DC ST playtest @ C3 - My findings

I will play shirts for money…

… if he goes to mwc.

Get a xanax prescription or a goddamn train ticket man!

O.Blanka vs. O.Dhalsim
First to 5 for $100.

I also wish he could get over his fears, I haven’t played him in ages, and I’d be willing to compromise on arcade ST just to see how my newly honed skills stack up against one of the best arcade players.

Sounds exciting. I want to go…

Time to look for more income…

Actually, here’s the deal with me:

  1. $$$ challenges are out of pure boredom as well as I love any kind of new challenge. I’ve won and lost against the best; I’ve made it to sbo team usa st; top 3 placings back in the day in arcade st majors, etc; I just like ST. So whatever reason to play serious, I create it.

  2. you don’t have to be a so-called “pro” or “top” player to analyze, extract and deconstruct a video game

  3. I’m partial to arcade ST, arcade ergonomics and everything else. I started out playing back in the day with Watson, on arcade. But, that doesn’t mean I won’t play console. I just won’t play CCC2.

In the hopes of nudging this thread back into a constructive direction, what’s everyone’s opinion on converters? Since I assume that almost nobody will have or buy a native DC stick, picking a good converter will be important.

From what I understand, the community favorite converter(Innovation?) is out of print and almost impossible to find. So, what’s the next best thing? I picked up a couple of Total Control Plus converters but I haven’t had a chance to test them out yet. Is that one any good? What do you Seattle guys use? What did they use at C3?


I’ve finally seen the light and switched to new dhalsim.

Let me tell you this though:

I’ve always used o.dhalsim and as most are aware, he’s good against obvious favorable matchups, but against unfavorable he really had no chance.

Now because of the conditioning I had with o.dhally and the limitations I had to work with, using new dhally now…well, it’s just seems so easy. I basically play him exactly like old dhally, but when I’m in a jam, I use the ability to control normals to get me out of a jam. Not to mention tech throwing.

Thank you for getting this thread back on track.

Well, it was a mix. Some Innovation, and some other adapter that looks like a square that has “EMS” on top. EVO has LOTS of those EMS converters. However, from my experience, they add extra input lag - I noticed this back in the MvC2 days when I tried to use my Hori on DC, there was very noticeable input lag. Couldn’t tell you how many frames however. The Innovations on the other hand didn’t seem to add any lag. Also, the EMS converters don’t map L buttons at all, so some custom stick owners are screwed if that’s all there is a available.

…how many times did I tell you to pick New Sim? Geez. Nobody has ever been able to convince me that there was any advantage to using O.Sim to begin with. Controllable limbs/tech throws are SUCH a huge advantage. Glad to hear you stopped being as stubborn as I used to be.

Actually, there are a few advantages to old sim and his non-controllable limbs:

[*]On old dhalsim wakeup, short slide is used to avoid cross up jump ins; no need to guess joystick direction and have short poke come out instead (new dhalsim)

[*]On opponent wakeup, old dhalsim can walk forward and do standing strong (animation of arm going up towards sky). I find this easier to do this throw tick with old dhalsim since you don’t need to go to neutral joystick to execute this attack

MS has a protection scheme and the only work around is cracking, so the actual modding of it is illegal but the modchip itself isnt.

Any ST player who needs a DC copy, I’ll gladly mail you one for like $2.50 if you really can’t find one

And if I can find DCs/VMUs in Nowhere, OH game exchanges, there must be lots out there still. I got another sys for $10 last Dec.

The EMS converter is the best one out there. It is what i use for any DC game. If you have custom ps1 dualshock pcb you should have no problems. It only gets iffy if you use a stick that has a non-dualshock pcb. Some work while others may not.

As I stated in the first post of this thread:

  • The EMS converter I has have an alternate setting for R1/L1. Did you look on the side of the converters used at the tournament?

  • Wiring a custom up with L1/L2 as Fierce/Roundhouse is really not a good idea. I’m not aware of a custom builder who still does that. There is plenty of instruction of how to wire it up default in Tech Talk.

  • This whole converter deal is really a non-issue. There is much more input lag in CCC2.

On another note, I just got that converter from laugh for Jamma cabinets to use PS1 controllers. All I have to say is “wow”, no lag, works well, now THAT is a converter; )

lies, you gotta run 1008986 tests on it before you can claim something like that :stuck_out_tongue:

dream: sweet, thats awesome. how many you get?

shinji: i dunno. if dream says no lag, i have this hunch i should just believe him. rofl

Sabre are you asking how to get the ps1->jamma converter? here is laugh’s thread.


i am hoping to get some of these for my ST cab. they look really nice and i trust laugh when he says “lag free”

You must’ve missed my post where I said we’ve played ST on two seperate cabinets before in the Seattle area (and I just thought of a third one). On top of that a lot of us watch match videos from Japan (Arcade) too. It’s not like we have no concept of Arcade ST.

I’m waiting for the smoking gun about DC ST that is an actual, meaningful gameplay difference, such as the ones that make SF Collection ST unplayable (different properties on some attacks). There aren’t any. Oh yeah, but if you beat us at ST, the DC version is magically somehow worse…

I personally use a DC Green Goblin (Agetec) modded with Sanwa stick and buttons. It’s sextacular… I’m not sure which converters people use since I don’t own one.

people arguing about petty shit over a game that gets less than half the entry of gg pretty much consistantly everywhere.


I don’t really understand that. Isn’t it the same as counting the frames directly? Like, instead of whoever’s punch having 5 frames of startup, it has 9? And the same for all moves in the game?

I don’t understand how the 4 frames off build in delay can cause any effect on the game. I’m not trying to be a smartass. I just want to understand it. I read KoF gets a diff number of built in frames to diff types of moves, which sounds really screwed up, but in my mind it just seems that each move has a bigger number of frames than the official tables or whatever.