Yeah, it’s always a risk. But one I think is worth doing once in a (long) while, if you can put the impression in their head that you are willing to jump. Level 1 focus is a really good one too, forgot about that, thanks.
Low fierce shits on Hakan as well Balrog. Fuck yeah, reliable grounded AA.
So, at the local meeting I have problem with only one match up. Zangief.
Now, it boils down to the last slivers of health, and I can’t figure out if its me or the match up. I’m obviously not maximizing a few things, primarily AA every jump in. If I can get the lead, well I can win, if he gets the lead, i can get it back and win. Vice versa, but there’s this feeling of he needs to do a lot less to win.
So…any ideas?
How the hell you deal with Bison?!
Force Gief to the corner. Find some way to do that because you pretty much win if you can hold him down there (aggressive footsies, a grab maybe, etc). Barring that, hold center stage and make him give up sizable chunks of life to make you move back an inch. Trade in the air if you must, but don’t give up ground. You’ll want punishes that give you a lot of ground as opposed to punishes that do a lot of damage, imo (like doing the claw strike on an EX FBA whiff punish instead of the Izuna Drop).
Pretty sure Vega still beats Gief, it’s just a long grind for you in terms of doing enough damage, gaining space and holding him down, while he just needs you to make one mistake, get in once and mix you up until you’re done. Pretty much standard Vega vs grappler stuff.
Play the mid-range game, look for the knock down. Stay on him for as long as possible. If you have a bar, Bison has no good reversal options against your pressure (unless he’s going to burn 3 bars just to get out). If you’re in Bison pressure, use the standard defensive options. Against SK pressure, far jab and far strong work really well for stuffing the SK. Far jab is probably better since it recovers faster and does the same job as far strong. Your only problems in that match are getting knocked down and getting caught in the SK corner trap.
Also, lvl 1 focus is pretty good against his pokes. Just watch out for SK/PC charge.
I noticed that worked, when I managed to do it.
It just feels so akward since I can’t bully Zangief anymore. It doesn’t help that he is OK if he loses to a time out
Good shit on the FBA claw swipe. Ive never really looked at it taht way. I really think its the AA thing that’s killing it. Trades are not favorble for Vega, especially the type of jump ins he is doing. 70 damage vs 100+ damage isn’t worth it imo, but it beats guessing. ill see how things go next week if he decides to go
Thx i just figured out the real problem… my skills suck. i tried that stuff.
Yeah, I don’t think trying to AA Gief on the ground is worth it. Preempt the jump-in attempt and get ready to take to the sky and get him out of it. Outside of doing an early jump jab to try and stuff your air-to-air attempt, Vega pretty much rapes Gief in the sky (unless he has u2 stocked, then those are Russian skies…sigh).
Hi I’m new here. I’m not a bad player generally. But I have real problems against some characters like everyone and I would appriciate the help honestly.
First of all, of course Vega is completely helpless against Yun and Yang. They are broken characters. I have watched Tatsu, Reiketsu, Makoto all getting smashed even with “perfect” rounds by moderate Yuns and Yangs. But as they are being fixed a bit with the Ver.2012 coming, I don’t put them here.
1- Blanka: I don’t think there is a Vega player who doesn’t hate Blanka. The hop thing from my one side to the other frustrates me. I go for the grab, but I eat slide. I do cr.lp or, I eat electricity. Whatever I do there is a complete guess game. This character is cheap altogether. I hope it will never appear in a future SF game.
2- Bison: His every move is safe from my every move. Light SK can’t be punished on block as Vega’s fastest normal is 4 frames in start-up and he is far for grab. So what to do in a corner where the Bison player constanly l.SK me? His jump-in mk is floaty and I can’t tell if he will hit my back or front, so I can’t block properly.
3- Honda: His neutral jump hp stops my every move. I think it would even stop U1’s going to the wall part. He falls to the ground real quick, so my focus will get stuffed.
4- Guy: The shoulder move I think has the longest block stun. Run-slide is very quick and will punish my every move in motion. And that damn elbow thing cannot be punished with anything except for an early It is just recent I have found a use for It hits Guy’s elbow and Honda’s Sumo Splash without trade.
5- Ibuki: She has a target combo where she slides than stands and kick then just jumps on my head again and everything repeats. I have problems about getting out of that repeated combo. Sometimes forward dash or neutral jump hk works, but not all the time.
And lastly El Fuerte: How do you know what he will do after his run on your wake up? I do focus, he does the grab. I back-dash, he slides and hits me. I block high, he does that leap attack on my other side. This man is just frustrating.
I would really love some pointers for those match-ups. I hope someone will be able to give me some.
Ive found that the best air normal against gief is is jf.hp, but if your doing that air grab is better because it sets up a cross up EX FBA or Ultra 1. which reminds me, nj.hp is such a good move against gief, because if you do jf.grab and you reacted to the wrong animation your in his loving hands. I personally think its the best air normal against Zangief because of the space control and safety it provides.
I use Fuerte myself. anything he does where he leaves the air from his run. throw that shit. Keep his ass on the floor. his wake up game is worse then Yours.
Pay more attention to his tendencies.
The El Fuerte board has a thread on how to beat him ironically enough >_>
I think every forum should have a thread on how to beat said character. It would help us all improve as a whole, I think.
Confession time!
Anytime I go to another character forum (and I do very frequently), I tend to post how to beat Vega in their matchup threads. You’re welcome =P
Anywho, fighting Spabrog a bit, I tend to find KKK useful in the match, since it avoids about 60% of his mixups. Of course, it’s punishable and can be predicted, but I think 60% guess is better than trying to guess with 20% odds, plus you get cl.HP punish afterwards, often.
^Go post how to beat Vega in the Hawk forum so they can stop calling it 7-3 Vega. >_>
they only say that cause i perfected a hawk using nothing but throws
I think it is 9-1 for Vega :smokin: punishes everything
^ This XD.
Though a good Hawk can be a little bit of a hassle. Hassle but nothing enough for me to say it’s in Hawk’s favour.
Unless we’re talking Troll Hawk. Eternal Blaze’s Troll Hawk is 10-0 Hawk’s favour everytime XD.
It’s not 9-1. Honestly, it’s not much worse than Gief. =/
I still need the help I mentioned above Plus how to get in an absolute turtle Dee Jay? All my EX moves that go through projectiles are slow, and he recovers from air slahsers incredibly fast, before my ex moves hit him. If you jump in, he up kick me, which is I think one of the best anti-air specials in the game with incredible auto-correct.
you’re in new york?
Yeah. Gonna start going to GC this week.