mentioning ryu jumps. one thing i found to be hella important in fighting him isnt his footsies, its his jump ins. its like they are absolutely free because anything u do will either trade, lose or whiff him when he jumps in.
i tend to pay more attention to what he wants. zoning isnt that scary. its expected and the person playing him already knows it too.i like to stay outside of his jump range until i can back him into a corner. this way when he decides to jump in ur just right out side so u can move or make it whiff.
either another jump will follow which u will see or he will jus retreat. dont let that zonning set u up into that hell hole of him jumping in freely cause aint much u can do. his jump normals are better and seem to always jus reach farther.
yea i remember that. i went through another revolution since then. i realized i wasnt analising situations like i should have and even when i did, i really didnt care. so now ive been on a rampage and fixing my play style as it goes on.
just to clarify, when you do the corner thing i was talking about. You actually want to be just outside max cMP range so that you can hit their limbs if they poke. most people just can not STAND holding down back in the corner for more than 5 sec without either player doing anything.
Alright, I’m trying to wrap my head around the Dee Jay match-up, I play against flying V here in Chicago and I can clean him up pretty handily, but online when Dee-Jays just start jumping in repeatedly with that command air normal, The knee attack, over and over and over again, I don’t know what to do, air throw doesn’t beat it, tried scarlet terroring on wake up (The knee beats it clean) and I’m left to just sit there and take this onslaught of stupidity.
lol, yea i play against some troll deejays online. u really cant do anything but show off ur defense. dont get flustered and dont let that annoying troll attempt break u into making mistakes. from some distances u can st hk cause of his hit box. the trade is always in ur favor but dont go for it all the time. jus block it til he messes up. theres something fucky about it. in my matchs, when he did that jump knee and i did like cr mk or cr lk, it completely whiffs or goes behind me. i need to mess around with it. imo, hes like a more annoying guile. jus block block block cause one chance u get will hurt. and ur cr mk goes under alll up kicks but not upper cuts =/
yup nothing but blocking its obvious when hes gonna cross up and if u rely on sound, u can hear him make a noise when hes doing it. u can try to take it on but i rarely get luck with it. it either beats out my st or my jump before i can even press a button. and i mean i was on a mission to make him stop and nothing worked. i did find wierdly when i would crouch tech when he jump knee, it made him whiff. something wierd there but never took it to training.
hey guys, i jus recently learned something. i should have known this but i just realized it. if ur full screen against seth and he wall jumps, nj lp anti airs everything he does when he jumps forward. and i mean its pretty convincing. i mean every move he does off the wall will get stuffed so dont be scared to use it when u see SBs.
well its more like beginning of match or when he has super/ ultra and they result to trying to lame u out. that nj lp smashes all attempts at anything. u know around seth the safer the better.
hey guys, i got a heavy concern. how the heck do u deal with guy. im like of course. he is a great test of ur defense, but u cant really do much to him. hes sweep beats out everything, that elbow is godly and he can stand in front of u and mash buttons because none of ur reversals work. i find myself preying i guess right for like 20 seconds until i see a jump or a bushin flip which i can cr hk out. its all ok when he has to meter cause u can run normals and follow them with focus but how do u keep him out after that.
heres the issue. i know my range and i try to play footsies but freakin sweeps kill me. its like i try to run counter hit or jus one normal and sweep. hes either knocked me down and trade or beats me or tatsus after it. when i sit there and jus block which is majority of the times cause i know the distance on it, i end up in his button mashathon. and i cant swing or grab tech because of it. that run overhead hits really early which i hate.
go into training mode and fool around with your normals setting guy dummy to sweep. find out what normals kill it in range. then… learn to counter sweep it when he misses
i kinda tried that when i was in a match lol. i tried cr mk, cr mp, st lk and mk. it either traded and knocked me down or it jus hit me with out knock down. i kinda gave up trying to hit that normal i more so started fa and back dash but then meter comes to problem. ex shoulder messes that up. my main problem is what are my options when hes run stop combos. like actually i prolly more so need to know what is he with run stop. can i risk a kara grab or swing with st hk or should i jus try to back up. i need more of a reference if ur playing and put into that situation.
can someone give me some tips vs chun?
the way i play this match is poke based, almost no jump ins and ex fba as escape when corned
any help is welcome