Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

If you’re hitting U1 on Guile then they’re bad Guiles. I main Guile and you can’t punish lp.booms like that unless you predict it. If you can predict it then it means Guile is doing a shitty job or you guessed. Guessing won’t get you far though.
Block booms. Especially now in AE blocked booms don’t do much dmg and don’t build much meter, so block booms and inch forward. It sucks vega doesn’t have a good crossup as those wreck Guile. But you can beat out his pokes and half predict a SB then jump in for combo. In AE if you hit Guile during his SB recovery it counts as a counter hit. I don’t know enough about Vega to know if this allows you to do some crazy CH only combo but at least it gives you great damage. EX sky high claw done off the wall behind Guile is good because it makes him loose SB charge and should come as a surprise so he can’t FK that easily. I think this matchup is in Guile’s favor so you will have to outsmart him. Most Guile’s love flash kick, bait it.

i have to agree if i’m nailing U1 on a full screen guile he sucks. But that’s usually the first thing i try. If they are hard to read what i’ll do is set myself up and lure them into doing a blockstring on me. And pick up on when they like to throw out the sonic boom. Then i’ll hit the U1.

I totally forgot about the sonic boom nerf.

about the only thing that can hit guile during SB recovery is a jump in, EX RCF (obviously not in reaction) or trade sweep. the latter obviously cannot combo, the EX RCF wont have the hit that matters count as the counter hit. The jump in would end up using the same combo as if there as no counterhit so in the end it’s just a damage boost.

Flash kick gets beat by so much shit it’s dumb. Nemesys Syndrome says that Guile is actually worse than his Vanilla version, and i heard rumors hat a LOT of people (Gilley, Dieminion, Dagger G, warhak to name a few high level ones) were dropping guile.

Yes, if you wanna test someone’s flash kick try Vega’s j.hp, if you can get it deep it will probably stuff FK or trade.
lk.FK only does 100dmg now so you might wanna risk it as you sound like a guy who likes to test people :wink:

Nemesys showed up once or twice to our meetups but hasn’t returned in a long time.

Last I heard Warahk was gonna stay with Guile ;(
So far the biggest difference I noticed is air throw… it’s not magical anymore. :slight_smile:
I agree with Nemesys and that’s why I’m working on alts (hence vega forums) but I can’t drop him cause he feels “right” for me.

Nemo’s too busy streaming to actually play lol

I just had my vega heard broken by yang. I dont know if it was mentioned anywhere in the match up thread but yang has a 14 frame of invincibility after all knock down that lands him on his face. All he has to do is press nothing. This is a rare knockdown position which includes fei long fwd throw, zangief spinning pile driver and yes vega’s forward throw AND FLYING BARCELONA ATTACK. WTFFFFF. Once you score a knockdown whit FBA any meaty after just wiffs. He is invincible long enough for you to do a late cl. HP and watch him stand and look as both claw swipes wiff. WTF… What did we do to deserve this crap… he had a dive kick that owns, a reversal with high priority and now a get away free after barcelonia KNDs whitch is the finisher for all combo’s.

@Vegaman Kunai Is Not The Problem I Stop It With Standing Roundhouse Its The Mixups Very Hard Matchup Specially Against an Ibuki With Godlike Reactions I Think Its 6-4 In Her Favor I Hate The Raida SMDH

her kunai and the hit after are her mixups lol. just block the kunai. pay attention to what move they whiff before the jump and see what side it hits on. unless you’re talking about her overhead. raida needs to be nerfed. but just block it.

How is everyone dealing with the twins?

i die… rather quickly at that if they are any good. IR why i’m switching to yun

Im Doing Okay Against The Twins Plenty Of Those At Next Level Arcade LOL @Vegaman Yea Raida Is Soo Broken She Can Raida Vegas Pokes If The Ibuki Has Good Reactions

Alright, so on Ryu and Ken, I normally don’t have to much of an issue with them till now, a good majority of them are using J.HP, I’ve tried anti Airing it a few times with Roundhouse, and even j.RH but I’m either trading or full on missing because of the funky way their model is when they use it.

Best option on this? I’m assuming block or I’m retarded and don’t know my spacing.

walk backwards so it whiffs, then kara throw the shit out of them

You can do nj.hp, it controls the space in front of you better, than and still retains the slight vertical control has. experiment more, is overated and wont beat a lot of jump in moves once the opponent gets creative with his aerial approach.

Hmm, thanks for the info, I’ll have to hit the lab, I’m not gonna lie I rely on nj.HK a lot I’ll test Nj.HP

Didn’t there used to be a long list of matchups and what to do against them.

What the most effective way to pressure Dhalsim once you’ve managed to get to mid/close range? I’m having trouble really pressing the advantage and maintaining any sort of consistent moment against good Dhalsim players once I finally get in.

So after another long ranked session, I’m slowly yet surely figuring out that I’m very inconsistent. I need tips vs. Honda, I can beat bad ones but decent ones will churn me out everytime. Bison has been giving me a problem, what can I punish and how do I punish him? And what do I about his wake up options? He has like 5-6.

I keep facing Oni’s, which is sorta scary if you don’t know the match up. I still don’t but so far I’ve been using KKK-Flip to get out of his Jazz Hands shenanigans. I’m not sure if he can punish KKK-Flip if it completely whiffs.

Haven’t faced any Chun’s, which is good because I don’t know where to start. I never know what to do against her cheap ass.

I totally got baited from a Dudley player to back dash his empty jump ultra (a la Daigo vs Marn lol) but for some reason it whiffed. Buffed back dash FTMFW?

EDIT: I forgot to say but Makoto is a tough match as well, she’s very powerful and can stun + corner you in a few seconds. But a lot of them are predictable and go for a kara-grab right away.

Can someone please help me on what the hell I do against Gen? He seems to have an answer for everything I do. Every move he lands puts me in a weird juggle state then super ultra and add salt.

Gen sim and honda i have no reliable strat against. just outplay the player is my best advice… or spam jump back fierce

does jump back fierce beat his water fall kick…that thing has priority for days.