DBZ: Budokai 3 Tutorial vid

I finally actually tried this at EB yesterday waiting for the mamasita’s to get their coffee. I wasn’t sure which buttons were which, and I have know idea which character I chose (he wasn’t green or purple). I was trying to get a guard cancel off assuming the last hit in the chain was a chargable that could be cancelled but couldn’t find the chargable on whatever character I had. I gave up on all that and just played for a bit and it’s damn fun. I don’t miss the lack of jumping and even the 3D movement that I cannot abide the lack of in other 3d fighters (the older tekken’s and VF’s), it turned into a fireball throwing fest with some green dude and my biggest reservation about the game (swirling the analog sticks) was put to rest as it’s really not that bad.

The issue is not whether I will pick up the game, but whether or not I can hide from my friends that I own a DBZ game…

So is this going to be the offical SRK DBZ:B3 thread? I have no problem with that. :clap:

More questions:

-Any tips on capsule custom characters or on how to build them up in Dragon Arena? I’m already hearing of how some people have a level 95 Broly. :wow: Now even with capsules that give you 25% more EXP, it still seems hard for me to believe that someone has characters that high unless they pass up eating, sleeping and all that other crap.

-Out of these three boss characters, which is the absolute best: Frieza, Cell, or Super Buu?
Cell has always been my personal fav DBZ bad guy but I wouldn’t be surprised if Super Buu outclassed him not just in sheer power but in techniques as well. The only I see working against Super Buu would be his Absorbtion because it is so random.

-Broly. Is this guy riddiculously powerful or what? Even without capsules that up his strength, he still seems insanely strong.

-Let’s settle this now. In B3, who is truly better, Goku or Vegeta? I just gotta know. I like both fighters but Goku just appeals more to me.

“Goku, Gohan, Frieza, Cooler, Kid Buu, Super Buu, Omega Shenron, Vegeta, and Cell are the main contenders.”

You forgot Piccolo. I know you said “IMO,” but Piccolo is the top character.

When building up characters in dragon arena, fight the highest level enemies that game will let you. Unless the COM of the enemy is at 20, the enemies should be pretty damn easy to beat, as they are somewhat hyper mode abusers.
It’s much easier to do in Dragon Universe, which is why you see level 99 Gokous and whatnot quite eaisly. Just by winning a fight (not battle point) in Z2 or Z3 mode, you get 80,000 experience.

Freezer’s been gipped (4 transformations to reach 120%, and it takes two transformations just to get 4 baseline ki. More transformations = Less Moves = Less Effeciveness)
I’d say Cell, because his force field isn’t the type of attack you want to TC. I’m not too sure, but Nnamz (probably the most knowledgeable person on Budokai 3, ans he’s a GFAQs user) doesn’t put Super Buu into the high list. Cell can get enourmous baseline ki through transformations, has a nice list of cancels, and he is a pretty strong offencive character.

Broly’s good, but nothing compared to Piccolo, Gokou and Adult Gohan.

Gokou >>>> Vegeta. Vegeta is a defencive character, and defencive characters aren’t anywhere near as good as offencive characters. Gokou is a powerful offencive character. Gokou also has a better list of cancels and combos to do.

Rented the game, loved it, bought it. Really getting into it. The best part is, my friends are too, comp is heating up nicely here.

Onto the meat and potatoes though, picked Vegeta to start with. Looking for the best GC strings and combos I can, heres what I have surmised:

GC Strings: ->K,K,K,->K (Hold)
<-K,K (Hold)
K,K,<-K (Hold)
->P,K,K (Hold)

Links: ->K…

Juggles: P,P,K,K,K…

I use the basic GC mixup off of the first two GC strings to play the mind games. Essentially I refrain from ending any landed combos with energy attacks to build up to SSJ2 or 4 which seems worth it to me. I also use certain GC strings that intentionally knockdown before the last hit to bait a breakfall and hold the end to play instant wakeup games with GC. I know Vegeta has more juggles, but those are the only ones I found that can combo easily enough into significant damage.

Any other links for Vegeta? Been looking for a while for some, only found the two. One of which really doesn’t help.

Piccolo is overrated.

Seriously. I’ll acknowledge that Piccolo may deserve a spot in the top tier - he can definitely hold his own - but best character in the game is really stretching it. Nnamz really likes him as a character, and has been playing up his strengths since B2 (where he was clearly middle of the road, lacking so much as 1 valid comboable cancel, and wielding his infamous (<k) and (>p,p,p,p) stuns), but honestly, in this game he has nothing any of the “other” top tier characters don’t except slightly longer functional reach and slightly worse functional ki (plus he can’t transform from baseline like, say, Goku, Frieza, and Cell can). Goku can start at 3 bars of baseline ki, inflict 1700-1800 damage, and wind up with 6 bars of ki and SSj4 at the end of the combo (so can Vegeta), all without the aid of extra teleports at the end or dragon rushes. The highest damage combo Nnamz could find for Piccolo did 1636 damage, left him 2 bars of ki, and assumed that he started in his Fused with Kami form.

Edit: Yamazaki, according to my notes, Vegeta can link off the following chains:

(>p,>k,p,p~) <- cancel the last hit to recover soon enough to link off the third
(>p,k,k) <- don’t cancel, let it hit

And juggle startes:
(>p,p,p,k)^ <- hard to connect after
(p + g)^
(<p + k)^

Also, try juggling into transformations, as in (<p+k)^(>p,k,k~)^(p+k+g)^…

So who is the best short character? Goten, Trunks, Uub, Kid Goku, etc.

Also does Cooler really own Frieza? Cooler only needs 2 transformations to reach max power while Frieza needs 4.

Also, I played with Bardock for the first time last night. Dude is pretty good IMO. :tup:

those are cool demos, where can i get more

do u guys know where to find dragon ballz videos

I’ve been playing the game and I have to say that I am impressed with it. I never played the other two, but this one is keeping my attention as a game and a fighter. I have a question though, does the computer have a rhytem to the sequence attacks? Or are they random? For some reason the computer ALWAYS blocks my attack and I can block his about 50/50.

Do you know how to not steal people’s avs?

And yeah. There should definetely be some match vids made just so that people can see what this game looks like when it is played well. I still haven’t gotten my copy, but soon I’ll have it. I mean with other underrated games like EX3, match vids seemed to show some really cool, interesting things that the game offered. The same would be nice for b3.

Bardock has the highest damage potential in the game (excluding dragon rush and ultimates.) I have a combo that works with him when he has breakthrough that’ll easily deal over 2,000 damage, and the string isn’t even that long. He’ll end up with 3 bars of ki even when he starts it. Add in power of friends and moonlight (eventually its 130% base attack power). What hurts him is his pitiful reach and speed.

The best short character other than Gotenks is Kid Gokou. He’s a top tier character.

Cooler is better than Freezer. Freezer does have his awesome tail combo attacks, which send him propelling across the screen, an ideal TC attack.

If I can find my camcorder (yeah, I know it’s sad) I might be able to post some matches with me and the comp. . .Too bad there are no skilled players in my area or better yet, fighting game enthusiasts.

I’m going to a LAN party on the 26th and DB3 is on the menu, I will hook it up through the monitor and record some matches won’t be comp level, but still fun to watch

Good to see this thread bumped back up. Watching that vid has already improved my game. I inadvertedly came up with a 6 hit combo on Kid Goku. PLEASE make more B3 vids.

Also, if anyone is building up B3 players I found that COM level CPU fighters that have COM levels of about 14 or so fight pretty good. Not cheap and not stupid. Now a COM level fighter of 20 or more… :tdown: Speaking of the Dragon Arena mode, what is the highest level of one of your fighters? I have a level 47 Goku. I like him but at his current state, he probably wouldn’t give much of you a good fight.

to perform regular combos instead of an E attack after you teleported, simply hold on the X button you used for teleporting to perform guard cancel.
as soon as you see the guarding stance you can release X and do your combos.

Expound upon this. I know Power Bo is a unexpected range attack from a short stubby character, but what else is good about him? He only has 2 specials (I don’t see where RPS Attack is any good), no transformations (which seem to be a free Ultimate if I do it near an opponent).

Also does anyone know how to beat the World Tournament without any specials? Im using the Sparkling!!! which takes up all the capsule space so I can make money quicker (400%) but that makes it so I can’t do any specials. I used to just use Uub and abuse Ki Cannon to hell with the Sparkling that only gives 100% boost to money, but I want to save time so I can unlock all the ultimates

Kid Gokou has a HUGE platform of combo cancels and juggles.

Kid Gokou has 2 specials and an ultimate. Kamehameha, Super Dragon Fist(ultimate) and Janken Fist. Gokou can also combo cancel into his ultimate.

Beating WT without any specials is easy. Use combo cancels. I’m getting equipment to record gameplay tomorrow, so I’ll see if I can put a match where I own the comp with the 400% sparking capsule with Brolly, Surpreme Kai, Gokou, Kid Gokou or Bardock (such a list).

The Janken Fist is translated as Rock Paper Scissors Fist in the US version and I just dont see the usefulness in it. I teleport attacked after the 2nd hit one time but other than that…

BTW anyone help with Guard Cancelling? I can’t seem to do it. Whats the timing in it?

“The Janken Fist is translated as Rock Paper Scissors Fist in the US version and I just dont see the usefulness in it. I teleport attacked after the 2nd hit one time but other than that…”

Teleport Attacking doesn’t mean an attack is useless, as ANY attack can be teleport countered. The usefulness is that you can mix up the attacks with Rock (punch that sends people flying pack),paper (uppercut) and I don’t remember what scissor does.

Guard Cancelling? Do you mean starting a combo, stopping it, then doing whtever you want from there?
Or do you mean teleport counter cancelling, where you just hold guard to cancel your counter attack and then do what you want from there?

It’s all simply timing with guard. These are no easy tricks to master, I’ll tell you that.

You guys SUCK. Not personally - just I got a little cash for Xmas and ya’ll have me ready to spend it already :bluu:

Yeah I’ll be at the LAN with Aceturnedjoker - and I can record matches as well - so maybe we can throw together something.

I have a question though - why is piccilo considered top tier? I loved his character in the series - so I always gravitate towards him - but I didn’t know that in this game he’s considered good - and ironically my other fav char from the series is Evil Buu/Kid Buu - go figure :arazz:

piccolo is top tier because pf his speed and reach and Kid buu because of his seven ki baseline but not much tops for kid buu though.