Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

Bait his chicken wing as much a possible. what i like to do is after a knockdown i linger just outside of his poke range then if i see the start up of his chicken wing i hit em with CH.

yeah CH beats CW 9 times outta 10. also, dont be scared of his overhead. just take the damage and wait for an opening. dont try izuna when he has meter. a late EX FK will nail you. CW and Focus are his only real tools to get in. most feis will also tend to go for a lvl1 or early lvl 2 focus. and wait for you to press a button. if you have to press a button press HK and hit him outta focus. if he’s a lil on the slow side you can hit confirm a crouching poke into EX FBA. use U1 on rookie feis and U2 on advanced ones. nail a U1 on their CW, whiffed/blocked FK, whiffed rekka or even overhead if you know it’s comin. Use U2 for the one obvious crossover he does.

be careful of his U2… 3 times I got over confident and started getting careless just “playing around”, and every time i was using SHC to try to catch a jump. I ate a U2 every damn time. it cost me one match. so just dont do stupid shit like i did. Those are the only 3 times i ever got hit with fei’s U2… (never cammy’s yet).

some feis can be tricky and they fish for you to whiff a cMP or CH. block… block block block. be patient and wait for an opening. about the only thing fei can do to open you up is his command throw. that should be pretty telegraphed.

last thing to look out for is his crossover CW. if you’re ducking a lot you’ll get hit with it a bit. if you see CW just block it standing if you cant hit him outta it.

If you play footsies with him you run the risk of Rekka’s. He can play footsies with you. You have to respect what it does to Fei is it gives him a tool like Vega’s Its a great frame trap, and you guess if you decide to push a button. You can pin Fei down with your normals as well and CH frame traps work on him to. Try being a bit more aggresive as in dont whiff normals outside of his range because of Rekka’s. Once you start a smart offense. Fei has to consider if he wants to risk eating kara’s,, CH, or a jump in. So thats when he should start considering to use CW to make you guess and take a risk when attacking. Once that happens, you establish respect from the Fei and you can start whiffing normals. Although this happens only when playing the guy for long sets, or its a Fei youve already established this with.

Also @Chozo, when you “bait” against Fei, you give up all attack options, and give him the green light to start his offensive game. Hence why “bait” tactics will fail.

yeah this definately…
although i’ve found it sorta hard to pin him down with normals because i eat a CW if i use a crouching normal. That’s why i play a bit more defensively against fei. his options for opening you up are really limited. His only safe rekka is the first one and only if it’s LP version. for the most part… block > fei

against Guile:
I gotta give credit to Rugalitarian for this one.

when Guile is throwing out sonic booms waiting for you to jump over and grab you, jump with a light kick. it stuffs whatever Guile does.

i know the perfect guile to try that out on too. lol

yea thats how i play him against fei too. I try too keep him a safe distance and try not to whiff too many normals. at that point if he gets desperate to get in with a CW from that far i focus it and usually get a crumple getting me a knock down to then start my offense.

why would you jump over Sonic Boom when Guile can jump to begin with. Your safer walking. Although i said it a long time ago that is like Shoto’s god.

it’s true, ^^take the chip dmg

pedo helped me with this match a lot tbh , and now he’s contributed another useful tip.

the fact that 7 sonic booms = 1 made this match several times easier, i just needed to change the way I play.


Abel’s loses cleanly to autocorrect EX ST

Yeah, walking forward and blocking is quite effective against Guile. I have ran into some intermediate Guiles who tend to self-destruct when you take this approach… I guess they aren’t used to people up in their bubble.

I still got trouble against guile,
also anyone know any safe jumps against him? i know back throw mp dont work but im almost sure that you can somehow =s

just safe empty jump… you’d be able to block anything he does. eventually he’ll do nothing… after 2 or the times whiffing he’ll notice you’re just empty jumping… use that opportunity to jump in with an attack.

I have a couple tricks I use against Guile. I was actually about to post this for the safe jump section in WWMajin’s Info/Tactics thread, but I’ll throw it up here first.

First, to answer your question most directly, Cosmic Heel > HK Scarlet Terror, backdash, jump in mp works on him if he techs his wakeup. This is safe to all Flashkicks, Super and Ultras, but as I said only if he quick-stands.

Also Izuna drop, cr mp, jump in late HP works as well, but your timing has to be perfectly tight or it won’t be safe.

You’re right about the backthrow j mp not working on him, but one trick I use is to empty jump in after the backthrow. I call it a bait-jump for lack of a better term. As long as you don’t stick out a normal, the empty jump is perfectly safe and is great for baiting out flashkicks etc. (Just noticed Vegaman made the same suggestion.)

The other setup for Guile I use is actually my favorite, and is like a safe jump in a way, but better. After an Izuna drop, immediately take a full step forward (your front foot should be slightly overlapping Guile’s outstretched hand on the ground), pause for just an instant then jump in with HP. If he stands or crouches, the HP with hit him from the front. If he wakes up with any Flashkick, you will cross over him and the Flashkick will whiff in the wrong direction and can be easily punished. Any Super or Ultras will go the wrong direction as well.

What this means is that Guile can’t FADC his Flashkick with this setup, and if you use it when he has 2 bars there’s a good chance he will try the FADC.

Thanks for the insights, and thanks to Vegaman and Chozo. Hmm the Fei I’ve fought is quite alert, will tend to stay right just outside my range, backdash on my CH to return a rekka. Buffers CW to hit it once I try some crouching attacks. All my dives are countered by his

Another trick which I hate vs Fei is his st.lp (block), walk a little forward, st.lp(block), walk a little forward, st.lp / throw … really puts me off. And when his st.lp connects, I’ll most certainly eat his st.lp->c.lp->rekka x 3 combo :arazz:

I’ll eat rekka x 3 too if I attempt to FA or backdash his st.lp. :arazz:

@Deuy: I saw tatsu use the j.hp safe jump ur talking about but i didnt know how to set it up, i gotta try this when i get online =D

@nekorin: have u tried using jump back hp when hes walking towards u, im 90 percent sure that would work but i never had a fei do that to me in a while

k i need some tips on a few things:

  1. approaching a poky Dhalsim, i usually dont have trouble with Sim but i recently fought one that kept basically throwing out pokes non-stop and i couldnt close in for shit, i even tried desperate FBA spam but he kept sliding under it then punishing =/

  2. Honda… i really suck against this fucker, ive already picked up Chun to counterpick him, but i’d really like it if i didnt have to do that to be on even grounds with him.

  3. Ibuki, in general i know how to fight her (or at least i think so), but as soon as i get in her lp>mp>c.Hk>HK>SJ shenanigans i get fucked for at least 60% of my health >_<

  4. not match-up specific, but what do you guys do after landing a forward throw, there’s the safe-jump and CH stuff from backthrow and i know about these, but after a forward throw im always at a loss on what to do here, i just randomly go back and forth then meaty s.LK, which usually results in a reversal hitting me…

1: Slide usually owns that shit. And smart use of

2: Honda matchup sucks in my opinion. You gotta be on point with your aa:s, and make him waste his meter. One random ex headbutt hurts like hell and can almost by itself turn the match around in his favor. He doesn’t have much in the groundgame department so he will try to jump in sooner or later.

3: Just learn how to block it is the best advice i can give you. Do her trials and go into training mode.

4: Wakeup shenanigans ^^ Different every time.

i usually corpse hop

Afaik there is no safe jump set up after a forward throw however you can do an immediate forward dash then
1.kara throw 2.meaty which can be hit confirmed into ex.fba 3. pressure

However all these lose against fast reversals