Just started experimenting with Ultra 1, trying to find it’s uses in MU’s.
So far, I feel U1 might be the viable Ultra against Rufus (and possibly Cammy as well). Helps deal with dive kicks when Rufus gets a lock down on Vega. If you see any predictable dive kick patterns from your opponent, you can use U1 to go right through and punish. It also helps limit some of Rufus’ mobility with dive kicks when he’s full screen. Of course, it’s a gamble and it becomes harder to land the better your opponent is but at least the fear is there, so your opponent wont mindlessly spam dive kicks.
Eternal. If you want, I could record some replays that I have with my Bison Buddy. He plays a great Bison, and I manage to beat him the majority of the time. I don’t think the match-up is that hard really. Just let me know, and I’ll record them for you and put them on my channel. I’ll even set up some matches with you and him.
got the same question, is there anyway to qet the 4 c.lp eficiently 100% of success ;), for me is a good way of pressure and a good Option select.
Teh best way i see is using turbo in the stick in c.lp buton. Is there any other way.
I don’t get it, how is cr.lp x4 good OS? As for linking cr.lp’s… I suggest training. I start out every game session by doing trials (the ones with bothersome links), and it kinda helps. I was recently able to land cr.lp x4 -> cr.mp in a match and it gave me a raging boner. So well, practice makes perfect!
Or use Turbo… And custom key bindings while your at it (I heard you can bind entire combos on one button, DATS RAD!)
Want a good aimbot?
That’d be great Rugal! is that the Rockmanx20 dude that was in the weeklies?
…I really hate Bison’s jump ins, I can never tell which side theyre gonna hit >__<
There’s a rythim. straight up doing it it’ll take about 4-5 hours to be able to pull it off more times than not. That’s also not an OS. you might wanna start digging around here to figure out exactly what an OS is.
as for my own question… any word on a new macthup guide? if no one’s working on it i can start it out but half the shit i put up on there will probably be wrong or geared towards scrubs.
I’ll update it soon. But if you have any matchups strats to share feel free to post them here. They’ll land in the guide anyways (as links to your post).
Sorry if this has already been posted, but I didn’t see it anywhere. U1 (forward) punishes Yoga Snipers on hit or block. Just need to delay it a little bit, because reversal timing usually just gets one hit on 'Sim and he falls out of the rest.
Guize, what do I do against a Rog? I kinda wanna give up as soon as I see someone select Rog atm, I haven’t won against one in quite some time. His sweep is fucking divine and his crouching jabs are even better. No point in trying to Izuna him outside of combos. The only thing I have going for me against Rog is basically karathrowing and the meaty cr.mk, but as long as he’s patient and doesn’t start doing random dashes I end up losing more often than not. And when he knocks me down, I feel like crying. Rog makes my butt soar, big time.
Hey EVERYONE ive got 3 more videos to show u all , very interesting 3 games all RANK MATCHES…plyed 2 in which i ran into GEOM MODINSIDE ( TOP GuiLe on XBL , #3 on the leaderboards ) & the other vs filipin0man ( plays wit beasty ass Rose )…
enjoy the vids everyone & comments will be appreciated…subcribe to my channel if ya wanna keep in contact…
1- Rank Match part 1- Geom Modinside ( Guile ) vs Da Assassin jaY ( Vega )
2- Rank Match part 2- Geom Modinside ( Guile ) vs Da Assassin jaY ( Vega )
3- Rank match- Da Assassin jaY ( Vega ) vs filipin0man ( Rose )
yeah about that… Not taking anything away from ya sasaki because you did a great job but that shit’s annoying lol. like sometimes when i go a long period from fighting someone (aka gen, dan, sakura, sometimes guile etc), or right after a match i just lost i’ll wanna look up the matchup when the loss is fresh. But then it becomes a pain in the ass to click on the links…
So let’s put it all in one post and just add/mod as nessessary. I’ll go ahead and start up a rough draft, based on the current matchup thread and clean it up a bit, throw in some updates and new characters and a couple other things. Like I said above tho… most online people are pretty bad. There’s no way i should have over 10k BP, so a lot of the info i have is vs scrubby people. The good people I know I cant beat consistantly (HAV, Digital717, EmblemLord, Mr.SNK etc), so the stuff I put in there may or may not work on good people (probably not).
If you’re willing to do the writeups, then that’s excellent! :'D Believe me, I don’t like those links either but the problem is ppl aren’t willing to write up all the shit that’s been gathered. Also, stuff like that (no matter how huge the ambition was before) tends to not get finished.
EDIT: I always wanted to do a section in the respective character matchup that simply lists the punishes for the characters’ signature moves.
EDIT12335: How about we do it like this: You do the writeups, I quote them and put them directly into my posts in the new matchup guide. No links. I’ll make sure a mod deletes ZangieDs post so we have more space.
Like this, the matchup guide will feature your writeups as text and the whole bunch of links as well. And while we’re at it, we can test some stuff out in P-Mode and add that “how to punish” section to each character matchup.
That’s cool. I’m on c.viper now. gonna redo the SFIV mathcup first then add the new characters in alphabetically. the only problem with this is you’re going to see walls o’ texts because there’s a lotta good info put out there on some matchups and there’s more than one way to beandle some characters. Jozhear writes better matchup guides than me but myself and other people have good info to add to it as well… So if i see a really good matchup written i’m going to copy and paste it as well but i’m going to write my own matchup with it. TBH IMO i like the idea of the “How to punish” but i think it should be a seperate sticky. like the how to punish thread should be the fast, just wanna look up what beats what thread and the matchup should be the in-depth detail oriented guide. putting them together will just be counterproductive.
EDIT: I’m not going to copy everyone’s advice on the matchup, just the people who write an in-depth article regarding the matchup that’s good info. the small tips and hints will mostly be consolidated in my own write up. This will take a couple days so give me time lol.
ok i’m done for the day. I’ll pick back up tomorrow. Apparantly I gave myself a headache doing this. lol
Abel, Blanka, Viper done. working on Boxer’s and Chun’s next. I can either post them as I complete them for each character or just post them all in one huge wall of text when i finish them all. lemme know what you want me to do Sasaki.
If there’s anything I can help with let me know Sasaki, I’m working on a Vega FAQ for Gamefaqs and it’ll have match up info in it, I’ll post it here when I’m done and you can take what you see useful from it.
Well, for matchup stuff you’re better off contacting Vegaman. He’s the one responsible now.
But: Nice, nice. I also like the idea of doing a separate thread for the “how to punish” stuff. For now don’t post anything yet, Vegaman. First gotta get a mod to delete that post.