Any tips on Chun?? I would search the thread but I don’t see the option too…
yeah… searching threads is a no no in srk… you can only search forums. There’s a few long writeups about it. chun matchup hasnt changed that much since vanilla. Her super is still stupidly fast and she still outpokes him.
ShadowOS wrote a good summary about the MU search for that
Somebody update Balrog/Vega and post that low fierce works really, really well as AA in that match since Rog can’t jump-in with a kick, leading to every punch jump-in landing in the space behind Vega’s shoulders while he stabs Rog in the foot. Should also note that in situations where ST loses as AA (i.e. vertical jump-in attacks), air throw will win out, and vice versa.
Before the flaming starts, yes, I’ve tried all of that vs. competent players.
lemme test this cHP out to see how it works
cause this really was my only weak point in the rog matchup.
btw if it’s dealing with a solid strategy it doesnt matter if the opponent is competent or not. It’s not like you’re telling people to do something unsafe.
Any tips on rose!
Lvl 1 focus during footsies and meaty strong/fierce/EX RCF after back throws and forward throws in the corner give her a hard time. Especially now that her u2 isn’t as safe as it was in Super.
oh wow… even trades work in Vega’s favor… thanks for the tip.
And it’s even useful against jHP as well.
cr.hp is actually is a very good AA against Balrog, don’t know why people would shit on you regardless if you use it against competent players or not.
its not like cr.hp would do less damage against Justin Wong.
I think I wrote something awhile back about this MU, it might of not been in this thread though.
I mained Rose when I began to play the SF4 series (which started at Super) In many ways Rose is much like Vega, she has a dominant ground game with pokes, good throw range, plus a few really good anti-airs and a pressure game that’s difficult to deal with when spaced right. For Vega you want to place yourself at Rose’s max s.MK range just inside her far standing HK, both moves are susceptible to FA and cannot be cancelled into anything, plus at that range Vega’s pokes work great against Rose, even c.MP xx Drill won’t work because you can FA the c.MP, and slide won’t work against it she’ll still be recovering.
One of the biggest hurdles in this match up is Rose’s weird hurtboxes, it’s sort of inward around the torso and she gets tiny when crouching, some combos that work on others won’t work on Rose, like c.MK, c.MP xx FBA the c.MP will whiff. To compensate for that you can c.LP but that only works with the claw and the damage is negligible.
Rose’s biggest weakness is her inability to defend herself, she absolutely crumbles under pressure. When it comes down to it, her only real reversal is ex.drill and that’s only invincible for 11 frames of startup. And it’s only safe when it’s spaced correctly, Vega can punish it with ST. This works with all of the versions of her drill, if not spaced correctly (ie: if it’s recovering in your face) you can ST her.
Normally if I play against a Vega on my Rose, I’m choosing U2. It’s not as good as it was before but it still has applications. A lot of the time if Rose gets a knockdown she’ll activate and apply pressure. If done across the screen 50-60% of the time Rose will fireball and and follow the it. If she does this you can ex.SHC or ex.Roll right through it just make sure you hit her to make the orbs go bye bye.
Depending on the type of Rose player you can choose either ultra, for the most part I go with U2 just for Vega to say “What an ugly Rose”.
Guys, there are two match ups that are bothering the fuck out of me. Dictator and Makoto. Anyone care to give me advice because I’m completely free when it comes to them.
just rush down makoto. stay out of karakusa range and you should be fine
Need help against Guy and Abel…really don’t know what to do…
Thanks Vegaman
Man im trying cr.hp on Rog jump in hp and hk in training room im still gettin stuffed like a mofo
spacing dependent, and timing dependent. Once you get it down, its pretty good
Guy kicks my ass
Abel has a shit ton of writeups on here.
Same here, and nobody plays him all that much to learn anything substantial, I have some of the replays from Araidon on 360 playing a high rank guy, but I feel like the guys he plays against aren’t pressuring him all that much.
Some random things I have in mind when I play vs Dic. Now, I have limited Dictator experience, so in case any of this is impractical or just downright stupid, you’re very welcome to correct me.
- Both of you have shitty defense. If he pressures you, he’s winning. And vice versa. So stay on him.
- He’s free on wakeup.
- Autocorrect U2 works against Psycho Crusher bullshit. If you don’t have ultra stocked and he wooooshes right through you, EX FBA should work.
- His BnB is all 3f linkable crouchtechs. Yeah, they fucking love that. It’s a great crouchtech, but it has shitty range, and AFAIK, he’s got no other normal suitable for crouchteching. Forcing it to whiff or just downright beating it is dead easy.
- After a blocked close up SK, he can xx SK again for free, but after that, he’s too far away to connect with another, and if he just does a raw SK, your jab will beat it. Don’t sweat when taking chip, cause he can’t keep it up forever.
- beats his Which is nice.
I think this is pretty much a dead even matchup that all comes down to whoever stays in control. Both are strong at mid range, both have strong pressure, both are free if the other gets in. So, just go get some.
so i heard Vega is bad matchup for fei long. if true i will seriously invest in learning vega to counter pick.
i think Feilong owns Cammys soul with that meterless 400dmg combo and BS rekka + U2 = shuts down strike pressure.
i would appreciate it if you guys can answer me:
- is it true Vega is bad news for Failong? and Why?
- what are the main punishes used. what should i use to anti air in this matchup
- best spot to stand while playing footsie.
- are there any known setups vs Failong (Safe jumps, unblockables, … etc). and what should i OS to beat escape chickenwings or backdash. slide? hk flip?
much appreciated. and who knows based on this i may play Vega as a third alt. both my main and alt got failong as a HORRIBLE mathcup. Or i will pick Yang -_-;