Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

jump back fierce on honda and sim… not gen. i still cant even block gen’s wall dives correctly, let alone know anything that beats it.

I can’t block Gen dive kick shenanigans either, fuck I suck lol.

I haven’t really played many Sims but focus attack dash forward, then neutral jump a lot, see what kind of buttons they press and counter. Once you get in use st.LK a lot since it puts you at +2 and stay on him.

Any info on Akuma?

I play Sim pretty heavily as he’s my main, so as a few strategies that I have noticed that works are:

1)Never focus the fireballs, focus the limbs to move forward. If you focus the fireball you’ll catch a limb for your troubles.
2) If you’re just buying time trying to learn the Sim players movements try to counter hit the limbs. Its really worth it now that sims normals have been nerfed in damage.
3) from full screen your jump will get you s.HK, inside of half screen you will or if you jump. Generally speaking don’t jump unless you make the read that the Sim will throw out a s.hp as it has a crap load of recovery which allows you to jumpin unchallenged.
4) Players like myself really hate to deal with long matches especially if you’re not making an effort to get in. So watch out for the Sim Shenanigans. EX fireball usually reads a teleport. You have a couple options but if you goal is to get damage and gain space, jumpback HP is a great move although you might take the fireball.
5) If Sim snipes you just slide. Get the knockdown start the mixup
6) If you get knocked down quick rise all the time. Sim can set up some really nasty mixups with yoga fire teleport where the fireball is in your body when he teleports. Blocking correctly is all about blocking towards where sim is not the fireball. If you quick rise you typically blow up that mixup except after throw.
7) Watch the speed of the fireball thats being thrown. Besides being hard to jump over(the slow one) they also have different recovery. So if you see what you think is an unsafe fireball, make sure first. Jumping into b.HK creates sodium.

Now what should you do:

  1. Gain meter. Wall dive if you must. This is a matchup of attrition. He has to keep you out ALL game, you only have to get in once.
  2. Stop playing footsies. You want to space your self to force him to throw fireballs, however you don’t really want to be near the onslaught of limbs
  3. Get in close. Sounds easy but its actually hard. However what I notice that works on me is EX sky high claw. I throw a fireball, he gets in and the match is over.
    Its very similar to the balrog matchup honestly. Sim wants to keep you building meter because once you have it you take away is screen filler (fireball) He throws a fireball you SHK and what can sim do? He lost his madness, he has no wakeup options that have invincibility, and basically he can only teleport or block. Most sims hate to block.
  4. once you get in, don’t jump. Most sims are looking 4 you to jump so he can slide under you then back teleport for the reset. Just move forward. If you see a MK slide, you can bet your last dollar he’s going for the grab.
  5. if you get the knockdown i find the hardest thing to deal with is c.lp. Just do it…literally just stand over sims body and c.lp. If he wakeup teleports, RCF and keep the pressure on. Tick grabs, lots of c.lp, and Vega’s basic mixups. You won’t use too much CH or any of the fancy stuff because you’ll be in his face most of the time.

Essentially as a Sim player I approach vega the same way I would approach Rog, Bison, Rufus, Cammy (before AE) and the Twins. Keep them out as long as possible. I know eventually you will get in, however if I escape 1 time I win the round because you won’t get in twice. Sim is an annoying character because he really limits your moveset as you can’t approach him like you would most matchups but what you want to do is play patient. It doesn’t matter if you eat unnecessary damage because your goal is to get in 1 time and stay in. U have the mixups, you have the damage, and you damn sure have the pressure. Just stay away from wakeup ultra, punish wakeup teleport, and i feel its a match in your favor. I felt it was even in Super because Sim had better damage on his normals and he had to create space. He doesn’t have it anymore so this matchup is in Vega’s favor 6-4 IMO. Anything else just ask

Ibuki definitely gives me some trouble. I played Sako for a while at WNF while he was there, and although I hung in there, he was definitely in control of the match. Her jump lk mix up is 10x more ambiguous than her kunai mix up. I asked him a few questions regarding the match up, and all he could tell me was to focus, and hope to dash the right way. Sako admitted a lot of the time he didn’t even know which side he would land on.

Dhalsim is another story. My match against Filipino Champ isn’t on Youtube yet, but it is on a recorded Justin.TV stream from Revelations. [ at 1:38:30] The match…isn’t going to look pretty. Mine wasn’t pretty. If you want to play pretty, you will have much trouble. Unorthodox play, with footsies, kara grab, and no wall dives = a better chance for you to win.

So…anyone have any lovely anti-yun or anti-yang strategies? I spoke with Tatsu and we shared about 20 seconds of “possibilities” but it really, really doesn’t look good. Like REALLY. It’s a sad day for Vega.

yeah i saw ya down there vs-ing valle and sako chris. you got a real solid vega. best way to deal with twins is just eep them out best you can and outplay the person instead of the character.

I don’t know if there is any better, but until bison has access to meter I usually pressure his wake up, once he has either kind of meter, I keep my distance, he can teleport out of anything or pull a nasty invincible. To avoid the guy from figuring too early that I am almost exclusively baiting I try to conceal that behind max distance meaties or even just frame whiffed, it is safe to lots of his wakeup shit, while leaving you with a position and timing to punish teleports.

Eventually this leaves you in a position where he fears nothing on wakeup (which he wasn’t anyways) but you don’t have to fear anything either. So knocking him down is pretty much like another round start. May sound like a poor man’s solution to the problem to yield what is usually a huge tactical advantage, but i found nothing else that is statistically relevant. As long as you can make him believe you are trying to capitilize on his knockdowns he might at least waste a bit of meter.

bison was absolutly free to pressure on wake up in both Vanilla and super. I don’t think that is the case in AE becauwe you have no safe way to neasyre the timing for a meaty attack.

Don’t know if this has been discussed before but st.HK absolutely destroys Adon’s jaguar tooth. Ex version seems to come out too fast to react to but his roundhouse jaguar tooth gets easily stuffed by st.HK. when you see him jump to the corner of the screen throw out a HK and you should beat him clean as he’s coming down with his leg outstretched. The timing is not really that strict either, and this is a life saver if you wanna play defensive against Adon. Also, avoid cr.MP when fighting him.

so does air throw, cHP and block

cMP isnt bad against adon. staying on down back is bad against adon. establish air superiority then move onto the ground game. he falls pretty easily unless he’s gamerbee or justin wong

The thing about Adon is that he doesn’t even need to do that Jag. Tooth to get in, he just needs to TK.JK one of Vega’s pokes and he’s in.

Block?? lol.
I didn’t know cr.hp worked too, it works on hardly anything else.

pretty much… IMO any adon that does a jag tooth is a noob. it’s kinda like how any vega that does a full screen wall dive is a noob…

either that or tehy are trolling.

and yeah… block beats jag tooth ploter. he’s at -2. that’s a free throw unless he does a reversal RJ

I just got destroyed, eaten and shat out by a Viper(AE). Any tips on dealing with her endless tricks and her onslaught of merciless pressure?

i honestly cant help you on blocking BK’s. I dunno how to block the ambiguous ones.

well if you are recovering from a knockdown she has an easy ambigous crossup situation to play on.

Technically I doubt there is anyway to react on the fly,

she can :

hit you high front twice,
high crossup twice,
or once high front once high crossup,
or once high front once front low.

and play around that to throw, overhead, and what not…

It is not working 100% for me usually wake up focus dash gives better results than trying to block.

There is plenty stuff to experiment with play around with focus wakeup. Getting out of her oki even if through a reset is valuable, viper has to take great risks to score a knock down againt vega, but once she has she’s going to try to capitilize on it and set up a combo into her ultra when you start to panick because of the burning kick knockdown vortex.

I’ve noticed that keep away, extra pokey vega seems to work…somewhat. But if she drops you she is almost as scary as vanilla Rufus. Damn it is matches like these that make me stand in utter awe of capcoms arrogance. You’re still gonna tell us that vega doesnt need invulnerable frames on ST? Or fuck, even on EX FBA? Ill take anything. Some of my viper matches are ridiculous. Shes like the seed of gen and yun, with the mobility of a vega.

my friend was probably 2nd best Viper in the state at the time said that Vega needs to do nothing, play defensive and turtle in the match up. “There’s nothing that Viper can do” but yea everytime I play him I get my ass whooped (for doing the exact opposite of what he tells me lol)

Somehow I am convinced vega would loose a turtle game against viper, she can chip and hit confirm a screen away, so you lose for not being mobile, if you are mobile you have no charge, so you can’t ST if you can’t ST you can’t turtle viper efficiently so she can get in at much less expense. If she is in she can apply mixup and have her shot at a knockdown and then it cost you a lot, that gives her a comfortable life lead and then you can’t turtle anymore.

Of course everytime you press a button you could be stepping into a TK bait trap, and get comboed for 50% your health. and that helps neither turtling nor rushing.

Vega would be competitive keeping the same playstyle, if he had a ground command grab to pressure from mid range ( and no with a 70 damage only on such grab that wouldn’t be OP, it is not like he can rape the competion with Okizeme afterwards), or a better damage output to reward him for beating people at footsies, making him a glass cannon character, versatile at command grab range and/or dangerous to gamble against.

He is in glass but he’s not a cannon, he’s a water pistol, Viper is a glass cannon.

Not that 90% of your didn’t already know this, but Cosmic Heel tends to beat a lot of her stuff. Goes over Seimso, tends to beat ground burning kick and HP TK if there’s some distance between you. Because the later two are in the air, I think Vega vs Viper is one of the 2 or 3 matchups where Vega can viably AA Cosmic Hell > U2.

Like with Vega matches in general: do what you can to keep them playing footsies with you, because then you win. Keep them scared from entering the air.