Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

Hey monkeyninja, just wanted to say I loved your awesome SF3 tribute video. Loved how seamlessly the music blended together. :slight_smile:

Haha a little off topic but yeah i didnā€™t create the vid a friend of mine did. I was just trying to help promote it so if you wanna compliment him go to his youtube channel.
Yeah i get what yourā€™e saying Vega requires a LOT OF PATIENCE, lets just hope capcom keeps the scarlet terror reversal buff in tact. That would make every Vega players life so much easier, because if you main him you gotta be on point with your wakeup game.

anyone know any tech traps? fighting this really annoying adon that i cant tech his throws for shit no matter how hard i try it either comes out too late or too early. i try guessing and jumping or backdashing out but i usually end up eating a rising jaguar.

try not to use the OS crouch tech, tech standing instead cuz u have a bigger window than doing the OS

Thanks for all these tipsā€¦ as a new player this is very helpful

Heres an interesting one: What ultra do you use for Giefers?
Me: I like U1. It helps ALOT when you are in a life lead. They canā€™t greenfist their way in and canā€™t safely stock up with lariats. Their best bet is a jump and gamble when you will do BHC.

Your pick?

I actually prefer ultra 1 to 2 in certain situations like when im fighting jump happy characters like adon or akuma. As for Zangief i think your fine either way. Something else you gotta consider is the fact that U2 is a good reversal for when geif knocks you down. Something iā€™m pretty sure most vega have seen turn the match around. You also can see better benifits from when he whiffs a lariat at a distacne where U1 would miss sometimes.

Thinking of matchups and what punishes what. Anyone seen this?
WAMO On Block? - by bubafeast

If youā€™re blocking, put Vega in, if youā€™re attacking, put Vega there, itā€™ll tell you what you can punish with and what your opponent can. Not sure if all of it is accurate, but itā€™s worth a shot.

95 % of giefsā€¦ U1
Vangief? U2

EDIT: and roman4328ā€¦ U2

Iā€™m having problems with a Adon (that have alot of experience vs Vega) any tips?

depends on what the problem is. whatā€™s beating you?

Well basically he counter any of my in the air game, so I make it secondary. So I stay in the ground, working on my ā€œDefense to Offense gameā€ but hes offensive pressure is too much and he is very skilled on looking for mistakes that I make because of frustration and punish me with that nasty fierce punch or ex-jaguartooth in to Ultra 2.
So basically Scarlet Terror, good defense and pokes are the only option I use.

most adonā€™s need to own the air to win the match. if thatā€™s the case you have to kick him out. jag tooth can be air thrown. jag kick loses to nj. HK. if he stays to the ground do the same. his throw is deceptive because his body doesnt move much. fight him like youā€™d fight ryu. bait out rjā€™s. outpoke him. block crossovers

The Jaguar Tooth can be air thrown at what point?

any point going up or down. you just have to time it right

I just had a match with a really good gouken today and he hurt me bad. I donā€™t see how this is in vegaā€™s favor, if anyones familiar with it please give me tips. What i seem to have trouble with is his flip kick/grab mix up into block stings (somewhat similar to akumas). He always seem to stay out of range of my throws, whenever i tried to poke he would counter. If anyone has been in this situation you know that this puts you into the corner and dizzies really quickly. I really have no ideal how to counter it; if i focus i eat a armor breaking plam even in back dash, he also did it too close to the ground to ST. As for trying to meet him in the air he has that fireball and i have to much trouble gaining enough highground to air throw him. I tried to keep pressure on wake up but with a lack of armor break he counters so easily, plus he has that tatsumaki to worry about too. Honestly the situation seemed near hopeless and any help would be appreciated.

counter doesnt hit jump back fierce. if heā€™s countering your pokes stay at cMP range and whiff pokes till he whiffs his counter. most goukens will either grab or dive kick. dive kick means block and tech. if you dont see a dive kick by the tip of their jump then jump outta it and land with a combo. alsoā€¦ if he trys to jump or flip and you see it early enoughā€¦ dash forward under him. footsies are key. walk/dash/hop into and out of your and his poking range. fish for a whiff and dont miss when he does whiff

So last night i played, what i would call, one of my finer matches on xbl with sum friends. And i got to say

Bison, Rufus are so fucking free on wake up and once you are on them.

After ST finisher, do a set up where you meaty attack. It doesnt matter what he chose I recover, and he gets knocked down again. I mean once you get going on him he has no answer.

Rufus. Joz you where right with You can lame his ass out so bad with that move. And if you use, and cr.hp you can lame him even worse because it covers the angles sometimes does not cover. And with out meter, Rufus has to sit there and take you shit. Even if he has meter on wake up, he has to take it. It got to the point where he had to use EX Messiah Kick at random to keep me honest. Or he had to try and play the poke game just to give him an opening when i messed up.

Of course what good is this, if they get in on you first, and what good is this if you dont know how to start the train going.

That or my opponents really dont know how to handle no fear Vega style that i had semi-perfected yesterday. I swear that shit works.

Your right about bison honestly i would consider this match up in general to be in vegas favor. Claw is just about the only person who can keep up or match bisons footsies and can meet him in the air really well. All thats left tend to be predictable scissor kick block strings, as for wake up you dont have any reversals to worry about which is a godsend, just a really uunsafe teleport which claw can counter easily. Once Claw gets that ST reversal buff i can really see this as an annoying match up for dictator. As for rufus once you hit that corner it can change around VERY quickly if your not on point with reads and techs. He on the other hand has two very nasty ultras that can be good reversals on wakeup (which has annoyed me sometimes with that rediculous damage), so i wouldnt get too cocky as most claws longer range attacks tend to take a lot more commitment.

ex messiah and ex heastomp usually stop my rushdown in itā€™s tracks unless baited out