fuck me Vega man. I had done the write ups for 70 percent of the guide and its all gone now. Fucking Sasser Worm. Ill do it again and get it to you again.
DONT ATTACK. like really you dont have to attack. Vega’s jump arc is great for jumping in on Dhalsim. If you attack while jumping and he does hk as AA you will get hit. But if you dont you wont get hit and you get walking space. If you attack at max range from a jump in you’ll lose. If youre on top jf.hk owns. FA dash forward works, and so does Ume ST. If you do EX FBA, you can hit Dhalsim even if he slides. He isnt immune to EX FBA. Due to properties of EX FBA (2 hits) you can hit characters that slide to avoid it due to the extra first hit. this battle is about normals. Do not jump over fireballs up close if he has Ultra 2.
Proper footsies is what this match should be. But because of damage out put and his retarted cr.lp (comparable to Balrogs jab) makes it seem harder than it is.
Its just a matter of blocking. Her mix ups dont seem scary and ive played a good Ibuki.
When you play ST at the lower end of the spectrum meaties dont work. When i play with Sagat or someone with a reversal im not afraid to throw shit out so be wary. meaty cst.hp is god, and so is walk forward CH or cr.lp - cst.hp frame trap etc. moral of story, do not be affraid.
OS grab cst.hp against dive kick happy Rufus. discuss
I like it, tried it once, worked. thoughts?
if it makes you feel better j is makign me feel salty as fuck…
speaking of which… how do you guys get rid of salt? lookin back i made a lotta stupid mistakes and did a lotta shit i never do outta frusteration
cst:hp? im not sure whether u mean standing or crouching but it definitely sounds interesting =o
i usually keep rufus at a distance with st.hk and when he gets close depending on his tendencies i would either block if i know they dont grab much or jump back fierce in their block string although i use it sparingly cuz i know he can get me b4 i jump.
it be close standing high punch. The two swipe move. It has a really long active frame and has a pretty good hit box from experience.
ohhhh im used to reading it “cl.hp”, sounds good but im thinking that it wont start up fast enuf, ima test this out whenever i can.
ggs yesterday btw, definitely gotta fight u some more =D
Its not possible, you can’t OS tech with standing moves, only with crouching, because if you press LP + LK + HP at the same time while standing, the throw will come out and not the fierce.
The only thing that works okay is OS crouch tech with cr.MP. Rufus generally has 3 options after a blocked dive kick: 1. another dive kick, 2. throw, 3. blockstrings (st.LK, cr.LK…)
cr.MP OS tech is will beat option 1, tech option 2 but will get counterhitted by option 3.
You can try a delayed OS tech which will do the same to option 1 and 2, but if he goes to option 3 right away, you just block (because you pressed the buttons when already in blockstun. But now Rufus can delay his poke and you get counterhitted again…
LMAO @ pedo… if only i had some of that stuff
is that so? well it just solidiefies the fact that i cant tech right. Anyway ive done cst.hp when he is dive kickin’ and it hits. more testing though.
jump = 4 frames
dive kick start up = 7 frames
= 11 frames
cst.hp = 9 frame start up.
IN THEORY IT should work. excusd the capital caps was on and to lazy to delete that and re-write
cl.HP IS working against another divekick, its just no use because it gets raped by the other 2 options.
risk vs reward, its not any diffrent from me using ST. or cr.hp os grab. Sometimes you have to get them the fuck off by trading and taking a risk. Blocking is a great answer but its not always the solution especially when you play against Rufus part of the match up is to keep him from building meter, and you build meter. I mean you cant allow Rufus to simply stay there and block string you all day beceause you are afraid to push a button.
in short the risk is worth the reward.
No, its not. cr.MP OS tech does the same just better. cl.HP will only hit once and air-reset Rufus, so the OS tech is safer, does more damage, less recovery and could hit Rufus in his jump startup frames for canceling into EX FBA (if you’re ballsy).
i was using cHP~OST with about a 70% success rate but i’ll give this a try too
cr.mp os tech is garbage. why because cr.mp whiffs a lot. to much. cr.hp os tech is better. As for the reset, if Rufus does anything after the reset free coutner hit. If he does eX Messiah, so what 13 frame start up can kiss my ass. but thats me. Ive played this stupid good Rufus for a while to know that cr.mp os tech is garbage.
btw you are not going to land cr.mp before frame 4 usually during frame 5. Guess what you wasted a meter of EX Bar and now you are going to get punished for it and are on the floor. Free again, yet this time you cant OS anything.
cr.hp os tech is garbage as well.
cr.lp + cr.lk + downback (hey a favorite) + cr.mp
So what’s the button input on that cr.mp os?
If cr.MP whiffs your input was too late, but whatever, good luck with cl.HP, you’ll need it.
both fail as much. cst.hp makes rufus not do anything if you land it. timming is strict on both. I like reseting and making my opponent not push anything. not only that you are not going to get cr.mp os tech every time at teh first possible frame so you are reseting half the time anyway.
btw os sucks 90% of the time unless its on somebodies wake up.
OS doesnt suck at all if you use them wisely, but not if you mash on your buttons every time you see a divekick. Its about figuring out our opponents likes and patterns, covering more option at once, make them frustrated and “train” them not to try a specific option. Yomi skills required… But yeah, OS alone sucks…
I’ve never really had luck with cr mp os tech on Rufus, I just eat the divekick usually. It’s pretty hard to perfectly time this down to 1 frame every time. I have a little more luck with cr hp tech because it can hit him out of the air, but it’s garbage if he is right up in your face pointblank. Lately I’ve just been trying to block and tech regularly, and jb fierce when I think it will work.