DBZ: Budokai 3 Tutorial vid

I finally watched this video. Nice work man its real tight…I’ve had the last two games and think I’m definitely gonna get this one now. Again, good vid.

  1. Most characters’ (p,p,p,p) chains are NOT safe when blocked. This is why canceling is so vital to safe poking. Also, Sidesteps have a little bit of start up.

  2. Moves that actually inflict ‘Guardbreak’, like transformations, dash attacks, and some of the transformation-less characters’ attack chains, send them reeling and put GUARDBREAK! up on the screen in big flashy letters. It’s easy to follow those up - move forward a step or so, and attack (if you time it just right, after they’ve stopped reeling and are just beginning to recover, it won’t even float them, so you can launch from there into a REAL combo. This didn’t make it into the vid, however).

I think your problem is with chargeable moves that can’t be blocked, though. If the move leaves them standing after a successful hit, there are probably more hits you can chain directly after it. If it leaves them reeling for a substantial time or if it is followed up with a cancelable strike, you may be able to combo directly off it. This is character and chain specific.

I just wanted to say that the video was great. Very clean job goryus. It’s unfortunate I don’t have a ps2 or else I would have got this game it looks great and another unfortunate thing is that they didn’t add netplay. But I just wanted to give you props.

Does anyone know if there is a way to cheat and unlock all the capsules like on budokai 2 and budokai 1? I really don’t wanna take the time to go through all the work of getting the characters and breakthroughs.

Unfortunately, I know of no cheat codes for this game to do that. However, if you have one of the PS2 memory card utilities, you can download an unlocked save here.

Awesome tutorial. Make more. Also make vids of you fighting. Those are cool.

I thought the first Budokai was an ok DBZ game, but a horrible fighting game. It was way to stiff and combo based. I stayed away from the second because the only real differences were visual and barely changed the gameplay. And the Dragon World mode was a horrible concept.

But I’ve been hearing nothing but positive things about Budokai 3. It has been getting 8 and 4 outta 5 ratings. All by non DB fans. So it definently was a great Fighting game this time around. Good to see that it isn’t really mindless button mashing and it has strategy. Its either this or DMC 3 for my birthday next year. I have a tough choice ahead of me…

Goryus, you are the man. It rocks to see such a dedicated SRKer put so much into DBZ: B3. B3 actually made me put down San Andreas. Now that is saying something. :wow: I really love this game. I consider myself good but with the stuff you’re posting in this thread, I know you’d murder me if I played you.

Anyway, some questions:

  1. Do you think Kid Buu is the broken character in this game? The Prima Guide said they toned him down since from B2 but after playing with him for a good while, I can tell they didn’t tone him down a bit. I was actually just flipping through the Prima Guide, didn’t buy it. Kid Buu is one of my favorite fighters in the game I just wonder if I played with him against someone would I hear cries of fowl and cheese.

  2. Out of all four Gohans (Kid, Teen, Adult, Saiyaman) which do you think is the best? Personally, Teen Gohan is my fav. If you customize him right, you can turn him into a burtal powerhouse.

  3. Is Kid Goku the weakest character? I love the little guy but he has some of the worst starting ki I’ve ever seen. And like you said ki is very important in this game. And if someone sees the Power Pole throw coming from a mile away than Kid Goku is screwed.

I’m an advanced player at this game, so I can answer your questions.

“Do you think Kid Buu is the broken character in this game? The Prima Guide said they toned him down since from B2 but after playing with him for a good while, I can tell they didn’t tone him down a bit. I was actually just flipping through the Prima Guide, didn’t buy it. Kid Buu is one of my favorite fighters in the game I just wonder if I played with him against someone would I hear cries of fowl and cheese.”

Kid Buu might have an awesome baseline ki, but just remember, his attack power only rises twice from 100%, and each time his ki goes below 6, his defence drops. Just from teleport countering, he can lose 6% in defence, and when fighting characters like Gokou, that 6% really makes the difference. Kid Buu is good, but he’s not much better than others.

“Out of all four Gohans (Kid, Teen, Adult, Saiyaman) which do you think is the best? Personally, Teen Gohan is my fav. If you customize him right, you can turn him into a burtal powerhouse.”

Adult Gohan is better. His strings of cancel combos are alot easier, and his Elder Kai Unlock ability can make an entire difference. Not only does his attack soar, his baseline ki moves right up to 5. Adult Gohan has easier to use strings and better transformations, and also a powerful death move that can be used at base, unlike Teen Gohan’s Soaring Dragon Strike, which can only be done in SSJ2.

“Is Kid Goku the weakest character? I love the little guy but he has some of the worst starting ki I’ve ever seen. And like you said ki is very important in this game. And if someone sees the Power Pole throw coming from a mile away than Kid Goku is screwed.”

Kid Gokou is nowhere near one of the worst characters, and his combo platform surpasses Adult Gokou’s. Ki is important in this game, but you have to play your cards right. When teleport countering a high baseline ki like SSJ4 Gokou, you’d be better off cancelling the teleport counter, running away and getting more power.
His power pole throw is just as fast as any other throw, and throws are risky to do.

I dont think he got toned down from what i heard, its just that everyone else just got a good bit better than they were in B2 now.

Hey i was wondering about dodging and TCs. Does that get too hectic and random? Since you can TC a TC and then the opponent can TC that etc?

I more or less agree with Sprawlers. Kid Buu is a great character in this game; he has 6 baseline ki and a great cancel platform. That said, he suffers from the same things Omega Shenron does: lack of a transformation, defense that drops very rapidly as his Ki depletes, low attack values, plus he suffers massively from damage scaling, since so many of his attacks hit 4-5 times per blow.

He still rocks, but I don’t think he’s broken.

Adult Gohan is easily the best of the four. More transformations, better, easier combos, more Ki. An unblockable death move he can do from baseline, untransformed. Better reach. He easily places among the top tier.

Kid Goku is a fine character. He’s like Goku with a couple of extra cancels and no transformations, plus short. Frankly, I don’t think the extra cancels make up for the lack of all that ki, power, guardbreaks, moments of invincibility, and general sheer versatility of the transformations. Goku is a much better character, but Kid Goku is still totally playable. If you want to see “worst” characters, look no farther than Hercule, Saibaman, Cell Jr., and Capt. Ginyu. Kid Goku defeats any of them at least 7-3.

Hectic? Sometimes. Random? Never. So much of this game revolves around baiting or forcing TCs…Also, remember how much Ki they take - 3 bars. You can never TC more than twice in succession, because you WILL run out of ki, and then you’re screwed; you’re probably dizzy, and you have no way to escape the oncoming combo of doom until your Ki charges back up. Not a good place to be. If they depelete your Ki all the way, they have up to 18 seconds to pound you into the dirt. You probably won’t survive it.

TCs are very, very dangerous. People who over-rely on them, or on Dragon Rush, will get dizzy -> comboed -> dead faster than you can say, “Ka-me-ha-me-ha”.

There’s a maneuver where you stop the TC counter attack, known as TC Cancelling. With this, you can TC, and avoid taking risks of getting TCed yourself. Once you cancel a TC, you can do whatever is needed to get an advantage. Most characters whose baseline ki is far lower than that of someone really high (Kid Buu, SSJ4 Gokou, O. Shenron, you get the picture) would be better off cancelling a TC unless they really do have the ki advantage, running away and gaining ki back.

This should show the situations that will happen if YOU are the first one to TC, and not run away to gather ki.

If your ki = Opponent’s ki, you lose
If your ki is slightly higher than enemy’s ki, you lose
If enemy ki is slightly higher than yours, you lose
If your ki is significantly higher than the enemy, you win.

Those four situations are when you can attack from a TC and what will happen if you get into a TC fest. In the “you lose” situations, you’re better off running away to gather ki. Then again, characters like Gokou, Adult Gohan and Piccolo can catch you while you run.

Most characters can catch you when you try to run. That’s the whole problem. TCs are hugely risky, even if you try to play it safe.

And guard TCs (holding X to prevent yourself from attacking) are explained in the vid, as well as earlier within this very thread.

oh wow thx
that restriction sounds like a good idea in the game.

Ah, I see. Thanks for the info, guys. Any tips for special moves with slow recovery time? I love to use SS4 Goku’s 10X Kamehameha but the recovery time on it is some of the worst I’ve seen in a game. Worst yet, even if i try to trap my opponent with it and I miss, I’m totally screwed because there’s no way to dodge a possible counter assault.

BTW, Uub also rocks. :tup:

Most death moves have a horrible recovery time. 10X kamehameha is incredibly powerful, which explains its pitiful recovery time. Your best bets are to use it if you have enough ki to win a TC contest, someone is in hyper mode and their ki is less than three or if they are tired and taking a breather.

After seeing your tutorial, i took your advice and picked up a copy, pretty tight. I played the first two which, as was said before, weren’t really good fighting games. B3 seems to break the mold, but i have a few questions for the advanced players.

  1. You guys keep mentioning TCs costing 3 Ki, but i always just equip the concentration capsule, halving the cost. Is it just a waste of a space in real play?

  2. I’m messing around with the game, and at this point none of my friends play it yet, so its hard to get better. What would you suggest for the Budokai newb? i’m practicing cancels and juggles and shit, but any other help would be welcome.

  3. Is there a “broken” character? Kid Buu was mentioned earlier in the thread, and i haven’t experimented with many characters, but again if you guys had a tier list or something set out that would be awesome.

Keep posting those bomb tutorials, and some match vids would be awesome. Thanks for getting me into a tight game, hope others follow the example.


one thing i dislike about this game is the lack of cut scenes…there is the intro movie and thats it! It would of been nice to have a small movie at the end of each Saga at least…but besides that this games rocks! I’ve see characters i’ve never seen before…like SSJ4 Vegita…last DB vid I saw was GT when Goku fights Vegeta in SSJ4 while he’s posessed by that blue guy. Overall awsome game.

I’m very happy you are enjoying it.Sadly,I’m still waiting for it(fucking dicks).But let me give you one hell of a shock:wait till you get to see the Ultimate Legendary Super Saiyajin.

Concentration halves it for both players, and pretty much changes the entire nature of the game. I’m not sure whether or not capsules like it (or custom builds that use more than a breakthrough) should be restricted ftom competitive play…they’re nifty, but they can do some messed up stuff.

Get some comp :), and train your friends in the dark ways if you have to.

Maybe. There are two characters that look pretty fierce from the outset, Kid Buu and Omega Shenron, both of whom start out with a pretty significant advantage, but grow weaker and weaker in comparison as the fight progresses.

Tier lists are hard to say right now (game just came out), but IMO, Goku, Gohan, Frieza, Cooler, Kid Buu, Super Buu, Omega Shenron, Vegeta, and Cell are the main contenders.