i tried blocking already, but i always get hit by either a sweep or a st mp x hozanshu after a fireball, and mix up starts all over again. i can only block so much, my question really is how to find an opening to her offense. i can’t find it, all i do is levlel 1 focus her sweep and hozanshus… and that doesn’t do jack…
its all u can do. she is like guile, but better. u just have to try and get her into the corner because thats where u can get all ur damage. she is forced to turtle cuase if she jumps or hozanshu, u can scarlett terror on reaction. if she goes on offense, u cant really do anything but block. many of her normals are either safe or good enough that u cant punish without taking a huge risk with counter hit pokes. are u on 360??
oh man, i can never see the hozanshu on reaction to scarlet terror it, haha, it’s so damn fast…especially when she cancels it from a far s.mp or a close hk. and i tried pushing them in the corner, but that never seem to happen cause the fire balls pushes me back…but i guess being sweep is better then getting hozanshoed and ultraed…i’m on pc by the way, in australia
I’m not sure how…but I’ve done cr.mk early on while Chun does her hozanshu and have consistently beaten it…anybody else??
wouldnt suprise me if it works but i prefer getting a focus crumple
ive actually grabbed hanzonshos accidentally. not like after it lands but as it lands and i should have got hit :o but like vegaman said, its not surprising. that move is actually not that strong. it can lead to damage but u can always forcus, jump back hp. neutral jump.shes like fighting a really good guile. if she fireballs, jus block it. u wont take hella chip from it. jus stay at ur cr mp range. so if u see something u can swing on it and the only thing she can do to u much more limited. she can only sweep, fireball and hanzansho. make them respect ur footsies. its ur only way. and counter hit frame traps are always awsome
i’m not scared of taking those chip damage, just scared of what comes next, haha. my problem is actually GETTING into that cr mp, st mk range. i just don’t know what to do when i’m just outside my st mk range.
just be patient and walk foward. stay out her sweep range so she and be ready to block. ur only gonna get in if she lets u. ur not gonna be able to brute in. if u get near and u notice she always swing, jump in. her anti air options are not that good. either its a focus or jump normal. also check her frame data. i mostly kno it by eye like againt guile. some normals are negative and u can sneak in a cr mp when she spammin normals
thanks for the advice. jumping for me is out of the question though since the chun i vs anti airs with a cr hk…i hate her so much…
it feels i wasnt able to really help u. she is a tuff match up cause her normals are jus as good if not better. im very patient and i adjust to some of the lame strats wit her.
Wow there spitfire, just because she has no special move that AA’s well, she is actually pretty dangerous to jump in too… her j. double fierce is a very deadly air to air in the hands of good chuns, because when they do the headstomps after that , you are hurt good for your jump attempt and she did not even expend any meter. Sweep and fierce also do ok for her as AA moves (although vega can beat those with right spacing).
Only jump in when you really expect something like a sweep attempt and maybe once or twice per match to try to suprise her and show your not afraid to do it. (if u can risk the potiental AA damage). Also airthrowing her when you see HER jump is a good air to air tactic for chun’s floaty jump.
This match is a horrible match to play imo, it reminds me alot of mirror matches in that it is a poking war with the same effective ranges, only chun is alot harder.
Its hard to force her into mistakes, so if she doesnt make many, your chances to get some damage in are limited.
1 mistake and she can do some decent damage herself. Kara throw works in this match , but her crouch tech leads to hit confirmed decent damage easily as
well, so messing it up is a big no-no.
Also the kara throw/cosmic heel game works less good, because the cosmic heel also does not hit her well when she crouches. wich also lead to that EX-leg stuff.
Her sweep and hazanshou are punishable, but ex-fba combo’s are not reliable, because it will whiff on her chrouching hitbox alot depending on your distance.
Ex-shc gimmicks she ducks under. blocked rcf is punishable by her super… basicly your dependent on your normals in this match even in combo’s wich makes vega’s damage output low.
Mission statement: get a decent lifelead and keep her out! Easier said than done though.
Very good chuns are just a really hard match.
When she has the lifelead things get hard instantly, and you can take it back by playing patiently with good counterpokes or taking huge risks to win or die trying.
emersion, that is the answer i was looking for. everything you’ve said is so bloody true. the super punishing the rfc, i always thought it’s unpunishable until the chun i have trouble with hit me with it…as for ex fba combos not working, true as well cause i can never get a charge since i have to move around everywhere and blocking hozanshous. the only punish i have for a hozanshou is a crouching medium… it’s so lame!!!
i might still have a few matches from last night against a decent chun on xbl if you want to see them
if so PM me.
emersion, i completely agree. thats something that anyone who have played chun should have learned whether good or bad.
i gave some assumptions into giving my opinion which left gaps for people. of course, all vega players should know jumping in all the time against anyone and i mean anyone isnt a great idea, but its a great idea if u see it.
me personally, i like to walk her down and jus block i wont swing, i just block and see what they do and let them get comfy.
when they start just pressing buttons is when i start to abuse them with normals and focus atks or a swift jump in. spacing is another thing i thought would be something everyone knew was important so yes things can happen.
ive neva felt running from some characters has ever benifited vega which are other charge chars. they are all just as agile and got pretter good normals and a swift corpse hop goes a long way.
and sometimes i try to punish stuff i see coming with scarlett terror. sometimes its way to much but that was the old me. johzear kicked my ass and ruined my day. gratz on #1 bro.
i love footsies and its what makes a match.
Some other notes/ideas out of the top of my head that might help (it seemed like chun was 9-1 from my previous post lol), some of this might be a bit too general for most, but i dont know who all reads it so… :
blocked ex-legs are usually punished easily with c.mp> ex fba (shes standing so no worries about whiffing)
Learn that when u hit pokes that are confirmable (like c.mk) watch if she is standing or crouching, this looks like a very basic tip… but many people forget to check it because they never really have to against most other chars. EX-fba wont whiff when she is standing offcourse ( so dont just always drop the ex-fba out of every combo and be done with it)
Your okizeme game works well on chun since her reversals are relativly easy to beat.
Fishing with focus in hope for crumple just in/out her sweep range is legitimate, she has no usefull counter/breaker for it at that range.
Hazanshu is easy focus level 1 and sometimes level 2 if your quick enough.
Dont be afraid of her fireball game at a distance , just absorb, walk out range or neutral jump them, be wary of focus and jumps if she follows the slow one (or is close) though.
Try to avoid jumping forward though!
Dont forget the purpose of absorbing, it gets you ultra with wich u can shut down fireballs completly from certain ranges.
Dont be afraid to stick out the s.fierce at times instead of a s.mk the fierce does 120 damage on hit and her jump is pretty slow, so dont worry too much about the higher recovery (but dont be willy nilly about it either ofcourse).
hk or ex-ST is a decent move against her pressure, it beats throw/hazanshu and slower pokes, but like always be wary of using it too much. Punishment can be severe.
Be carefull with good chuns that use standing medium punch alot with Ultra 1 equiped and loaded, they are fishing for counterhit s.mp to ultra 1 combo.
The match is in her advantage, but its not one of vega’s toughest match ups imo… at least she doesnt have a dive kick or other constant pressure tools
Any tips against ryu?
Nuetral jump them fireballs.
get the life lead and run.
air throw tatsus
dont do anything stupid
block more
^ This.
Eventually he will come after you, and jump back HP/MK will work great against his jump ins if timed right.
BHC is also great if you have a life lead, because he will open himself up to be hit with it in an attempt to rush you down.
As always, be wary of his his cr.mk, that shit is highly dangerous; if you block one, keep blocking, chances are a fireball will follow it.
Can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to jab or cr.mk after blocking his cr.mk and got blown up by fireball>cancel>ultra 1. As with all of Vega’s match-ups one good thing to remember is that the fight is not a race, use that timer to your advantage.
Some general tips i guess:
When ryu walks back from you out of his own effective range , he usually wants to throw hado, with vega you can follow him (your faster) and harras him with s.mk at max range, this will stop hadokens in their start up often.
Most ryu’s want to start the round with hado zoning, if they do, discourage them by absorbing the hado’s for your ultra of choice.
Same as chun, dont be afraid of his fireballs and jump forward them all the time, just absorb/flip/block or neutral jump them.
Blocking fireballs is not a crime!
If he doesnt stop the fireball zoning quickly, you can force him too when your ultra is ready.
Ryu is kind of hard to air to air with forward jump, his j.rh has huge reach and if he hits j.mp he can follow it up in several ways.
Air throw still works though, but its your call if u want to risk it. Jumping back with the normal of choice works better because your better at staying out of his range and his j.mp becomes almost worthless as it has no range. Beware that your giving away space though.
You can frustrate a ryu into jumping with your crouching pokes and with proper reactions the scarlet terror works well against him. (trade is the worst result if he presses a button early and is not that bad)
Walldives are kind of risky outside of setup/combo (like in most matches) , the j.mp, shoryu, c.hp,c.mp all work pretty well against it.
You can use the loop in the corner against him, but it always remains risky, a screw-up equals much damage.
Since ryu can not roflcopter out of the corner anymore, he is rather vulnerable against vega in the corner… the only way out for him is lack of attention on your part or a well placed shoryu or c.mk>fireball>fadc>sweep or something of that nature … Practise keeping him in the corner!
Ryu can be mixed up with the usual grab/cosmic heel/poke/flip/nothing tricks, just always be mindfull of that damn shoryu, always know his meter as well.
When Ryu has full super meter, be wary of the crossup tatsu>super and the aforementioned let you focus hadoken>super.
You can feel a Shoryu character (without ultra if you value your health) out at times with a jump in to (jab) kkk backflip this tests multiple things:
-Can he AA (shoryu) well?
-Does he mash shoryu in blockstrings?
-Does he mash throw tech?
- If he blocks and you kkk backflip, does he (learn to) punish in time?
Basicly you can test out his personality and reactions with this, beware that your putting yourself at risk to gather this information though!
If he does (mashes)shoryu the kkk you can punish. This might also relieve future mashing (depending on what kind of person your dealing with).
C.fierce\ex fba any missed mk-hk tatsu.
When ryu gets predictable with blockstrings to hadoken watch for it very carefully and ultra or EX-st or EX-rcf that on reaction, its never a true blockstring (and u keep autoblocking if it can be somehow)!
The ultra on reaction is hard, but buffer the motion and just only press the kicks when u see him moving his hands together.
All i can think of at the top of my head.
this… it also shuts down her jumping game massively if you use U1 like i do
oh yeah spitfire… remember that match where i had you in the corner and you couldnt do shit? That works against everyone except grapplers and teleporters, Just plant yourself at cMP range and react to everything they do. If they jump throw their ass to the ground. if they poke, frame trap them.