Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

this isnt 100% accurate because she can change the angle of her kunai and timing of her jump but this will cover you for the vast majority of matchups.

if she kunai’s early or low it’s a crossover
if she kunai’s late or high it’s not

there’s a LOT more too it but use those as a starting guide. Eventually you’ll get the timing down so that you know it’s going to cross ov er or not… barring the ambiguous timing.

One thing I realized after my long sets with this guy (it was MingoDynasty actually, posts over in the Ibuki forums. He’s amazing O__O) was that the only times I was able to take a match with my Vega was when I made an effort to control the pace of the match myself. Playing passively or defensively just resulted in him scoring that knockdown sooner or later, and my being stunned in like 10 seconds. I only won when I managed to score a knockdown myself through more aggressive footsies and guessed correctly about what he wasn’t ready for.

EDIT: One of my biggest problems (one which he caught on to and abused the hell out of) was that for some reason I just don’t react to Ibuki’s slow-as-fuck overhead properly. Ugh. So embarrassing.

DOUBLE EDIT: [media=youtube]j5HEYtl7Iko[/media]
Shin Phoenix played this matchup exceptionally well IMO. Best Vega at NEC (I was probably the worst).

Just watch where ibuku is and block according to that (in front of you = regular block, behind = crossup). the kunai will be autoblocked in most cases if you do it like this

The real hard issue with Ibuki for me is when they really know her pressure strings.

But, I had a few questions regarding how the Cosmic heel change, now how exactly did it change?

Last night me and a player were discussing the Ryu Vega Match-up and unless Cosmic heel is PERFECTLY spaced mashed dp will still get you, how is this different from AE (Vanilla)?

Cosmic Heel has 5 active (hitting) frames. Only if you hit on the very first one will you be at -3 (bad enough for a DP punish). You have 4 frames of leeway to attack as a meaty or to space it out properly. However, it is EASIEST to hit on that first frame so you have to be careful. view hitbox animation

In vanilla I think you were at a frame advantage no matter when you hit, now in 2012 its +2 only on the very tip.

Thank you sir, this is sound advice.

Thank you for shedding some light Meteo, much appreciated.

IIRC, in Vanilla, CH ranged from -1 to +3, and from -3 to +1 in AE2012.

actuall yeah you’re right…

damn i forgot to count the 0 frame…

now I gotta go find all the spots i said it was +2…

New Makoto nonsense to watch out for

Man, wtf, how is that fair? lol

Makoto’s got her 3s street cred back XD

Is there an advantage to using more than one character? What I mean is, I really 98% of the time ever play Vega (gotta change it cos I’m going insane) and the other day I played a Viper and he and I were basically were even after 12 fights; however when he switched to Ryu he raped me about 5 straight and then we stopped. The next day we played 6 matches and he changed characters every-time and I only beat him ONCE. Is he better than me (which is fine) or is there something else I’m missing here?

the main advantage to using more than one character is that certain characters have tools other characters lack. And those tools may be better suited for playing against people with different mindsets or against specific characters in general.

That’s the good thing about using more than one character

The bad thing (technically for both players) when someone changes character is that everything (when playing someone good) gets reset back to zero. You cannot rely on the things you noticed the match(es) prior because this is a different character. Habits someone may have had as one character may or may not carry over to the new character. It’s also pretty hard for the average player to go straight from playing as one character to another and maintain consistency for playing both characters. Usually one or both played characters will suffer.

So if you’re extremely proficient at both characters it can be a good thing, but if you’re so-so with any other possible character, then it’s better to just stick with your main.

I see. When I played his other characters I could not read him at all and I got trounced - he on the other hand seemed pretty good with all the characters he choose (even beating me with Vega which was damn depressing).

then that means you lack fundamentals and that’s exactly what he’s beating you with

What fundamental skill/s are you specifically talking about? To reiterate, I beat his main (C.Viper); but I could not adjust to his other characters (C.Viper is also the character he used in the tournament).

The thing I want to show in this link is "Daigo (Ryu) 0 - 3 Reiketsu (Claw)"
This made my night.

Also, Eventhubs is doing a community tier list poll. I suggest putting your votes for Vega match-ups. The list is incomplete now. But is getting added fastly.

did all mine earlier…

mostly 5-5 for everything. Someone put 7-3 guile so i voted 7-3 vega for the hell of it. i really think it’s 6-4 though

it means that more than likely he doesnt do unsafe things with any character, or if he gets punished for something he doesnt do it again. He probably just did simple hit confirms into simple combos. Either that or It means that he probably played a bit unorthadox and you werent used to how that character could be played in the hands of someone that doesnt know how to play that character. So you ended up doing unsafe things to just try to beat him and he stayed solid and won.

or he just abused 1 move over and over that you couldnt beat.

Having good fundamentals means that you play safe and smartly. Hit confirming, keeping combos simple enough to where you KNOW you wont drop them, punishing unsafe moves, knowing your spacing, basically stuff that isnt character specific and applies in all matchups.