Thanks for the tip pedo, definitely made my night easier.
i wasnt aware of the weak throw range from her
neither was I for the longest time. I then noticed that they hardly ever threw after one jab so I went from there. The Cammy boards complaining about shitty throw range confirmed my theory.
I’m at a complete loss trying to figure out how to fight a solid Juri. Her corner pressure is fucking insane. And what am I supposed to do when meeting her air to air? It feels like a complete guessing game.
air to air requires air throw but your air throw loses to her jMP… you you cant get predictable with it. you just have to play solid. be aware and look out for her fuzzy guard setups. cause she can instant air overhead jMP into dive kick. her weakness tho is that she loses on a lotta things on startup. you you just have to abuse counterhit setups. that’s about the best advice i can give.
Any advice helps, thanks man. I’m just so lost in this matchup haha. Her corner pressure is abso-fucking-lutely insane.
EX-Scarlet Terror goes through fireballs, so if she’s throwing a lot of those in your face (as she probably is), try to find an opening for that.
chun li - what am i supposed to do? seems like i lose to everything that she does. Shes just happy spamming her shit all day and when she jumps in im at her mercy.
air throw her if she jumps and play footsies with her. focus hazanshu’s for a crumple. focus sweeps. jump back fierce on EX SBK. - cr.lp whiffs on Oni at random when is done at mid range.
as does - cr.lp, sometimes it hits sometimes it doesnt
and cr.lp - cr.lp when done a little past the half way mark
Any tips against Akuma? His vortex is fucking insane.
Jump back strong works fairly consistently when you need to beat him air-to-air, and it’s important to maintain a down charge after you’ve knocked him down, as you can easily react and punish any escape teleports with EX walldive. Though a good Akuma won’t give you many opportunities to knock him down in the first place. It’s a pretty awful matchup for Vega IMO. I don’t have much more insight than that, unfortunately. I’m pretty lost against Akuma myself.
yeah akuma is fought almost the same way the twins are fought. keep him out. Jump back strong is good, air throw is good, nj HK is good. you can get a free knockdown if they try to jump back fireball and you sweep them.
if you get caught in the vortex best thing to do is block and observe. people have habits and patterns they go in. wait till you know what’s coming next and abuse it. memorize what order he does the vortex in.
I definitely don’t agree with playing footsies with chun-li, because shes better in that realm than vega, thats like people who say play footsies with rog…lol…
Good chun-lis will dominate you in footsies, because she has alot more tools than vega in that department, does more stun, easier to combo and hit confirm with, does more damage, and knocks you down way easier than vega can, just like rog. Plus they actually have GTFO me options, not the greatest ones, but options nonetheless.
You can’t anticipate every hazanshu or sweep unless the chuns you play are that predictable, otherwise, I agree to focus them. The best thing to do is to block correctly against good chuns. does wonders in this matchup at mid range. Well spaced jp.hp will beat out their attempts to ex SBK. I agree as far as air throwing her jump ins if you react to them, or NJ.HK works as well.
Honestly, I would treat her like you would rog. Use their mediocre wakeup game and your mobility to your advantage. Keep them guessing, abuse them when they don’t have meter. Playing footsies = bad news if you get knocked down even once, especially since their pokes are safer than yours, most notable are their knockdown pokes, especially rogs well spaced. They can also hit confirm where its much more difficult for vega to do so. They dominate at a slower pace, speed it up and fluster them, thats what vega does best.
@ the akuma matchup, I actually do like keeping that mid range and playing a footsie match with him, as long as you beware of the sweep, because it sets him up for relentless pressure. Don’t be scared to pressure him with counter hit setups and throws/kara throws though. Keep him guessing, make him panic, punish his mistakes. Don’t wall dive, he has many options to not only stuff, but also punish his walldives. Also be prepared to punish his teleports, vegas ex fba is perfect in that aspect. Learn to block correctly, if you do, the absolute worst he can do is throw you and thats like, big deal. Know the ranges on his normal pressure to where you can escape, people get frustrated if you block their pressure and will start to become predictable or too ancy to lock you down. Again, vega is the master at taking advantage of frustrated opponents due to his exceptional range at which he can poke and punish, his grab range, and his decent normal speed.
just because chun has better footsie tools doesnt mean you shouldnt play footsies with her. That’s like saying Ryu shouldn’t throw fireballs against sagat because his is faster. You use the tools you have, the difference is that your footsies dont lead to as much damage as hers. And just because chun has more tools to have better footsies, that doesnt mean that your opponent’s ability to use footsies are better than yours.
#1 that’s why you bait them out
#2 if you’re paying attention in a match you’ll see exactly when they like to hazanshu. No you many not be able to anticipate a few (usually the ones cancelled from different normals) but…
#3 again if you’re paying attention you should be able to react to it. you might not be able to react fast enough to get a crumple but to get a focus off shouldnt be hard.
if you can get a crumple it’s a free ultra for you.
same thing applies to sweep. her sweep has really good range… but it’s also very slow. I usually cant get a crumple from focusing her sweep but i get free damage. Free damage is always good.
jump back fierce is also a good tool against EX SBK and if you’re good with aiming if you can hit them dead center you can do the 2 hit EX FBA claw slash to hit them out of it.
I usually find that the longer the match lasts the more in favor for me it becomes. mainly because most chun players dont have but so many tricks up their sleeve. Once you’ve seen them all they are going to start repeating them, and when that happens you can know what to look for and what to expect from that style of chun. If you find yourself in a bind at full screen with you both sitting on down back, do an empty wall dive to see if they jump. if they do inch forward to about mid screen just out of their jump in range and do an LP version SHC. It’s definalty something you should probably do only once per opponent. but it’s something to leave in your back pocket.
yep, and if you get a blocked sweep at less than max range be sure to get a knockdown of your own. it’s pretty unsafe. Personally i’m more concerned about sHK since most akuma’s LOVE to abuse that. I havnt spent enough time in the training room to recognize that the 2nd kick will whiff, but if you spot it he’s a sitting duck. Remember to pay really close attention to see if they mis-timed a jump-in/dive kick. if they did jump up air throw and find a happy spot you wanna be at. And i agree that wall dives are a no no unless comboed into because it loses to demon ultra and worst case scenario for him he can just tele out. Speaking of demon be aware of the empty flip into demon Super. if you press a button you’ve fell for it.
True enough on the first point, what I am more or less saying is that it shouldn’t be your main gameplan against a good chun. If you’re better than the chun then you can work her anyway you feel like.
What im saying is that good chuns won’t be half as predictable as that, i’m not saying that what you do isn’t viable because it is.
Her sweep actually has pretty decent startup. Her recovery is whats slow.
She doesn’t really need tricks honestly, shes a really solid character that can beat any other with just basics. She has really good and quick normals, easy hit confirms, nice damage and stun. I think shes one of the best characters in the game, but thats just my take.
Yeah good chuns arent going to be predictable but that doesnt mean you cant get a read on them. Iono, maybe it’s just me but when it comes to footsies i generally have better outcomes than when i dont use footises against her. She has the speed but Vega has range. Against a good chun it’s hard to play poke and run away from chun for very long. Eventually i find myself either in the corner or down on life at full screen distance.
yeah when i said her sweep is slow i was referring to the recovery.
When I play pure footsies against her, I tend to lose. Thats against really good chuns though. Since he has the range advantage on his normals and throws, I like keeping her guessing and keeping her scared.
Anyone Have Problems With Ibuki?? Her Mixups Are A Nightmare O_o Any Advice My fellow Claw Players??
block the kunai then block her… or even better… just dont get mixed up to begin with. unless it’s sako i wouldnt worrt too much.