i got very little on that matchup. it’s one of my weaker ones
its prolly the most annoying mu u will every face. u cant play him to similar to guile because his normals are better. his j knee stuffs everything u could want to do. if u are good are avoiding tick throws and cross ups, u are ahead of the game. push him to the corner. use meaty/early cr mk when u get a knock down. his ex upkick will anti air all safe jumps unless u empty but its a guessing game.
i reccomend:
(1)dont play footsies. u will lost this battle. his cr kicks go under ur punchs and ur cr kick will either trade or get beat out so u will end up on the bad side of the stick. if u put him on block, try to get a tick throw or everhead or ch but dont do it alot. i mean dont. they all lose to his crouching kicks.u cant punish light sobat. the rest u can with cr mp
(2) anti air is ur primary goal here. dont let him jump in clean but if he gets the jump on u and use that knee, u will not be able to stop it. i say st on reaction to his jump( on the way up, not down) u may get 1 hit or a trade. its light vs hk st. u win that trade.
(3) of course walk him into the corner. he has like 90 ways to anti air u with just normals. they are faster and better the guiles so jump very very rarely. u will lost alot of health this way.
(4) stay out of his cr hk range. ur medium normals will reach but u dont want him to reach with that normal. it gives him free pressure and guess and u cant do anything about it on block. u can punish the whiff wit cr mk or mp. if he turtles in front of u, u do the same and be ready to anti air.
alot of the match up will be trading but remember, outside of ultra, super and fadc combos, he doesnt hurt to bad so some trades are always great.o yea, dont focus attack. majority of his combos use lights and command moves and they all break armor.
gl and i hope this helps. this is the best advice i can give u
edit: o yea, theres something iffy about when he does jump knee and vega uses cr lk. for what ever reason, it makes it completely whiff SOMETIMES. but im still messing around with it
Dee Jay is a nightmare mostly. He is one of the cheapest chars. I’ve completed all his trials in the first try. All of them are stupidly easy. And yet noone uses them. They just play “being Guile” much better than Guile himself.
You have nothing to do other than waiting for the opponent to do some mistake and punish him. There is no way you can get offensive. There is only three ways to open him up: focusing a close projectile. Overhead. And most importantly kara throw.
But you will be blocking %90 of the match’s duration.
That smiley face, that irritating voice, that “hey!” he shouts make my hair stand.
My friend that got me into fighting games main was deejay and tortured me with his vortex and air slashes back when I was complete shit, and I just learned to block until he messes up and punish like no tomorrow. He was ranked top 30 at one point before he went to the air force.
Deejays vipers blankas and bisons were no match for my vega. Qualified for the swedish nationals. We got a vega in there keeping it sexy yeaah buddy. FYI I hate viper http://esportsverige.nu/news/74/56/SSFIVAE-finalst-fran-Umea
Hello fellow vega players
I thought I was alone nice to see a place where people understand my love and fustration little history bout my self played street fighter when I was a kid and pick it back up with street fighter 4 vega is the only main . I played a brief start with ken and once with Charlie in alpha but anyways … I’m new here and want to get into the street fighter community since I shit my self when they announce vega for street fighter x takken maybe it will b Vegas time . I play mostly online ps3 since my brothers the only player I know no arcades he in Canada , he’s understand s this plinking option select stuf and try’s to help to say the least I can hang in there with most semi pros b to a class online which I know means balls but it’s an idea of my level any ways hope to meet some playrs I can learn from
Psn locobro
Please use punctuation for being understood better. I’ve read your post several times to get some parts.
Now, why did you shit yourself when Vega was announced if you were a Ken and Charlie player?
I guess you skipped the part about maining Vega in SSF4 AE?
Mr gross let me be clear about maining vega , I don’t play with anyone else , I did for a short time play ken in vanilla then got serious and got a joystick and stuck for better or worse with vega , and I shit myself because I was so happy he is in streetfighter x takken that I got back into it that’s why I’m here , clear , when I was a kid in ss2turbo I played vega , back in the arcade days , so long ago
Locobro psn try me ?
Where you live? I’ll play you if you live in Cali.
If not there’s always elcubanoloco on xbl
Sorry no Xbox live , I play on ps3 in Canada Montreal
But you guys still have arcades there right
Great couple of matches bro! We need to train together!
megatron is my bro he is the only other player I know and I get to play live sometimes with him rare I even see Vegas players online I was stunned and ask my bro how do I counter wall dives wasent used to a mirror match its funny , but psn is Locobro add me or megatron_78 we are training for street x takken , add me at least we will be 3 players in endless and Vegas in street x takken and I hear he is sick and safer , thanks play again add me . You got me good with the ultra …lol
Not a problem. Your Vega is already solid, you just need to move around more and perfect your mix up game with him. Don’t hesitate to ask me If ever you need more training! I’ll be sure to give you the harsh lesson… or maybe you will teach me something! :x
Seems like I have a problem with advanced stuff like , plinking and option select , saw the way your low mk linked into combos
Easily and constantly hopefully with street fighter x takken they opened the combos more , and Vegas is safer just my combos aren’t there and if I get caught its over that’s why I was playing a little defensive … Hopefully next time megatron will be on and we could get some good endless rooms going on but … Street x takken in like 10 ten days hope everyone gets it
Hi guys! Help!
I’m presently doing my final work for my examination in game design school and I am in need of finding playtesters to evaluate my game! What I’m making is a game (or actually two games, but you’ll only need to play one of them) in RPG Maker, in which I’m experimenting on how to balance storytelling with gameplay.
The game prototypes are to be finished in week 12, and in week 13 it’s time for playtests (it’s now week 9)… so, I need participants! Help me! The playtests will be done through the internet one way or another, followed by interviews where I ask the testers what they thought about different aspects of the game. The interviews will be done through e-mail or some chat application, alternatively through private conversations on this website.
If you want to playtest, it’s important that you appreciate offline RPG:s (such as Final Fantasy, Breath of Fire, Nier, Eternal Sonata, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls, et.c). Considering the nature of the genre, a playtest will probably take quite some time (expect 30-60 minutes).
At last, you need to fill out two questionnaires to be a playtester, which asks you about your motivations for playing offline-RPGs - the game prototypes will actually be based on what motivations offline-RPG-players have. You will need to fill in your e-mail address in both questionnaires for me to be able to reach you afterwards.
Here are the two questionnaires:
[FONT=lucida grande]http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/V7GTN8G
They’re short and only take about 5 minutes to fill out, if not less.
I hope there are some who are willing to help! Thank you in advance!
***I’m aware that I’m posting something completely irrelevant to the subject of this thread, and I’m sorry for that, but from my experience of talking to SF-players on PSN and XBL there are quite many who appreciates offline-RPG:s, just like me. :)***[/FONT]
I love using rpg tsukuru/maker! I have been trying to make fighting games for it but, it’s very hard to… I’m interested in playtesting your game
i’ve been playing vega for so long now, and i still don’t know what’s the best way to deal with honda’s butt splash on wake up, what do you guys normally do?
On Honda’s wakeup or yours?
Block high if I’m safe-jumping, that way I’ll block both buttsplash or EX headbutts.
If not :
— Corpse-hop +++ against all charge characters, followed by bjHP among other options
— If he hasn’t EX, pretty much anything except focuses (very bad idea against Hondas ^^)
But it’s a troublesome versus indeed, i haven’t mastered it yet. =)