evo always forced their converters to be used to minimize blue screens. cant remember if wizard still enforces that).

while i understand some of DSP’s views. I still think DC ST should be used, the others versions problems are just way too significant to ignore. mistakes were made over the years, people admit it. we move on. if this is the last year of ST for evo and every major as a whole, i want it to be the best version that we can use (minus arcade and emu) so it can go out with a decent bang.

configuring DC st is cake once you have the save. all you do is go into the options and select a rom date to use and thats it. you DO NOT mess with the custom dipswitch settings. toodles just basically summed it up very easily, by having a mem card save feature right in the main disc menu that puts al lthe options at tourney standards, and everytime the game restarts, the correct options are auto loaded.

while nki has made mistakes in the past on versions of st. hes admitted to fault, but at the same time, a lot has been learned of the game because of this. iirc, i dont think it was nki that opted for a change to ccc2. i think it was just accepted since it was hyped for being the definitive version before its release. so i think NKI is only truly responsible for dc version being changed to ps1.

and afaik, no one knew about the dipswitch menus back in 2004. i sure as hell didnt, and i played ST a lot on DC. i never saw it documented on gamefaqs or anywhere else at the time either. i didnt even know about it til last year. i dont think anyone knew to beat the game with all new and old characters. i sure as hell didnt think of that, its pretty uncommon and its a ridiculous task considering the nature of the ST AI.

i do find it funny when a weird rare thing happens on console, its always blamed on the console port, not even thinking that it could be a rare issue in arcade as well. i mean, how many times ahve you guys played arcade versions of all the games and experienced major WTF moments that only happened once in all these years? i bet you couldnt count em all on your hands and feet. its pretty much countless times you see random freak accidents in games. you see a weird thing on the console version, the same rule applies to when weird things happen in arcade. just remember that before accusing console for being innaccurate.

al lthis mess is a good reason why the rebalance mode has to take over as the standard in HDR. rebalance has no arcade or original version to live up to. this will be the original version. and this whole fiasco will end. and i cant fucking wait. ST and console has been an absolute nightmare since day one, thats one thing everyone can agree with

and for the record, i have heard of the vega shit happening in arcade YEARS ago, before DC was even conceived. and fei’s j.fierce is crap and has a weird hitbox. i can totally see it wiffing a lot( i use fei a lot)

i apologize for the essay. but i feel bad for the OG pros that cant have their game be right =(

if converters are really a huge problem for evo this year i will buy a couple for evo. also sabre who said that you cant wire a p360 to a xbox360 pcb?!?! ive done that 2 times already and both work perfectly.

kuenai said on the first page you couldnt wire a p360 to an xb360 which is far from the truth… maybe 1 1/2 years ago, but not anymore. but its no biggie