Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

tips against dudley?

What do you want to know? It’s probably my most experienced matchup. But seriously keep him out. Dudley’s footsies are crap so you can use them fairly safe just don’t get predictable with cr.MK or he can launcher you or cr.MK you back and trip you up. And you REALLY don’t want that.

st.LK also stuffs his MGB outright. Just stay the heck out of corners. If they get overhead happy on your wakeup, you can backdash away from it.

I always find myself abusing st.MK against him.

how to get out once he is in will be a gdlk information and what if the jump in (with hk) option selecting mgb or to stop backdash and flip and start with these infinite blockstring

well if he is doing os with j. hk to just block both then it goes back to footsies

This exactly. Dudley’s footsie game blows harder than a 5$ whore.

Also his jump-ins can be beat, don’t think you’re a sitting duck on them because of the hitbox and priority. An early jb.MP stuffs it outright.

In other matchup news, I’ve been amusing myself against online Bison’s lately after what Mike Ross said about walking back and fourth to bait slides. I doubt very much it’ll work against offline players, but it’s like online Bison’s can’t resist hitting that roundhouse button when they see you wiggle X3

Where/When did M.Ross say that? coz from my experience theyll scissor rather than slide…

Some bison I fought the other day said we should try to bait scissor kick with focus attack during footsies.

I argued this was an armor breaking move which unless the bison player was very predictable about which version he uses would be an unpractical foolhardy maneuover.

He then answered that good player play safe and as long as it works they will stick with the version that gives them frame adv and that would be lk, which kind of made sense. I guess I ll try that someday, has any of you been succesfull with something in that taste ?

Providing this works this could really turn the tide in that matchup, bison scissor kick is nothing but a risk free bypass through footsies giving him a huge tactical advantage on block and netting handsome damage on hit. Making it less free by forcing him to spend his meter on it or using slower versions can dent his stapple pressure game, and hopefully force him into more footsies.

what a soothing dream :slight_smile:

yes focusing to bait HK/MK scissors is very good, seeing as if they throw an LK on a focus (assuming you’re not at kissing range) it’ll only hit once and you get a free Crumple, and if you bait right the MK/HK/EX ones arent safe so you get a free punish.
However once they adapt this is risky as they can go for a PC instead and break armor.

i know this is q that gets asked a lot, but what match ups do you guys use u1 in, i tend to only use it against dhalsim, i use to use it on most fireballers but i like to stay at a nice distance that deters them from using fireballs

Lately, I really don’t know what it is, but I’ve really started having problems with limb-happy Dhalsim’s again. This never used to be a problem for me and I don’t have any of my own replays to analyse to see how I used to do it.

So, anyone have any tips? Mostly around getting in and ways to stop his teleport-behind mixup game. Seems no matter how much I try to hit him when he teleports, I get hit (could be lag, or I could just be doing something wrong. I really don’t know anymore).

@Vince: Damn, I missed your post there, sorry. It was one of their episodes of excellent adventures.

how can i deal with those player tt jumping in for free ? jump back mp? focus sometime don help . hate those player :frowning:

what does 'tt 'stand for in you message ?

i think its a typo for "that’?

Location: Tokyo,Japan

Ah I see…

feels a bit like a much too broad subject to be covered here.

in short.

A focus backdash

B back flip

C other back flip

D back dash

E front dash

F slide

G jump up grab

H jump back grab





M cr.HP

N st.HK

O st.LK

P st.MP/LP

Q block and wait for a better occasion to gain back some momentum

R st.HP

It is very unlikely that nothing at all works against a specific character/player

If they jump from far they are vulnerable to things like H.ST/st.HP/cr.HP/nj.xx and if not they will have a hard time catching up with backward dodge moves, or punishing a focus attempt.

If they jump from mid range for an ambiguous they are punishable with L.ST/nj.grab/ st.LP/ will score minor results on a slide or front dash.

If they jump on cross over they will whiff over slide or front dash and sometimes lose to auto correct ST as well as a fair bunch of jb.xx moves.

Of course a good player will do his best at making your jump in defense game difficult, as you get seasoned you will be adept at punishing poorly though out jump ins with the aforementioned moves. As for dealing with good players, man I wish I knew the answer.

Can anyone give tips on how to get out of the corner with a dive kick happy Yun? The only time I got out successfully was with U2. I played another good Yun and staying away from the corner (which is a general strategy I use with Vega anyway but tend to be more lenient against characters that don’t rush down) which ended up working. I was thinking about EX ST but I never tried to use it because I think I was mind fucked at that time, lol. I’m guessing that if I get in to that situation I’d treat it the same as if it were Rufus but I’ve never really faced any good Rufus players :confused:

I remember trying to air grab a couple times since Yun/Yang have to be higher for their dive kick but I only did it once. Anyway, any input is appreciated :]

I got worked so hard by Honda last night. Anyone have trouble against this matchup?

Get the lead, sit on it. Lame that bitch out. Thats what I do at least >.> it may not be right, but its worked for me.

Everybody has a tough time with honda, it’s one of Vega’s worst matchups. And yeah, that’s what you’re suppose to do. Get the life lead and just runaway/turtle. Attacking stupidly will get you killed fast.

jump back FIERCE!


actually… i wonder if you can backdash honda’s headbutt like you can backdash abel’s u2…

to the training room!

Edit: Ok backdash is very very bad lol. but amazingly you can beat out headbutt with standing roundhouse and U2. I never knew U2 beat headbutt… it looks like it SHOULD lose