Its something i dont go for all the time, but found it to be usefull. Yes it loses to mash jab on block, but people dont always jab you out. I also remember reading somewhere that reversal timimng for a normal is much harder than a special, which makes it easier on me. Where I have found great succes with this is if cr.lp hits or of a blocked jump in. It wrecks people who mash cr.lp or OS tech after i hit them. And thats the direction im using it now. It allows me to put more pressure on them because they dont want to get hit, and make them want to use thier reversal to get me the fuck off, which is to my advantage. They are taking a risk, burning meter, allow me to read them easier, and it becomes easier to bait stupid things. People just dont like getting touched or pressured by Vega.
Here is a few match ups here i found it useful
Rose, Dhalsim, Bison, Blanka.
edit: if blocked cr.lp - cst.hp works, so would right?
another thing I have been doing a lot is when i trade hits with, you have ample time to hit them with xx EX FBA, shit is so cash. Also i have been using Counter Hit RCF (The last part of it is counter hit) xx EX FBA. Works wonders against Focus Attack users, or when you frame trap with xx lp.RCF
Hey guys, I know most of my matchups but there are those few that i really dont know how to approach.
Theres been a Blanka player in my local scene and there are some things i have no answer too T.T
-What can you do to him on his wakeup, if you walk close he’ll use lightning and the only way i know how to punish it is with a long range sweep
-I already know how to block his ultra but he seems to always hit me with it on my wakeup, is it low high or a cross up if he does it that close.
-what is the best way to punish blanka balls other than ultras?
-Also any other blanka tricks you may know would be awesome
@Pedo: With Bison it’s a 7F gap (and the normal is cl, not cr.HP) and that’s mostly the reason why it doesn’t always work. You see lot’s of trading on that trap.
Though, rethinking it (and taking into consideration the fact that a reversal normal isn’t easy/mostly not going to happen) I think a 5F gap up close is good. Just make sure to adjust to your opponent and use even tighter ones if he likes mashing.
Cr.LP, cl.HP should be 6F. It’s kinda worse than yours in that regard, but it easily combos into a crapload of damage.
I use cl.HP after a blocked jumpin. Walk forward a split second, then hit it. Works well.
EDIT: Ever thought of doing J.HP, cr.LP, cl.MK xx LP RCF?
Yeah well, since you mentioned you use cl.MK as a frametrap after cr.LP I thought it was a good idea to cancel into lp RCF for guaranteed damage without hard CH links. Doesn’t enable you to keep the pressure going though…
the way i play against honda is you want to keep him chasing could be different from others i don’t know but, anyway Mp or Hp headbutt can be punish with EX FBA, Ultra 2, Ultra 1 Possibly if your back is in the corner but Very Situational i will not recommend, also situational st. Mk, Slide. the sumo slam the second hit can be focus, use RCF for chip if Honda Does not have ultra. EX ST or ultra 2 to anti air. kkk flip full screen headbutt then punish immediately or block then Punish. ideally this match up will be about who has more patient and a turtle feast.
No, its about who can shut down options faster and maintain that superiority the longest. What can Vega do if Honda decides to rush down? Its about spacing, punishing, footsies, and reaction. This match up feels the most Super Turbo to me, where one fuck up costs you the game.
Honda: Like Pedo said, this match up is about gaining the lead and holding on to it. I had some really good matches with an A Honda the other night and I learned a lot. Honda is at his worst when you make him chase you down for damage, and obviously he is a tank when you?ve got to inflict damage on him. At the very basic level keep jump ins to a minimum as Honda can punish that fairly easily. Inflict chip damage whenever possible. Head butt can be punished with st.LK or EX FBA (if you?ve got meter) after you?ve blocked it. Learn how to properly block sumo splash as Honda players will loop that on you if they find you don?t know how to block it. A blocked sumo splash can be punished with st.HK. Try and get him to use up his meter with baits. With no meter Honda becomes a lot more vulnerable and you?ve got more options. Most important I?d say is to not rush this match.
Honda: Like Pedo said, this match up is about gaining the lead and holding on to it. I had some really good matches with an A Honda the other night and I learned a lot. Honda is at his worst when you make him chase you down for damage, and obviously he is a tank when you?ve got to inflict damage on him. At the very basic level keep jump ins to a minimum as Honda can punish that fairly easily. Inflict chip damage whenever possible. Head butt can be punished with st.LK or EX FBA (if you?ve got meter) after you?ve blocked it. Learn how to properly block sumo splash as Honda players will loop that on you if they find you don?t know how to block it. A blocked sumo splash can be punished with st.HK.
headbutt can be punished with st. mk not lk. i dont think sumo splash is punishable by st. hk…at least not the lk version