to go under burn kicks , and crouch tech with on wakeup to beat throw.
Option select with any safe jump, beats all her options, but if she crouches its an unsafe CH.
During her overhead/mp thunder knuckle strings you can EX ST out if your reactions are on point.
I could go way deeper into the match but those 3 tips make it a lot easier.
This is very true, she is always up in the air. Since CH can be launched from so far away you can either catch her coming down or going up…interesting.
Why is this not filled with anti twin tips!!! damnit!
Anyways, I am at the point of giving up on choosing Vega against Yun.
I was at a tournament in france this weekend and Yun just shits on Vega for free with (crossup)divekick/command throw/ normal throw pressure and EX-Lunge to get in for free again when i can finally breathe if he made a mistake.
When you try to go air to air, his height restriction on dive kick means vega’s jump is way too high and he will probably punish you for even thinking of going to the air… then you think , ok i have to stay on the ground and Yun says: “yay my ex-lunge gets in for free!” , you cant even neutral jump it as that fucking recovery of EX-lunge is insane and has the tendency to land behind at wich time vega is fucked… even if it does not cr.jab has such a godlike hitbox it hits vega’s or 90% of the time!!
Jumping back often gets hit by a second lunge punch or something…
So really the only option seems to be blocking and inviting him to do as he pleases for a while!!
Then the hell starts with your only weapon being Yomi.
When you finnally get to pressure him, he has the tools to defend himself just fine!
The only safe distance when he has meter is frigging full screen.
Ive made it through super and vanilla with nobody but Vega… but i really am at my breaking point against yun to have a secondary character that can actually put up a fight against that ugly little chinese man. Especially because unlike Rufus, you will see some of these guys every tournament and every online session.
I dont like the Yang match up either , but that seems managable like the rufus match is managable.
At least his height restriction on his divekick makes him more susceptible for air to air and no EX-lunge is atleast not a free entry. Yang has to at least work a little. Yun Makes my blood soar to the boiling point.
If you actually block anything from a twin, chances are you’re going to lose 50% of your hp. Or more. You need to beat or evade whatever they do to get in. The pressure and the options are WAY 2 STRONK when you’ve got one in your face. So, I guess you have to facerape with a rushdown of your own, or just avoid getting close for the duration of the round. Whatever you decide, you have to execute it flawlessly. Or hope that you get lucky. I hate twins.
Though, shouldn’t you be able to beat EX Lunge on reaction? If you can neutral jump it, just sweep it instead (AFAIK, EX Lunge is vulnerable to low attacks throughout the entire move, if this is incorrect, please disregard the previous sentence).
All I can offer on the twins is dont Underestimate the power of your jump back HP or wall jump. When cornered, i find wall jump a great escape tool against the twins. Just dont get too obvious with it. Scarlet terror(HK or EX)can punish them nicley if their block strings are sloppy. Standing far MK works good too. As you’re walking away from them and they’re walking toward you, throw out a MK. They wont expect it, it has amazing range and, IF done early enough it stuffs that stupid lunge punch thing. Air throw is not the holy grail of this match as i’ve heard some peole claim. Only do it if you’re sure to land it, and you can almost never be sure in a twins match. If you whiff an air throw you will regret it deeply. You must play keep away and a random POM (overhead) followed by a quick throw is also a bit of trickery that seems to work. Just dont abuse this, they will catch on and make you pay since POM recovery isnt great. If the twins see any consistency in your game, you are finished. Make them feel as if they’re fighting two different Vegas in round 1 and 2. If the twins cant read their opponent, they’ll start to throw out random moves, some of which can be punished nicley. Bottom line, Vega can play a random, off the wall type game and win, the twins cant. They need control and consistency to win, make them use everything they got to beat you,and you might exhaust them in the process.
Looking trigger happy on ST or U2, gambling where you find they have a sweet spot, will put them on a more defensive stance, which in essence mens you get to take momentum more than you could if you never oppose anything to their rush down. And if they don’t ease up on the rush down then it means you are going to score substantial damage for basically playing like a noob, maybee enough to turn the tide in your favor.
When a matchup is very unfavorable you don’t score the 3 victories out of 10 by playing according to the rules.
It is very laughable to die because you threw your ultra into a block with you having only a silver of life left. One way to avaoid that is dying tossed by the other guy who only has 33% helath left with your ultra gauge filled to the brim. and that is even more laughable.
Trying your luck when it is less predictable is gambling, but is is like poker you are never going to be a top player if you play the reasonable flowchart and only bet when you have a very good hand. Especially if you play a guy who always gets an ace in is hand every game, you need to outbluff him badly or you’ll most probably end up broke.
The twins match up is indeed a joke, I feel with the change to Vega’s ultra they really nailed the coffin on him, for what reason…I haven’t the foggiest.
Baiting pokes seem to help me out a lot, a local player who plays Yang usually gets in cr.MP distance and as soon as I hit the button he’s in the air and the Dive kick is on the way. so I have been throwing out a light and Air throwing or tossing out ST.HK.
All in all it’s like all Vega’s match ups with dive kick characters, if you can keep them from knocking you down, you’re fine. If not, be prepared to eat shit.
It’s very frustrating to have to play intensely hard using all your knowledge of your character, while someone is pretty much sitting there drooling with a helmet on mashing there get in for free command all day.
In NYC i play enough twins the best thing i can say thats been working okay is control spacing with cr.jab & cr.strong dont spam spam=death air grab and jump back fierce st.roundhouse is good at certain distances very risky from close yun is easier to deal with than yang in my opinion oh and i almost forgot as dolneedpants said dont get knock down or eat shit
Just seen the Mago/Poongko match on front pange. man their first round is such a invincible reversal fest, 100% of damge on both side come from gambling on a reversal invincibles, or punishing a lost bet on a reversal invincible. Those guys who obviouly have top notch defense just don’t wan’t to let the opponent gather momentum. You understand why in round number 3, it is sad really to see mago lose to “Seth neverending mixup 101” for trying to defend thouroughly, in the long run he loses at guessing, and then he get comboed, or command grabbed dizzied and obliterated.
Maybee capcom wanted the game to be more luck bluff oriented than before and les defensive. They made taking risks and attacking more rewarding. maybee that is the logic behind our EX.RCF maybee that is the logic behing yun yang viper and the likes.
Against the twins i’ve had a good run. is great against them and c.HK is great if you see a lunge. If you backdash and he gets you, usually for me, I’m reset and have a charge to fba the freak out to the other side of the screen. I would land before his heavy lunge or he needs to waste a meter as well as throw out another lunge to catch me. Just back up and swing away for me. Just like against Makoto’s
Aside from EX FBA and Ultra, what are other good punishes on a blocked Blanka Ball? Say I have no bars and it’s too early for my Ultra what are other solid options?
Also, I have a lot of trouble blocking that other stupid ball attack he has…rainbow ball, I think? It never looks like It’s gonna cross you up and then BAM, it does. What are good punishes for this one? When i try to go for a throw after he lands he is always able to tech it, so either I’m just barley too late or that move has extraordinary recovery.
Will cl.Hp, into ex fba work on a blocked rainbow ball?
blocked blanka balls can be swept if they dont do LP version. if they do i recommend just walking forward because they are moving closer to the corner where you want them.
cHP on a rainbow ball gives you a reset… that wont work. but air throw will. if the blanka techs a throw on the first try do a meaty slide for a counterhit KD. then hit him with HP RCF on his wakeup unless he has U1 or super.
to my knowledge
beast roll flow chart
1 charge db
2 when arrives near hit press , if it is a long ball go to 4 if it is a lp beast roll go to 3
3 you hit him airborne and reset him or counter hit whatever he was doing (probably a grab) he is out of his poking range and out of his gameplan and you scored damage he did not and you train him to not use the lp beast roll gimmick.
4 he hits your block and your doesn’t happen he chipped you for a decent amount you have charge go 5 you don’t go to 6
5 ultra meter -> ULTRA or if not EX meter -> ex fba, nothing > L.RCF chip damage even thongs out and pushes him in the corner
6 he is near the corner go to 7 he is not go 8
7 slide him
8 front dash
Vertical roll flow chart
1 he hits you grounded go to 2 he hit your block go to 2, he whiffed go to 3 he crossed over whiffed go to 3 he hits you airbonre you are kd.
2 slide him
3 airtag CH him on fall down you have ultra meter II go to 4 you don’t go to 5
4 Ultra II
5 you need to build ex meter H.ST you want to score damage L.ST ^^ EX.ST
rainbow roll flow chart
1 is it a reversal ? yes go 2 no go 5
2 is he close ? yes go 3 no go 4
3 slide or front dash to cross under punish according to your range
4 back dash twice if necessary punish according to your range
5 focus and wait when he is about to hit input back dash if he doesn’t hit go 6 if he hit high your focus front go 7 if he hits high cross up your focus go 8
6 you backdash bait a followup you can punish like a beastslide a whiffed sweep or a whiffed grab.
7 you absorb then backdash punish his recovery
8 you absorb then front dash punish his recovery
it is very similar in essence to what people do with vega FBA execpt vega can airgrab blanka cannot which make focus absorbing all the safer as long as it is not a reversal because reversals have armor breaking properties.
I fought my first good/intermediate Yang the other day and I really felt that I killed myself during match with my own mistakes to be honest.
I did a decent job of keeping him out but the second he got in my fear of the command grab pretty much killed me since I was punished for trying to escape by back dashing, jumping, and trying to walk back. I was just wondering if there is anyway to tell if a command grand is coming your way with the twins lol since it doesn’t seem like it. I felt like I would have been better off blocking since most of my damage came from trying to anticipate a command grab.