DC ST playtest @ C3 - My findings

Doughboy gave you a fucking essay as to why DC ST is one of the better versions of the game. What the fuck does “being good at ST” have anything to do with the plethora of information presented to you? You can claim to beat peoples ass on a shit version of an already old and decrepit game all fucking day. You may have realized, no one gives a shit except you. Unless you are going to lug around a supergun with adapters for people’s gay ass japanese sticks, then all your bitching is for naught.

Go play marvel instead.

I don’t get where money matching people from Seattle fits into this whole argument, but sure, we can do that if you want.

but you know, since we’re so alienated from the DC version, I don’t know if we can do it on arcade because of all the gameplay elements that are different :expressionless:

in any case, I’m done posting in here, this is worse than the HD remix thread. (only I’m actually done, not Phil done)
I don’t even know why I posted here in the first place, the thread was clearly doomed from the first post

Phil’s posts remind me of youtube comments, where I can’t stand to read them without losing a bit of faith in humanity as a whole.
I have a Firefox extension that hides youtube comments, and I think I will continue tradition here by using this nice juicy ignore feature

Axel how do u not get how playing money matches vs seattle players is going to do anything? they play dc st all the time. therefor if a arcade st player plays him on arcade the person from seattle will feel a difference. they are just using it to point out some problems with dc st -> arcade st.

let me just all the versions of console st are fucked up in one way or another; weather it be speed, input delay, or gameplay all the versions are messed up slightly.(some more than others) ccc2 suffers from speed problems that makes the game unpredictable and hard to play. ps1 st has problems with inputs on supers and other gameplay problems. dc st suffers from the least of the problems; the screen is stretched vertical slightly (10-15pixels?) and on top of that there is 1 more frame of delay on top of arcade(is this right? im doing this off memory)
people like to blame problems on the console because its a port. most of the time things that happen on dc st are wtf moments that people havent seen before, so they blame the console port for this glitch. when in most cases it is just a game glitch that is on the arcade version also.

i think we just need to stop arguing and get the facts listed down like DSP said.

No they’re not. if they are, they’re horrible communicators. They’re saying “if you know so much how about you fight me and prove it?” which is retarded and solves nothing. Phil basically told them he doesn’t care what they have to say about the system if they’re not top players because he’s a dick. Despite the fact that he always complains about not being able to practice because he has no comp, somehow he now knows the system better than everyone else, even though ST was dead when he got into it.

if you read what they are saying you can get a 2nd motive on their posts that hint to them doing this.

This isn’t a picture that you stare at until a hidden image pops out. It’s pretty clear.

this is what im talking about.

Which means what exactly? Sabin already adressed that. The point of the thread is to get the differences out tthere and choose a version. Puffing your chest and challenging Seattle doesn’t accomplish either of these things.

ugg… its hard to explain.

shirts said this.

DreamTR quoted and said

either you see another motive to that post or you dont. its really an opinion thing.

And shirts replied anything other than CCC2. You’re looking for things that aren’t there. this isn’t really solving the problem either so I’ll end it here.

i think you just dont understand what i am trying to say.

James: There is no underlying motive, so get conspiracy theories out of your head.

I said that comment because Shirts has notorious issues on console, that is why I told HIM to specify ARCADE only. I don’t even think he’s played the DC version except for once in the EVO 2004 tourney.

There appears to be a motive if you look at it that way, which is really easy since DSP is challenging Seattle directly. The motive being “If I beat Seattle ST, then I prove they are playing on a weird version that messes them up for arcade ST, because they should have no prob beating me if they were used to the REAL arcade ST.”

We know that’s a fallacy, since there’s no real base for comparison between Seattle ST and shirts/dsp/other posters here.

Anyways, I’m not really sure if I’ll attend this year, since Evo is one expensive road trip. I’d much rather go to SB3, quite frankly. That shit was HYPE last year. Looks hella exciting when compared to Evo this year.

Does anybody else think this thread should just be closed? Seems that nothing good is gonna come out of it.

Yeah. A new thread should be started if we want to do a thread for adapting to differences so y’all can get used to DC Super Turbo

Actually I wasn’t challenging anyone. I replied to Shirt’s challenge of Seattle and agreed that it would be a good match to see - since we’ve seen Seattle ST players post up before, but we really haven’t seen much from them yet (at least I haven’t seen any vids). I never said I wanted to play anyone for money, because despite what fuckface said, I will most likely not be at EVO this year due to 1. lack of new games, 2. lack of a worthy version of ST, and 3. probably extremely low turnout considering theres no more sponsorship. I’d rather go on a real vacation and enjoy myself with my time off.

I’m not saying that people who aren’t masters of ST can’t give input on a console version of the game. I’m saying, I don’t know any of you from a hole in the wall, so you could all very well be playing the game at a much lower level than what pro players are at. Therefore, you might not even begin to see the nuanced differences in top level play that might affect a console version. Unless you play something to death and totally understand what SHOULD be happening in a certain situation, how can you say that DC ST doesn’t have differences from arcade? Maybe there are things you have never seen or don’t understand…get what I’m saying? Don’t be so defensive.

What I can’t stand is someone who makes a monster post, appearing to be objective, but then they make blatantly uninformed, biased, and offensive statements like “As much as DSP claims to have a life, he posts far too much for a socially well-adjusted individual. I am fairly certain that hed attend EVO regardless of which version was being used.” This single sentence totally destroyed any credibility he built up in the 1000+ words he typed, which probably took him over an hour. Wait…you posted something that large, but I’M the one that spends too much time posting? :looney: I think you need to talk to someone stat bud.

Kuenai: I’m friends with Shirts. He challenges everyone for money. He’s just a bit sick of seeing Seattle players post stuff without anything to back it up. Don’t pay attention to it.

Hello, I’d like to introduce you to Handy Mr Search:

This thread is derailing quickly. I would love for Seattle ST vs AnybodyElse ST to stop being in this thread and instead (gasp) maybe bring the focus back to “Let Us Lock All the STHD:Remix Developers Into Their Building Until They Are Done”.

That seems like the only reasonable solution, and otherwise you all are just nitpicking over who might have noticed what sucked first. Let’s get back to unknown technical knowledge as regards ST versions. I may not think XXX is the greatest ST player in the world, but I for example did in my infinite ST stupidity find zazz’s (from Seattle) ST speed analysis illuminative.

edit: added zazz bit

Why are you catching feelings DSP? You have called damn near everyone who has disagreed with you myriad of derragatory names.

Look, before you go talking shit about our region take the time to relax. All we have been saying is that the DC version is the better one to use. I noticed CCC2 was way off, and then some of our crew decided to dive deeper into the matter and get everyone some real fucking data. It is not our fault the past evo decided to go for a vastly inferior version of the game. However, for the sake of accessibility it was a good call. Besides, we have seen so much random shit on both the DC,CCC2, and the cps2 board that weirdness in all versions of the game is to be expected.

There’s a large difference in what was said. I didn’t make false personal statements about people and their private lives. Considering what he said, it’s pretty obvious he has zero knowledge about me or my real life, and that’s why I’m heated about it. His entire post was actually good - I read the whole thing - until he somehow got amazingly personal. I guess I just don’t understand nerds sometimes.