DC ST playtest @ C3 - My findings

It has to do with reactions. Now you have 4 frames less to react to anything since your moves will come out 4 frames later, so you’d have to press them 4 frames earlier than before to get the same effect. That means a LOT of things that were doable on reaction now aren’t.

Yep, this really screws up reversals/counter-throwing, makes it harder to dodge O.Sagat’s fireballs, and makes it more difficult to block Vega’s wall dives.

Additionally, it destroys reaction times, which kills footsies and other things. Justin Wong, for instance, almost never throws out a “random” DP - he can see things like Balrog rush punches and shoryuken. With this extra input delay, that becomes almost impossible.

People say online shouldn’t be taken ultra-seriously, and I agree. But CCC2 is worse than online.


Being snarky towards people that want to play a good version of one of the best Street Fighter titles ever, while pointing out that the retarded games get a higher turn out?


Thanks, but that’s not my question. Doughboy says that arcade ST has 4 frames of built in lag. As I heard some people say that KoF has a variable number of built in lag for different moves, which made it harder to properly bring it into GGPO.

So my question that I reproduce below concerns arcade ST only. CCC2 would have 8 frames of lag (4 from arcade ST + other 4 from CCC2) and the CCC2 issue I already understand.


Last time I checked this was a ST thread.


If you’re going from neutral, then technically 4 frames of lag is equal to 4 more frames of startup, but when you’re either in the middle of something(like doing a reversal or during a combo), you just need to do the input early.

For example, take a move like blanka’s vertical ball, which is airborne on the first frame, is done from neutral(/crouching), it will effectively be airborne 4 frames after you press the button. However, if done as a reversal, you can get it airborne straight from knockdown/block.

You can also look at link combos. If a move has +6 on hit, another move has 3 frame startup(before lag). Should be easy to link, but if you press the button as soon as you recover it won’t combo due to the lag. By pressing the button a couple frames before you recover it will register a couple frames after you recover and combo, something that wouldn’t be possible if everything just had 4 more frames of startup.

I hope this answers your question.

because you’re arguing about a desicion that should have already been made and you should be ignoring dsp for being an attetion whore like usual jesus christ

I thought DSP played marvel 2?

ohhh pleaze… u really think hd remix is gonna be bugfree?