Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

I’m Vega Pc-users with 3500 PP and 7200 BP, maining Vega and at least I can tell you that in AE version currently, Vega vs Feilong is 4,5- 5,5 Feilong’s favor, he is not Feilong 's bad matchup but at least, he can cope with him more than others, especially in 2012 version when Feilong will be nerfed so Vega can punish him easier. He have some advantages only if you can use properly pokes with Fei , do not jump in please . Cr. Mk and Down Forward MK, kara throw are ur friends to zone Fei

1- Safe jumps : any safe jump I tried do not work on Ex- Flame Kick ( included Backthrow Jump MP, IzunaDrop—> Cr.Mk(MP)—> Jump Hp (HK) ) but only IzunaDrop–> very slighty walk forward ----> Jump HK ( HP) worked ( you can do that for SHoryuken too)
2- Unblockable on Fei: oh I dont know T__T
3- OS : Vega has the Os after safe jump in which mostly used are Jump HK(HP ) and press HP follow because it tends to be safe

be patient vs Bison.

Nuetral jump against him is good.

Vega Vs Fei is slightly in Vega’s favor. Vega has to keep Fei out and he can easily do that. Vega loses though if he loses the life lead, because Fei can just sit on down back and make Vega take a risk.

Perfect spacing (some people will disagree i’m sure) is for me at just outside sMK distance. This will allow you to react to anything Fei can do to try to get in. CH will stuff CW clean. Don’t get caught pressing buttons on rekkas. So just block those till you see the 3rd rekka. For anti air mainly focus on blocking them. If you’re good with spacing and reactions though sHK and cHP are decent AA’s. ST will work good against any dumb jump in and should be part of your main whiff punish (Cosmic Heel into HK/EX ST). If he ends up in the corner stay at max sLK distance and just annoy the hell out of him with pokes and whiff punishes. Head into training mode and practice air throwing CW on reaction (not guessing) so that you can literally shut down every option fei has to get outta the corner (air throw the CW or air throw whatever jumping move he does). Only react to jumping forward moves not neutral jumping. Other than that try never to use cMP unless it’s preceeded by a hit confirmed cLP or sLK.

other than that it’s the standard matchup advice. Block, poke, react, punish. Block being the most important of those.

Thanks for all the responses guys. Just 1 more simple question while I’m at it. Vega’s best air to air is right?

they all have a purpose imho is the answer to most air to airthough

i’m personally an air throw fan. That shit beats almost everything aerial

any tips vs Sakura? that little girl annoys me a lot, especially when played by a friend of mine who is a beast with her :\

i wrote a few times about Vega vs. Sak, so search for those but what it comes down to is if you can get her in the air with Vega’s superior ground game and pokes. Then anti-air of choice. She has a few gimmicks to get in but air throw beats most of her options, does as well. CH is also good at max footsie distance and leads to U2.

The real game starts when she’s in your face. She can end one match off of a hit confirm. What you need to keep in mind is what she does after a blocked tatsu. MOST of the time its c.HP or cl.HP for frame trap or throw.

either ultra is viable in this matchup but I go with u2 since it combos and gives me a good antiair when she has to jump.

I agree that your goal should be to keep Fei out, but other than that, I play this matchup just about opposite of how you do it. How do you hold your ground if you stay out of poke range? How do you make him commit if you can’t do anything? Though Fei does have a very strong poking and footsie game, you still shouldn’t just downright avoid it by staying out of your own effective range.
Also, another thing I think makes Vega strong vs Fei is because Fei can’t walk your ass to the corner with safe rekka pressure. Every rekka can be punished, which forces Fei to take more risks regarding his rekka game. Whilst Vega probably can force more 3rd rekkas out of Fei than any other character, you don’t have to. Every blocked rekka puts him in a 50/50. Don’t let him walk all over you by just punishing the 3rd.

meh. it’s just a difference in how we approach the match. I’d rather react to my opponent and you would rather try to force an opening. The reason I stand just outside of sMK range is because everything Fei can do can be shut down at that range. any closer and he can put you in blockstun on rekka. any farther and you’ve given up too much space for him to be enticed into walking back. My goal is to slowly work Fei into the corner where he literally has zero options. Because Vega can control space far better than Fei, and this gets me to show the least amount of my cards while doing so, this is my first strategy I try. I’m not saying your method isnt right either because it does work. but the more you show your opponent the faster they adapt which means that you dont have as many tools later on in the match that they havnt seen before. Where simple space control utterly frusterates them until they score a lucky hit or you make a mistake. either way you are controlling the pace of the match as opposed to putting them in a spot to guess right. mixups are risky because of the guesses involved. I tend to try to avoid them unless I am forced to guess… ie… when i dont have the life lead and I’m gonna need to get it real soon.

I played my frined today using Vega vs his fei. I found myself succesful poking him with standing MK and crMK, everytime I used crMP on a focus it got punished,. I found myself keeping away just fine with his backdash, but everything else I did got me ripped to shreds.

I also noticed using far MK and crMK mad him jump into some air throws too…

it’s quite hard for me but you can! just need a lot of practice :\

the hell are you walljumping at Honda for?

be glad he’s focusing or you could be eating so much damage…

i jump off the wall toward honda to escape corner and air throw him

Here’s a Q for the community. In the Sagat matchup I’ve had problems against good sagats who know who to play footsies. Any recommendations against his st. mk?

Not sure if there is anything that plain beats it since it tends to move his hit box back. I’ve been using st. Lk due to its speed but that can get pretty stale after awhile. It has a tendency to stuff other moves like slide, and st. mk.

At 11 recovery, if you’re playing him in footsies, you should be able to punish him on reaction if you see it miss. With cr.MK or st.LK comes to mind. Maybe even cr.LP link into combos. Against players that like to throw out those far pokes a lot, I treat those pokes as projectiles, and basically preemptively jump if I expect one coming. I think Vega’s especially good at this, because of his jump arc and his ability to gain height at a faster speed than most.

The sagat in question that I play will DP any jump in attempt with near 100% accuracy. But I do like the idea of thinking about the move as if it were a projectile. That’s a nice/new way of looking at it. I’ll figure it out eventually. We go back and forth and are always forcing each other to level up. it just sucks that it’s my turn to level up lol.

Yeah, that’s always a problem, but if you can jump as they’re pressing a button, with good timing, you can punish it, just like how you can punish a “good” fireball from a Ryu player. It’ll take a lot of reading though. Good luck!
The method/idea was basically taught to me by JWong, who punished every single one of my st.HP’s with a full jump-in combo with GIEF because he used that same idea.

Jumping on a Sagat far forward still leaves you open to Tiger Uppercut, iirc (may even result in a trade @_@). Your best bet is to try stuffing it (low strong, far forward, etc), lvl 1 focus (occasionally, make focus a threat) or just whiff punish it. Vega far fierce getting jumped on is pretty huge compared to a Sagat forward/strong.

It’s not something i do in real matches but i was curious if it’s possible to land the izuna since he crouches so far down.