Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

You think this is the best way to play this match?

Also, do you try to lame out Ibuki? Or do you take a different strategy?

it really depends… vs online people… yeah. in tournaments and matches where the guy is legitimately good. i actually try to move in on guile. but fuck it… if they gonna sit back throwing sonic booms all day i’ma build ultra meter. and when they come walking in… it’s usually an EX RCF to tha face

oh and ibuki… i rush her the fuck down. dancin in and out of range, poking, n jumping etc.
the only person i rush down more than ibuki is blanka… like literally no fear except on U1

Asked in the Q&A thread and got nothin so far.

When baiting crouch techs with vega would you do CH instantly after the poke with no dely? IE if you did far st.short and anticipated a crouch tech would you wait a second or would you do CH instantly? as in if the CH would combo after a far st.short?

i have trouble catching obvious crouch techs and im pretty sure im applying CH incorrectly

Also against Ken, it seems he can flat out stuff cosmic heel (cr.strong) or go under it (low forward). Am i doing using CH wrong?

After using a far s.short, you may be a bit far for most players to try and crouch tech unless you’ve taught them to fear kara throw.

I don’t use CH after s.short much (never really tried) but I know for c.forward, which is similar in range, it is effective to whiff c.forward right outside of its range and then walk forward slightly kara throw.

For characters with good c.shorts, like Chun, my training mode experience is that her c.short will stuff cosmic heel unless you make her block two c.jabs (so you’re pushed back farther than just one) and immediately hit CH on the first available frame you recover from c.jab. Her c.short has enough vertical and horizontal range to stuff you out of the long cosmic heel startup if you use it after just one tick, or if you wait a frame or two before using it.

I imagine that you have a little more freedom with CH when playing against characters who have smaller hitboxes on their c.shorts. I’ve always used Chun Li as the training mode dummy since she seems to be one of the most effective of hitting claw out of the CH frame trap.

And as for you question w/ Ken OS a c.strong… well I just flat out don’t know. I don’t have much experience with characters trying to crouch tech me w/ a c.strong.

If I had to make an educated guess, though, I imagine that if Juri OS’d a c.strong, she would beat CH frame traps 100% of the time. I say Juri because her c.strong is so effective. Same w/ Viper’s c.strong. As far as Ken’s… hell if I know.

Anyone got any tips or trick for Elf? Little bastard confuses me to no end. It just feels like a guessing game when I’m playing him. I know he’s a character of apparently average strength, but it seems that once he knocks you down, he can do whatever.

What’s the best way of dealing with Ken’s forward Medium Kick? It’s just a constant annoyance for me that just sort of throws me off my game.

there is no anwser to that

It is fundameltal “frame advance” mixup since they have an invincible and you don’t and they have combo straters that frame trap. they can grab or frame trap shoryu or frame trap blockstring into a hit confirm combo/other occurence of the exact same mixup.

You have no other choice but to whistand the mixup as best as you can choosing to block, Focus absorb - back dash, back dash, late tech.

I guess you can also flip a coin and bet the round on a revesal ULTRA II if you wish.

What you shouldn’t do is try to grab or reversal poke, he’ll be you flat in both cases for trying that 95% of the time in fact he is probably doing that because you never disapoint him at falling into the frame trap or getting grabbed when you don’t.

The real answer is to win that before during footsies if he is using that too much or is predictable.

You can bait that move with a focus absorb then unleash 250 damage or neutral jump then unleash 300 damage. Be sure that this is your best game plan, showing him that you own him at footsies ,** prove him he cannot use that powerfull move liberately**.

But there is no cookie cutter answer to that. The question you ask is basically what should I do when someone forces me into a blockstring mixup ? This is one of the core aspect of the game, your defense plan outmatches his attack plan or you get damaged.


best ways to deal with Ken’s f.Mk are FA, CH, s.Mk and s.Lk, all at max range (aside from the fA)
neutral jumping> whatever in some cases is good as well.

keep the fucker out, Vega’s pokes (c.MP, s.HK, c.MK, j.MP, sweep, lp.RCF) are really good at keeping him at bay.EX FBA is a pain for Fuerte as you can pretty much punish anything with it and smack him if he’s doin stupid run>stop>run nonsense, you can ST any of the run follow-ups if you see it coming, this obviously doesnt include run>stop.
you also have the option of KKK flip when you’re knocked down, its not recommended by any means but just the fact that you have it adds an extra aspect for Fuerte to look out for.
this match-up is in Vega’s favor IMO, that is until you get knocked down and it becomes heavily skewed to his favor, at least till you get out of the stupid wake-up game of his. but I think that generally applies to Elf’s matchups in general lol

Any tips against Gief? I hate changing my game plan against this guy.
I got worked by one last tournament, after our matches he just said that will keep Gief at bay.

He’s just saying that so he can get more free wins.

I was getting rolled by 'gief until someone showed me a couple of things that I was missing. Jumping toward medium punch shuts him down in the air, and jump away heavy punch for when he’s close. Use your long range pokes to keep him at bay. Standing heavy kick is the gief killer.

Always punish blocked greenhands, and stay the hell away from him.

you are ignoring very basic and key concepts in that match up. and standing heavy kick was a gief killer around April 2009.


Its easier for Fuerte to knock you down than it is for you to keep him out. Also KKK isnt an option when they do meaty things. In fact all of Fuerte’s wake up options against Vega should be meaty.

Just…Gen. How the fuck do I beat him? I’m sorry for being so general, but that’s my question.

true, but like I said its still an option the Fuerte has to consider or you can get a free get-out-of-jail KKK flip.

There is no free move out of fuerte okizeme when done correctly. you guess what he is going to do you are easily out, you guess wrong you go back on the ground.

"Just…Gen. How the fuck do I beat him? I’m sorry for being so general, but that’s my question. "

use your pokes, play smart on wake up and whenever he does wall bounce jump back air grab

He was right that was a way to general question.

I’ll give a general answer then.

Outplay the player, outmatch the character.

Seriously want some worthy advice, go into specifics.

You ll see that the fact of putting your finger on where and when you fucked something up, will already give you an edge before you even come here and ask how to counter or get out of these situations you’ll get ideas of your own.

If you don’t come up with something then come here and ask us if we have found something and we will share that with you.

how do i deal with dans lk dankyuka (what ever his quarter circle back k special is called), i dont want to really on random ST to get out of his corner pressure.

I don’t remember right now and I can’t try stuff at work.

Have you tried the obvious,

Slide, backdash , reversal rcf, jump up ?

In my opinion the best is to block it, he will be +0/+9 on block and has 17 startup

So he cannot string just them, if he tries you’ll beat him with a simple jump up than lay a jump in combo on him and he loses 30% his health bar.

which leaves him with 2 solution :

Use it as a frame trap after a (serie of ) light normals in whichever case it is an 8 frame gap trap so once again you can autoblock jump up, or ST.

If he strings a lot and like to land it meaty you have plenty leeway for a backdash, if he uses it close don’t use backdash you ll get hit. either before or after invicible frames.

If he links his light normals instead of cancelling them and he has too do it at least once to cancell into the Hop kick, you’ll be 0 or +1 and he doesn’t have faster moves than you so you can beat him or trade with a 4 framer (cr.lp, or grab.

Second solution for him is to tie with a medium or heavy normal in between hop kicks in which case he will have to do the hop kicks from far to land them meaty, otherwise he has 6-7 frame gaps after hop kick which is punishable with a 4 framer (+ combo).


In the beginning just block, eat the chip and whatch the kind of sequence he likes to use. Soon or late he’ll try to catch you off guard with a jump in or a tick throw, well do you best at teching and be ready for the jump in.

He may land a grab or 2, okay suck it up and read his game, if you tech you are out, if you frustrate him and he’ll try the jump in at which time you have a good opportunity to slide/dash under him, ST him or beat him in the air.

Depending on what sequence he uses you can proactively trade with him or punish him during his frame traps.

A good dan will mix up his string sequences in both fashions , and with an occasional EX hop kick, and grabs right away, forcing you to block and tech for longer since the proactive approach is then made much more risky, so if he has you in the corner he’ll probably score worthy ( and well deserved) damage before you have your way out.

thanks for advice, it was in a ranked match so i did get frusterated, and since it was only the one match i only got to play him once.