Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

Many people seem to think there is auto correct on moves.

It doesn’t exist. You cannot choose which way to DP, It’s all relative to the opponent position and your hitbox. This is why proper meaty crossups work and bad crossups get DPed. It existed in old SF games too but since they didn’t store inputs for 40 years the problem was no there as the crossup would fuck with your motion. You could trick the engine with the esoteric f,d,db+p motion on some crossups but again it didn’t work on most because it depends on hitboxes position. It works pretty well against DJ in ST for example if he’s even slightly off.

I’m new to vega and still have trouble getting izunas to register (any tips?) but I’m sure using the correct air trajectory will make the DP whiff.

there you have it. input leniency essential creates auto correct. if you want to be technical there is no true auto correct. but that lean icy creates auto correct.

im sorry guys!! i thought you where talking about the regular shoto aa dps!
few times that i do choose to reply after skim reading,i always get humbled!
haha and yes,i never wall dive against makoto since her aa’s hitbox is directly above

Revised match-ups for Super?

Just wondering if any of the better Vega players on this thread feel comfortable and experienced enough with him in Super to start a new match-up thread to cover all his matches now? There’s new characters, revised match-ups with existing characters based on changes to them and Vega, etc.

This thread is great for SF4, but its hard to find new info for Super now through all the various posts.

Anyone got some info on Honda?

I think were going to be seeing more of that match up…

there’s this space between you and honda where poking is benificial, and not dangerous due to a poke. that bait and punish shit that is flying around. :nono:

Galactic Tornado is considerd a projectile isnt it. it does cancel projectiles. so in theory, iff rufus is doing st.hp xx Galactic Tornado, you should be able to EX ST in between right?

Isnt that Auto Correcting then? say someone jumps over me and i do b,d,db+p with ryu as they are traveling over me. Nothing will happen. But if I do f,d,df+p as they are going over me, I will either do a reg DP or turn around and do it the other way(depending on the timing). This doesn’t make sense because if the person jumps over me, it should fuck up the input and nothing should come out besides maybe me wiggling a little and throwing out a punch. Auto correct is that the game automatically turned you in the direction that the opponent is in. The game should reset the inputs once the person is on the other side of you.

I have tried many times to cross someone up with bison, do 2 jabs and scissors and nothing comes out because even tho I had been charging since i jumped, the game doesn’t accept that forward charge as part of a back charge (after I jump over to the other side). So the game reset that input and didn’t start storing that charge until after I already was on the other side. This is how a lot of auto corrects should be (IMO). If the person is going to go for a reverse dp, then he should be inputting it in that direction hoping that there is a cross up instead of the game doing it for him. If you are doing a regular dp motion, you should go in that direction regardless of the other person’s position, or the move just flat out shouldn’t work.

You know, that is a rather good point of how auto correct favors motion characters more than charge. Sure, we can auto correct scarlet terror, but we can’t store charge crossover instant scarlet terror.

One of the biggest things to keep in mind is how to punish and deal with Sumo Splash, since it often gives hell to Vega players when used as a wakeup.

If Sumo Splash is blocked by you (standing) on the way up, there is a 95% chance that IT WILL NOT HIT YOU ON THE WAY DOWN. You can use this time to set up a meaty close Fierce, a Cosmic Heel, and other hard-hitting punishes.

If Sumo Splash is NOT blocked by you on the way up (usually because you were crouching), IT WILL HIT YOU ON THE WAY DOWN and if it was performed as a reversal, THE DOWN HIT WILL BREAK ARMOR AS WELL AS THE UP HIT.

Quite honestly, you shouldn’t really be poking/attacking Honda, but instead trying to bait him into jumping in or rushing.

^^Thanks for the tips guys.

you must poke and attack honda

your goal is a simple one:

get the life lead, sit on it. keep him out. because quite frankly, e. honda sucks at getting in. how do you exploit that?

neutral jump fierce, air grab, scarlet terror, and stand roundhouse need to be your mixups as far as anti-air are concerned. Honda’s footsies cannot hang with Vega’s whatsoever. his only good poke is stand roundhouse which is -7 on block= free c. mp. stand fierce is good too but pretty beefy… you shouldnt let him swing it around. c. mp to push him out on the ground but make sure you use your pokes wisely as once he’s in the air it’s kind of a pain in the ass and he’s pretty good at beating you with j. mp. as long as you keep him away there is really nothing he can do, but once he gets in, you’re quite fucked. huge damage potential and command grab, so yeah, keep him away. you need to make sure he doesn’t move in easily and doesn’t jump in without mercy. keep him where you want.

if you need to get the life lead back, march him into the corner with pokes and don’t get predictable so you eat an EX headbutt. make sure you still don’t let him jump away into you as that is what is the difference between him on defense backing into the corner and you taking ridiculous damage. once you’re in the corner, ex headbutts are not safe. ALSO, you can’t let sumo splashes go unpunished. you need to focus them. otherwise you are accomplishing nothing and just giving him the advantage.

Only jump in when it’s a safe jump. e. honda isn’t like guile or dhalsim, he can’t really keep you away on the ground but dear god if you jump in… you take massive damage. stick to the ground unless you’re playing defense or get a knockdown with EX FBA cause barcelona pretty much doesn’t work on him.

It’s a tough matchup but easier than others. just make sure you know how to deal with honda in the air and make sure you don’t let him get in as there is essentially no safe escape when he does.

Jozhear: To me, the risk of Honda jumping in on top of you is too high to risk poking him. It might be worth sticking a poke out to bait him into jumping in, but as you said, if he’s on top of you, you’re fucked. BTW, have you ever had a problem trying to punish Honda’s headbutt and your attack COMPLETELY WHIFFING?

then what are you going to do? you have to poke him to keep him from jumping. other wise the fat piece of shit top tier fat fuck is going to get massive chip damage, build tons of meter, and put you in a guessing game you wont win. there is a distance where, st.hp,, all beat honda’s cr.lp. not only that, there is a specific distance where cr.lp,, and are safe in case he does a random headbutt. and and maybe (i forget) nj.lp will stuff him in the air because of the hitbox on the moves. you just have to do them as soon as your in the air. the key is spacing in this match, not baits and punishes because honda can match the damage caused to him with chip damage alone. and if he lands a fucking headbutt well gg sir.

then what are you going to do? you have to poke him to keep him from jumping. other wise the fat piece of shit top tier fat fuck is going to get massive chip damage, build tons of meter, and put you in a guessing game you wont win. there is a distance where, st.hp,, all beat honda’s cr.lp. not only that, there is a specific distance where cr.lp,, and are safe in case he does a random headbutt. and and maybe (i forget) nj.lp will stuff him in the air because of the hitbox on the moves. you just have to do them as soon as your in the air. the key is spacing in this match, not baits and punishes because honda can match the damage caused to him with chip damage alone. and if he lands a fucking headbutt well gg sir.

No: it, meaning the writeups, should be updated. Fyi, I am still updating the guide with links to posts in this thread.
Furthermore, a discussion thread is not a guide.

We wanted to restructure it about a month ago, but as I predicted (and said) it didn’t happen. Ppl are good at talking, just not good at actually DOING something.

Makoto’s got a match on GodsGarden coming up(see godsgarden thread) against Sako’s Cammy.
Anyone care to break down this matchup and some of the player specifics? ~~? Thanks

Edit: Maybe a prediction too. X)

if honda’s walking forward, and you’re not poking, then he’ll just be jumping. it’s easier to keep him away on the ground then in the air, much easier. if you let honda walk forward and take off, then you have much less safe options and are generally taking greater risks. walk forward honda has literally nothing to do against If he jumps when you c. mp, well, that’s just part of mindgames. be prepared to evade his subsequent mixups. but then again, that’s why this matchup is considered difficult. you have to play proper footsies.

generally, when he’s trying to get close your absolute goal is to keep him grounded. if you can beat him in the air (Which is entirely in your power) then you get to poke him out and he is taking greater risks by jumping. if your anti-airs are on point, then he won’t be jumping in unsafely anyway: which is where c. mp plays in. you need to keep him out on the ground too.

it’s also why st. rh is a pretty good idea sometimes. hits him as he’s taking off. same with ST.

Sako will win…no doubts about it. Probably gonna be a slaughter too. I’d be happy if Makoto even wins half of the matches (hoping).

is it because of the character? but idk about slaughter. she isnt akuma