I’m having problems vs. a very offensive pressure minded Juri. Can anyone provide few tips and/or point me to any previous post that provides the information I need?
since they’re offensive they are probably using U1. they also probably arent stupid enough to do MK, HK, and EX pinwheel outides of a combo. you’re going to have to play footsies. dive kicks are unsafe. try to bait them out with quick crouching jabs and standing shorts. space well and stay at max range. use backdash not backflip. get a whiff and dont miss your chance to punish. be careful because she can instant overhead divekick you tho. it’ll connect if you’re blocking low.
Vs. a high level Makoto. What would be the best strategy against her? What are the advantages and disadvantages that Makoto has versus a Vega?
Thanks for the tips. Ill try and tighten up my defense versus her.
Can’t wait till Joz gives us tips on the Chun Li and Cammy match ups (my most common two matchups right now)
ill help you with that latter on tonight. Learned a lot playing against Ninja CW. and trust she destroys you once she is in.
With Juri she can only pressure u in the corner so make sure not to get corner and u can FBA her low fireball her wake up game is average it is either the teleport thing or a mash out ex wheel kick if the opponent mash u know u are playing a crap or desperate opponent.
Same with Makoto don?t get corned in these match up dash in & out help a lot also focusing and ur ST RH makoto player tend to play about when they knock u down so ur wake up option will have to be random based on what u think the opponent will do e.g u can back flip dash out throw ultra vertical jump but be aware that makoto player might also be trying to bait out an attack.
Chun Li match up is about spacing and counter hitting. Zoning her out is the MOST important factor in these match up. 70% of the time u will let her chase u but don?t be caught
Cammy look up chun (got to go)
My main weakness is wen getting cornered by a smart and aggressive offensive player (basically crack under pressure for lack of knowledge). Can anyone provide all my option wen im cornered?
basically you have:
backflip (not recommended)
Backdash (also not recommended)
jump back then walljump; against characters with mostly ground corner pressure like Bison or Fei, they do have options against it if you’re predictable (j.MP or s.HK with Bison, j.HK or Flame kick with Fei)
EX FBA; preferbly canceled from a normal, but can be done on its own to get out of that corner.
c.lp or c.mp xx Roll; to push you away from the corner, even if its only by a small bit.
Ultra2; for an obvious punish oppurtunity
FA then dash away; if theyre going for a cross up.
sometimes you can slide to get away (under Sagat’s Tiger Knee, under Cammy’s non-TK’d canon Spikes)
i think thats it
You can jump back by itself. You don’t have to wall jump. Sometimes the jump back itself is ideal for range like RH and cause you can jump off wall if you need to.
What I like to do against most characters, is force them to create space by blocking and wait for them to jump. Then I just AA them or escape. ST can help alot against some characters like Rufus. St RH can also be great at certain situations. That way if they jump you just AA them and gain advantage to start offensive and if they do anything but block (or I frame move) when there is no advantage you can hit them or push them back if they block.
Against certain characters you can grab them out of their attacks. Sometimes you can use SHC or ex SHC to get out depending on situation or ultra 1.
I got absolutely wrecked by an Ibuki in a 1v1 endless match today. Her focus attack is just too good. Nearly every counter poke I went for ended up with me being crumpled so I decided to block as best I could and wait for a proper opportunity to counter attack. Didn’t really work out for me because he started mixing in tick throws. Her slide > Ultra 1 kept catching me and the “vortex” he had on me was flawless after every knockdown. Dizzied in 75% of the rounds. Any advice on this match-up?
Also can Vega safe jump her ex reversal kicks on wakeup with j.fp? I wasn’t too sure about that.
How do you get away from Rufus when he’s diving kicking you? This is when he closes the gap and knocks you down once… im finding it near impossible.
I use to be able to nj.hk. But thats not working against the better Rufus’s. Already tried jump back… not working either. And all his normals beats mine up close. I tried using ex st between loads of his links, but it gets beat. Only thing thats saves me is U2.
There’s also the option to try and catch them with a kara throw, but your reactions have to be superb to nab that and it’s only if they’re dead close or you see them try and go for a tick throw. I’d say the other options Blaze gave are better XD.
and Joz, Shhhhhhh I didn’t make that mistake, what are you talking about!
(Note: I suck! I only play one deejay regularly, who is pretty good, ranked A. And even then, this is a very rare match. There?s hardly any deejay?s out there. I play on PSN, not any arcades! But this is the info I can offer to help )
Some things I mentioned before about this match up are:
- Izuna Drops work really well, as he hasn?t got many options against it. His up kicks moves forward, so if you?re on top of him, it is fairly safe. Unless he has an Ex Bar, Ex UK will own you, and so will his U1 and U2.
Ex UK can be baited, similar to how you bait Chun Li?s Ex SBK. Wall Dive away from Deejay, land sweeping distance, and punish.
Note: I don?t recall the Deejay I play ever sliding the Izuna… so not sure if this can be used to avoid the Izuna drops. He might have, in the early days and got hit by the claw, but just saying that it?s something to test.
- ?If you keep lp distance away from him, you can spam any attack and he can’t do much about it, even his Dread Kicks is useless at this distance, as he gets hit.?
I said that back then… but I?m not too sure about this anymore. I think different dread kicks can by pass that problem… i.e. lp.DK or Ex DK. As I said, I?m not too sure about this anymore.
- Deejay has no wakeup option other than UK, which is ONLY an anti air. So, once knocked down, you can do more or less anything you want. (Info thanks to Guile Thread).
I personally just owned the Deejay after learning this. After knocking him down, went right next to him, and used cr.mk. Since all of Deejays moves have this invincible frame, he doesn?t hit you right away. And, cr.mk works like a counter, so it by passes the invincible frames, and hits him later. He really can?t do anything but block! (or U1/ U2 obviously)
UK will completely whiff.
- Then there?s how to close the distance. Best thing I found is to empty jump every time. Any attack you do, will lead you to getting punished by UK?s, or slide. Know your distance. Jump at him from outside the UK?s distance, but within his Sliding distance. You will block the slide, if he does it, and punish freely. (cr.mk, ST)
Even if you jump in his UK distance, an empty jump usually leads a block. But once again, it depends on distance and situation. If he knows your jumping and has it charged, you will get hit, like a scarlet terror can hit you. But if he tries to hit, after you jump, you?ll block. Once again, punish.
Both UK and Ex UK can be air thrown. Just throw just before you land, and you should win. But I don?t recommend EVER jumping on an Ex UK! You WILL DIE! It?s just too powerful to risk jumping. Just don?t. Trust me…
- Defence against Deejay attacks. Deejay is amazing when it comes to attacking. He got an amazing jump like Bison?s (Dictator), where you don?t know if its crossing over or not, and he has a very simple combo to knock you down, then repeats. This particular combo consists of light attacks, so can?t be focus attacked. Back back works, and blocking! The mix up is basically; jump in front or back. Block it! Then a few hits, into tick throw, dread kicks, or jumps and restarts the mix up.
From my experience - Just learn to block, and DON?T spam anything during spams. DK will make your spams whiff, and you?ll get knocked down. Wait till he uses DK, then you can punish. And anticipate the jump ins. Once again, back back, or forward forward away from jump ins, to get your position back. Or air throw, ST, whatever you can do in this situation, it?s up to you. I personally get my poking distance back. But we all play Vega in our own way.
Anyway, that?s all the info I got on Deejay. Feel free to correct me or add on to this. Hope it helps.
s.Lp and s.HK work to some extent, its all depending on the distance and how low the dive is. Sometimes an instant FA works (press mp+mk without holding at all), but yeah in general you dont have much options against his dives, especially in the corner.
if there’s a bit of distance between you and Rufus i usually try to EX FBA and -usually- it’ll either hit or it’ll trade which you can follow with ST or U2.
Is it just me or do any of you also get frustrated with Chun Li’s auto cross-up teleporting behind you. Also how do you guys deal with Rose/Chun li’s fireball approach pressure other than FADC backwards. Also how do you guy’s get rid of roses annoying U2 the only thing i’ve seen that works is ex walldive.
for auto cross-up you mean the df.hk of chun-li? block, backdash, KKK backflip, or U2 with autocorrect
Rose U2 hit her with anythink and will disappear St s.lp, c.lk anythink, usually a lot ot rose became careless when sorrounded by that ultra, punish them
per fireball walldive or jump in might be a good idea evading fireball is quite an easy task for vega oh and if you know that a fireball is coming U2
for chun’s crossover… nope. i just block it. usually a sweep comes after and i usually focus or sweep the sweep.
you can fadc backdash. or do like you should do with guile. release for stun crumple if they atart walkeding toward you. you can also ex roll thru them. or if you’re gutsy you can ex sky high claw thru them.
same thing for roses U2. the orbs are fireballs. just ex roll thru them. or you can run away for like 15 sec or so and they’ll disappear on their own. they also go away if you block them. if rose trys to mess with you by doing crossovers with orbs on just pretend the orbs arent there. most of the time they wont hit you on the other side.
Everytime i try to ex roll through projectiles i always get hit, I guess my spacing may be off. As for the auto cross up i see it coming about 90% of the time but theres that ten percent where shes clearly in front of me and as soon as the kick comes out she ends up behind me. And when i focus those fireballs alot of times ill eat a quick move like her stomp or ex thousand legs. I also forgot to ask how do you guys deal with El fuertes command grab jump thing, usually i slide ive seen the backflip work sometimes but thats risky. I don’t really see any possible alternatives, backdash maybe?
if your reversals/counters are not working then you need to become a better blocker. fuerte’s command grabs lose to jumps and backdashes. tostada press loses to focus and block