blaze… if you know any of the new character matchups feel free to write up an article on it.
I have a cool idea. We could put in different opinions on the matchups numbers besides the “original” ones listed in japanese wikis. We can choose 3-5 Vega players from the boards. Example:
Sakura ??? ???
Matchup difficulty:
Jozhear: 6|4 Vegaman: 5|5 Tatsujinken: 7|3
oooh thats a great idea!
I’d give Tatsujinken, Mask-Terror, theonly_J, Asassin JaY and Rugalitarian my votes. Theyre the best Vega’s that I’ve seen here so far.
I’d say laxlight too but I’m sure his opinions will be biased and say all match ups are 9-1 Vega’s favor or something like that…
Hi I have read a great deal of this thread but ain’t found anything regarding the Dudley match up, I struggle with this one especially once Dudley gets in close. I personally think Ultra 2 is a life saver for this match but thats about all the advice I have, would appreciate any tips or tricks that you guys know of to make this fight a bit more fun.
Hello fellow Vega players nice to meet you.
Dudley has a poor poking game, so you just need to try and keep him out. Use and st.rh to keep him at bay. Watch out for his fwd+hp (it’s the long-reaching punch that slides him forward), it gains him a lot of ground, stuffs a lot of moves and does decent damage. Very dangerous, but it’s quite slow.
If he manages to get in on you, things are gonna get tough. His low/overhead/throw mixup game is mega scary. He has (I think) the fastest overhead in the game, and he can use it combo into many things including Super. Just don’t try to mash your way out; he has a 3-frame jab that combos into big damage, so play it safe and wait for an opporunity to escape.
Basically you almost want to treat Dudley like he’s a grappler. Use Vega’s superior pokes to keep him away and slowly take away his health and you should do fine.
Dudley matchup is tricky because of his standing Fierce punch which counters many of your standing pokes. You won’t be able to fully rely on Forward kick for this match because of this. However, c.Strong is still effective as a punish poke. Also, his Cross Counter will beat your safejumps clean, so you’ll have to mix them up with empty safe-jumps (like the Guile matchup).
Thanks for the info guys, it does seem the secret is all about keeping him out. So far I have only played two really solid Dudleys online, at the end of the day they were just better than me so out played me fair and square but hopefully I learnt from my mistakes.
Considering what everyone was saying before the game came out I thought Dudleys would be everywhere online but honestly its still all seems to be about Ryu for me, Im in the uk and play on xbox live for whats that worth,
E. Honda
I swear Honda is either Vega’s new worse match up (he was hard as hell in vanilla to.) or i am completely retarded in this matchup. My win ratio vs. Honda is 28% it’s really pathetic. The only thing I can figure out is if I have meter and he headbutts i can punish with izuna but if i have meter he will just wait for me to move forward than guess with a headbutt and the best i can punish with if i am quick enough to block is a standing mk which is pathetic. His air moves beat all the ones i can think of his stop hand air move is super strong not to mention he only has to hit you a couple of times to get you good. Does anyone know what i can do to put pressure on honda? Jump-ins seem good unless he has one ex bar for ex head butt. I don’t think he can take vega out of the sky with a normal head butt not certain though. Also is it possible to punish the sumo slam? I can’t even get a cr. lp out before he does another one.
You can focus Butt Slams on the way down, unless they’re reversals. For the spacing in the Honda matchup, watch Kubiwa. [media=youtube]K5tXE_3WeW4"[/media]
Hay how should i play against a Rose player, I noticed that there were no vids for Vega vs Rose.
OK so i was thinking. (dont know if this was discussed or something) you know when you do CH, and then do OS throw at the last possible frames to tech incase they throw, and block in case they dont. Cant you do that while blocking? like i have been messing with it a lot while playing sagat, and it seems that it becomes really hard to throw me. like just as the block stun wears out i throw, if the opponent decides to throw at the first possible frames i tech. If he doesnt i continue blocking, no poke comes out so if he did DP or some move like that i dont get punished. I tried it against a cammy that did insta air cannon spike strings, and he found it very hard to throw me he was constantly dive kicking to punish os throw
@ Kentaro
yeah that match up is so hard for me. My win rate against Honda in Vanilla was so bad. you have to get into the players head especially if he plays like a tank. this bait and punish thing doesnt work against players that dont push buttons. If they decide to rush, then the match becomes a lot easier for me at least.
go for the knock down. even with meter you can destroy her on wake up. close st.hp if timed right will eat EX drill alive, and lead to xx EX FBA, and practicly allow you to mollest her on wake up until she gets Ultra 2. Even then you can trade at best if she does wake up ultra. but until then you have to respect her slide, and the hit box on those moves are amazing.
Just got Soul Thrown out a of backdash. I’m gonna go curl up in a corner now.
he technically airborne during back dash. thats what makes it a good option for reseting a situation where a opponent does jump in pressure.
honda is the opposite of cammy. downback beats cammy and jumpback fierce beats hondas headbutts. stay full screen distance away and just wait for the headbutts. wont work vs all honda’s but it’ll boost your wins vs scrubs
you can air throw backdashes… that frusterates the hell outta people when you do that to them.
Thx for the input guys i’ll give it a shot.
When it happened to me, I completely lost all all concentration and lost the whole match!
So guys. How about we got some votes in for the matchup numbers? Vote 4 Vega players from the board. Also, be sure to have some diversity in it - don’t pick 4 players from the same continent. We have good ones in Europe and Asia (Singapore for example) as well, and the mix makes things more interesting.
EDIT: Should I open a new thread?
Not sure if anyone has had this problem or has been posted before, but i really struggle with focus attacks. Not me doing them but when they are done to me. Particularly when I’m Izuna dropping, all my opponent does is focus it and my slash always comes out instead of the grab. It’s really killing me i need help bad, is there a trick to grabbing focus’? PLEASE HELP ME, my options are really limited once they figure this out
Honestly dude you shouldn’t be relying on FBA slashes. They are absolutely terrible at high level play.
You need to just go into training mode, set any dummy to a REALLY easy setting, and just practice izuna dropping over and over again.
And Sakura and Honda aren’t worth even trying to throw out of focus.
Develop pressure from claw’s standing light kick. Not FBA swipes.