Never stand against a dive kicking rufus unless you like eating the easiest confirmable ultra in the game. Also I can’t confirm it right now but with the amount of frames in close fierce I wouldn’t be surprised if rufus can reversal ex.messiah after the first hit resets. The key is to not let his fat ass jump in on you, abuse standing roundhouse when ever you see him leave the ground. You’ll see high level rufus’s play footsies games to take a life lead or make you do something stupid that gives them a knockdown to start the dive kick pressure rather than just jump straight in. OS is a safe option as long as he doesn’t have meter, your better off taking a throw than an ex.messiah to the face. Some times you have to do crazy things like jump forward hp instant overhead to escape that kind of pressure or even ST when you think he’s going for the short dive to trade and escape.
Man, I got put on complete blast yesterday by a Sagat player in a tournament, I srsly need some help on this match up.
play my shitty Sagat. Unless its a special day, then im really beast with him. but sereiously just play me if you need some help or something like that
What is Claw’s ideal range to hang out in the Sagat match up? Right outside of his sweep?
anywhere where im inclined not to throw a fireball. at that range i can rush, but its going to lead me nowhere.
guys,vega’s crmp whiffs on opponents who jump up,its properties are completely different from the shoto crmp(shoto crmp can connect on opponents who are on the few frames of their jump).
so like pedo says,from vega’s standpoint this os is garbage.
hey laxlight I want to hear your strategy against Chun Li
This. x1000
Vega doesn’t have any strong OS crouch tech options against dive kicks. Not to mention, good Rufus (and Cammy) players tend to dive kick just above height. You’re better off not trying to fight it and just play smart/guess. Of course, guessing usually never works out all that well either.
Against dive kicks, jb.hp is your best friend.
so is cr.hp , and (if you time it right)
for me c.HP~OST has about a 30% success rate vs cammy and 50% success rate vs rufus’s dive kicks
Are there any matchups where I should just stay away from kara throws?
Boxer comes to mind or is it just me?
Boxer is one of the better people to go for it against imo, unless they’re a wholly db and have good reactions tbh.
in fact scrap that anyone with good reactions don’t get too karathrow happy, sometimes when you walk forward for the kara throw and are not trying to bait a reaction you get hit with a fat combo for your trouble against dive kicks… ? Can’t say I agree with you there.
No… ? Why limit yourself from using one of Vega’s strongest tools. Besides, kara throw is used to open turtles up and set them up for frame traps/CH.
if you predict a dive kick, as they are coming down it stuffs it. sounds silly i know, for real but try it out in t mode
i stick it out when i see a rufus at the apex of his jump when hes doing a dive kick from afar.
So you use karas on Sim like you would Zangief? That’s what i’m asking, are there any matchups where you would be more weary of using it than others?
And if not, then sweet beanz.
I would and I do all the time. Being afraid of gief gets you killed fast. Look at thai vs vangief and tatsu vs vangief.
Grab the bastard. Listen to the commentator on norcal vs socal.
It’s kind of difficult to answer that question. Sim doesn’t have much answer against pressure so I’ll definitely be more inclined to keep him on edge with kara throws and frame traps when I get in. Keeping pressure on Gief (on his wake up) might seem hard sometimes so you probably wont see much attempted kara throws by a Vega player when he’s up against a Gief. But if a player knows that they can land a kara throw, they’ll go for it. Do what your opponent least expects.
It’s like a Ryu player asking if his DP is only limited to use in some match ups. It’s a tool to win. Use it to how you see fit. Sometimes it’s good to go for a risk and try to land a few kara throws on Gief on his wake up. Don’t limit your tools based on the character your playing and if they have the tools to punish. It’s all about risk-reward; learn your opponents habits, choose your options wisely and do what you have to to win.
I hope that answers your question. It’s the best I could answer.
you gave a paragraph answer to a stupid ass question which practically ridicules itself. why do you even bother i wonder.
Lax care to shed the light on fighting a patient Sim? if you have time add Rose and Honda info too
How about an aggresive Sim? Satyamdas is a beast Sm that isn’t afraid to push you around …
And Gouken tips?