Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

Looking forward to the write up Vegaman.

Yeah I’m itching to get my hands on it!

hey, i’m a bison player and i’m planning to go to a tournament here in cali soon. i’m trying to identify the options every character can use to shut down the EX Psychocrusher as a getaway option on bison’s wakeup. For example, after the knockdown, ryu has jump in OS DP, chun li can downforward roundhouse and kick from behind, and she also has an OS or upon jump in.

What are vega’s options to beat this escape option? If you are extra generous, please let me know how you option select/straight up beat EX Devil’s reverse and teleport as well :slight_smile:

:amazed::pray: OMG that’s a fucking essay/dissertation

I beat it mostly just by blocking it / waiting and then punishing with a long range move which we have many of (slide, ex-walldive, ultras). Vega isn’t usually a big option selector on offense because he has no invincible ex-reversals, but he is a big-time punisher from crazy ranges. Be aware that ultra2 very easily auto-corrects, be aware that ex-flipkick and ex-roll go through moves that have fireball-like properties, and be aware that Vega has the second-best kara throw in the game.

I got beaten by a rose, any pointers on how to beat her?
She keeps me out with her soul fucks, and her soul spirals are so safe! my opponent liked to back dash right after which made it a pain to punish.
I just couldnt do anything…

NVM I read the past posts…
but any additional info would be appreciated!
maybe some videos?

I would love some pointers on the Bison match up. It made me pretty salty today. It seems so damn lame… sitting on downback without options against scissors strings gets old very fast.

Unfortunately sitting on downback is one of your best options, that matchup got alot more bearable once I learned to stop pressing shit. Alternatively, since lk scissors is at 0 frame disadvantage on block you can always jump back or neutral jump to avoid the loop, and even punish it, as long as he isn’t mixing in st rh.

which he should and would.

lol you live 10 min from me

also… just fyi but a good 90% of the matchup guide is info already posted on here. i only did 2 things. i added my own write ups (to as many as i could stand) and i organized it so that you dont have to click on 50 links for 1 specific character. it just makes it a lot easier to both manage and to read. i used some of the strats from vanilla that still apply and the strats i found for super. so unless you really wanna know how i approach matchups don’t get too excited lol.

like i said… hopefully joz can help fill in all the new matchups that there’s no info about. and if anyone has a good write up for a matchup either post it on here, or PM it to me and i’ll slide it in there. even if it’s for a non-new character matchup

thanks meteo2 and vegaman. vegaman, did you mean i should use the search function to look up your posts? i’ll give that a try anyways.

a few tips on fighting bison scissor kicks? if you only blocked 1 hit of the scissor kick, you can jump up or jump back, and depending on your range and character you can jump in on bison without ever worrying about hitting you. if he’s at that range, learn to focus crumple bison if he insists on doing one hit scissors, which is rather dangerous actually. also learn to abuse the the startup of the scissor kick is really long and easy to stuff.

if your opponent is trying to scissor kick you during footsies, you can make him respect the range of your moves with long range are annoying when i’m trying to scissor kick. however, if you’re in the corner and he’s scissor kick presuring you and baiting your response… that’s always a dangerous game and i’m sure your fellow vegas know more about how to beat it than i do. although i’ll give one big tip.

this here applies to blocked scissor kick anywhere on the screen. vega’s fastest move is 4 frames, so after a poitn blank blocked scissor kick, a c.lkxxscissor will own anything you do besides an invincible reversal, but that’s really punishable if baited (bison startup =3 frames). however, after he does the c.lkxxscissor on you and you block it, bison will be can do this one more time if you’re crouching, but if you’re standing it’ll whiff (weird hitbox stuff). depending on where he started scissor kicking you, he may have up to 3 chances to c.lkxxscissor you. when he is out of range and the starts to whiff (you’ll need to get experience on this), he’ll either try to scissor kick back in or stuff your jump attempt with, or stuff your poke with this is where vega has a chance to beat bison with the 4 frame startup, although it can be focused or focus dashed through. he can also try an option select scissor, to counterhit your poke.

now something regarding corner scissor kick pressure…one thing is that bison often has to do against alot of characters is walk back to get out of the range of normal attacks to safely scissor kick since its vulnerable hitbox is so bad during startup and can get stuffed by normals. however, luckily for vega the again has longer range than alot of characters so if he insists on walking back to bait you and scissor kicking, you can him during its long startup. be careful though because if he expects you to poke he can focus dash through your, for example, so it’s not a 1 option fit all.

hopefully that will help. please exchange with some vega technology vs bison if possible :slight_smile: lol jk you guys probably have this posted somewhere up here anyway.

lol dont look up my posts… i’ve only written like 1 strat on here. your best bet is to look up jozhear’s posts. if you look in the vega matchup guide, sasaki posted links to all the strats. all i did was make it to where you dont have to click on all those links, and then i added some of my own.

as for scissors… LK scissors is a frame trap you’re 0 on block and if he does LK xx LK scissors again you’ll get hit. his lk is 3 frames. you have to wait till you’re outta LK range in order to jump outta it. most of the time it’ll push you into the corner. when the range is too far just back wall dive outta the corner, or jump off the wall.

Edit… wait… you play bison, why am i tell you how to play vega? lol. also i apparantly didnt read some of the above posts.

Kara throw in between strings , but mix it up so you don’t get hit with a psychic move. It beats the times when they do nothing and look for you to throw out something so they can punish it. It also scares them into doing dumb stuff to beat it which you can punish accordingly.

I will get back to you on this after some time in the lab.

you goin to NCR?

yeah, i’ll be in 3v3 teams. i got alot of training to do though cause for the most part, my only consistent high level training partner was a ryu. i’ve been studying alot of videos and my replays pretty carefully so hopefully it’ll help. guess i’ll be seeing you there!

Bison EX PC on wakeup after a safe jump is a free sweep (anywhere) or free EX FBA. Never do an EX PC if you know Vega is safe jumping you (watch for the whiff c. mp after EX FBA / ST knockdown).

No OS necessary since Vega can just beat it out.

i feel ive got enough bison experience against some of the best bisons in singapore/malaysia etc to say that the matchup is now completely in vega’s favour.they simply cannot beat me,pure skillwise im not supposed to be beating some of them,which shows how retarded this matchup is for bison,im a bit busy now,ill get into the specifics later.


one of the major disadvantages that bison faces in this matchup is in the form of him not being able to keep the pressure on vega thanks to how vega’s crlp prevents bison from using his lk scissor kick loop.alternating between jumps,crlps and backdashes makes the lk scissor loop more of a mindgame to the bison player than the vega player.

one thing to note in this matchup is that you’re supposed to be sitting on your down back charge as much as possible,stuff like fishing for kara throws etc in a ground game wont work because his footsies are as good as winning matches against good bison players is directly related to your blocking/teching ability because bison is a basic ass character,even if he knocks you down,he cannot capitalize on that if your defense is strong.

the ground game against bison mainly revolves around you trying to get in his head by mixing up your normals with a lot of jump ins.there is NOTHING a bison can do about a vega jumping in on him(except for tap dashing or back dashing into the corner),claw comes down like a rock and your air specials beats bison even out of his counter aa jump everytime claw jumps in on bison,the bison player gets overwhelmed about the sheer number of options held by claw ranging from karathrows,followup repeated jumpins and cosmic heels.but make sure that you dont get too fancy with your blockstrings because he can convert his connected option select crlk into short scissors kicks for a flurry of 3 hit combos in the case of you being loose with your blockstrings.

just make sure that you’re defence is solid enough to make sure that he doesnt get a huge life lead.the only times i loose out is when i get hit by random psycho crushers,ex scissors and scrubby shit like crmk comboed out of my cosmic heel startup,to give him a huge life lead.once a bison gets a life lead,he can run around all day(thanks to his teleport) and there is nothing you can do about it.

so all in all,unless you throw this match away,the dic player cannot win.

all of the vega and bison players in the asian scene agree that this mu is in vega’s favour atleast by 6-4.if the bison player is stupid enough to pick ultra 2,then its a 7-3.

lmao , no offense dude but this is and always will be in Bison’s favour.


good shit man, I’ll use this.

you’re wrong,its in claws favour hands down,any bison who goes up against a claw that is worth shit will tell you that.

CHUCK, did you even read his post?.. seriously…
i kinda agree with lax about this, Bison’s mixups are ass and unlike many characters that actually give Vega trouble he doesnt have a free out of jail card like srk fadc or an EX messiah. you can put in pressure on him without really worrying coz every escape he has Vega can easily punish/beat.

I personally think its 5-5 or around 6-4 claw’s favor.