dude is great. you in the LB area?
That isn’t enough man. With Gief, if the guy gets the slip on you once, it should be really difficult for you to get it back. Its one of those polarizing match ups.
dude is great. you in the LB area?
That isn’t enough man. With Gief, if the guy gets the slip on you once, it should be really difficult for you to get it back. Its one of those polarizing match ups.
The Beach, man. Lol
Long Beach.
What should my gameplan against extremely defensive Balrog’s be? This seems more and more like one hell of a frustrating matchup when the Rog player decides to just turtle it up. Not a bad matchup per se, but I certainly struggle with it.
Def rogs imo are in 2 states. One wants to always swing first while the other jus wants countehits. Ewhat I like to do is slowly get in range and see what he does. I like to walk up a bit more defensive and jus see wat he do and wat range he do it in. Than u plan ahead. If he us sweep, us fa, dash jus block and other normals u should be out of range. Stay jus outside sweep so when u see dash or turn, u can reactI found an awsome trick for fightin rog u may want to practice. Its lose on timing but its awsome and eliminates the risk of mix ups.
What trick is this?
sry i was at work and had to wrap it up there. when ever i fight rog, and im in a block string that always end wit dash punch, if ur familiar with his combos, at the last normal he throw, use hk st. if he dash punch, it leaves u in block, if he overhead(ex also) and uppercut, he gets destroyed. the trick is to push forwardxxxhk than back down so if he does sweep, u block it also. it works perfect for dash punch. it may take practice to notice when to press hk but like guile, u can press forward after a charge, then back and still hit hk because how long the game holds the input so if u feel shaky about it, jus press nothing.
i do the same thing, whenever rog does his gay combo which leads to an Overhead, then a head but and an Ultra
or i just grab him in the middle of his EX Overhead charge instead of ST
the same grab works between shotos crmk-fireball, and evil Ryus crmk -overhead heel
in the arcade you can fly over a coruching rog and pull him out of his jumping punch counter, cr uppercut, or his head but jump, or about anything else he wants to do
for gief, i use lprcf from further out, , jump off the back wall hk, fly over his lariat and slash from the back or land & counter, ST his green glove jbhp his 360 game, sky high claw his jumping headbutt… do alot of after-lariat counters if he lariats, karathrow when he’s normalling, and exfb anything else…
i dont think a gief can beat me, without running the time down, unless he gets me caught in his 360 vortex
hey guys, im back once again with the exact same problem. yesterday i ran into a really good gief in ranked and man did he kick my ass. we played like 20 matchs cause i was trolling him for the match up experience other than points. hes on my FL and man was it tough. i tried exactly what everyone said and to avail. i staid right outside his stand strong and short range and everrrrry time he jumped in, i AA with nj rh. with the super duber increased ranged with his sbd, the one time, my aa missed his jump in, i got f’d up. that freaking cr jab stuffs everything and i mean everything. the only thing that started working was to stand short into stand forward right outside his range.
whats retarded is st hk. at certain ranges, this is the much needed aa, the only problem is that the hitbox on it is stupid. its like when u aa with it and whiff and u get hit, u get sucked in close then u orignally were. that was a huge problem in the match up. i caught on to his tick throw but i could do much because it was soooo random random because it was behind moves of mine he would stuff. stuff ch, spd. stuff rcf sbd stuffed normal, sbd. it was driving me crazy. i would see it coming and MASH backdash to no avail. this match up is absolutely gay.
and that lariet destroyed everything. i started vortexing him once in a while jus to take a huge chunk of life knowing if he does the right lariet im screwed.
jozear, he said he played u and and they way he messaged me lets me know he played u a few times.
i need some better strats against that beast of a char. its starting to feel like fighting a good non jumping honda
got some replays? you’re going to have to play him as opposed to playing gief
i forgot to save them and i jus got my cap card. imma prolly try to get him to play some ft5 and save em.
o yea his hit box is retarded to. for what ever reason, if i landed the first hit of st rh, the second hit never hits
Yeaaaa… Juri’s c.mk is gdlk. But her c.mp get stuffed by our j.hp, didn’t have much success with j.hk.
But yea her c.mk goes under our crouch jabs, and can stun us in two combos
any tips about Gouken? is it a bad or good match up for claw?
For me, it’s the best match up for Vega. Even better than Hawk. I can go on and say it’s 8-2 in Vega’s favor.
yet, your not giving him any tips
if you’re EU, play against Matt-Hazard and record it, pls
Unfortunately I play on PC, which most people underestimate. True, there are many trolls, maybe more than in Xbox, but there also are very good players on PC. I would like to fight that person if he is also on PC. I’ve never had a hard time against a Gouken.
The reasons:
U1, is most certainly the Ultra you should use. Although a good Gouken, or any projectile char except for Guile and Dee Jay, shouldn’t be throwing fireballs to a U1ed Vega, you can punish them easily if they do.
Most of his great, damaging combos happen when you are in the corner. Not putting yourself in the corner is already one of your main missions while playing, so this should be out of his options.
All of his moves have terrible recovery, you can punish each one of them on whiff and you should.
Fireballs: Everything you use against a fireball char is more useful in this fireball char. His main thing to keep you out is his fireballs and they are crappy. He can’t charge them in the Vega match up as we have ex.SHC to punish him fullscreen. U1 stops his this option even further.
Tatsu: His best anti-air except that counter thing is ex-tatsu and that has one of the most terrible recoveries in the game. So, punish everything in the most damaging way you can. Normal tatsus lose to j.hp, if you are above him in the air. After eating a Tatsu, do a quick recovery everytime as he would recover from his move at the same time with you and he won’t get the time to make the “pressure a waking up Vega” thing.
Counter: Jump-back hp is a great trick to throw out here and there to make him do that counter which will whiff you but he will absorb the damage and after that any combo is possible to take him to near-stun state, as it will add to the absorbed one.
Flips: Nj.hk to beat him out of his flips. Air grab if you can. Don’t CH after you have nj.hked as he will do counter. His flip recoveries are worse than Akuma’s, slide has 20!
And don’t eat that backthrow. Its 5 fr start-up which is unusual for a normal grab compensates for its usefulness.
I would most certainly like to fight very good Goukens. I like the chars, my favourite amongst the shotos, but I smile when I see my opponent is a Gouken.
yeah i tried to do all the things you list (thanks anyway, always good to read) but he has a damn good pressing and most of the time i could do nothing but block…
he plays on playstation 3 and can’t remember if he got a PC version as well, i’ll let you know
ive played some very good Goukens. one of my good friends is in the top 5 on xbl. u have to notice really small tendencies. do they love to fireball or do they love to sweep. when u get a knock down, does he do ex demon flip. all this u can figure out in like the first 10 secs of the match. dont give him to much space and dont jump in when he has meter but when u jump in, know ur taking a risk with counter.
like gross said, he does have some extremely unsafe moves like that ex tastu which is scary because it hurt and grab. i like to stay ready to jump after one close normal because most goukens will jump or demon flip for mix up and u got to make them respect u. pressing any button before u press a light (jap, short) is asking to be hit with focus.
u can jb fierce on his wake up and it will land everytime and majority Goukens are not prepared for that and if they demon flip, u can just immediately nj throw because of how slow it is, plus its homing in on u so its should be free if u do it fast. u cant punish sweep on block btw so dontt try. u may die cause of that
real quick. I’m going to a tourny riddled with deejays. I’ve rarely seen or played this match up. But I have a feeling it should be played similar to guile. If you know how to deal with deejay let me know.