Played the Adon and Gen matches a fair amount today; some notes.
Vs. Adon;
Standing MK is a go to poke for this matchup. c.MP is as usual solid, but I was using it more as a reminder to Adon to stay honest from its max range and using s.MK far more. MK seems to do a great job shutting down Jaguar Kicks. From what little I tried reaction attacking back against Jaguar Teeth, s.RH seemed to do the job pretty decently. I’m fairly confident I threw Adon’s reversal Rising Jaguar (non-EX), which is awesome if confirmed. Neutral jump seems pretty good against Adon, since Rising Jaguar moves him forward. Adon’s anti airs aren’t the greatest, so j.FP can be a good risk to take. Splendid Claw works amazingly well on reaction against Jaguar Kicks of all kinds unless you do it WAY too early so he hops over you; the amount of time it takes for him to go through the move and landing recovery is enough to reaction U2. U2 vs Jaguar Tooth on the other hand will trade with no cutscene or lose generally, unless you catch him straight up in recovery, which can be difficult because he can mix up the strengths. Punish blocked Rising Jaguars with c.MK, c.MP, EX FBA I think; Cosmic Heel takes too long to come out / you’re not sure which side he’s on immediately.
Vs. Gen;
This one’s pretty tough. Gen’s jumps are going to be a pain for Claw’s to deal with, since between the arc and Gen’s walkspeed, they will often sail above standing RH range, which leaves you with Airthrow, jump back FP/MP, and neutral jump RH. You really have to be on point. His shoryu is annoying to punish on block; often times I’d settle for a ST, but that’s up to you. c.MP does hard work for you in this match; it’s largely a footsies battle. You have similar moves; roll attack, walldives, good pokes, good walk speed. You have slightly better range (And the better walldive imo), but he’s got a better air game and funny ultra potential. This match comes down to straight up footsies, and how well you can shut down a Gen jumping around you. If Gen gets to jump for free, he has a lot of ways to ambiguously cross you up and end in a throw / overhead mixup. Don’t forget he’s even got a neutral jumping attack that hits twice.
Hawk’s regular DP is not good and will lose to a lot of things, including jump back FP I believe. The EX version on the other hand is much more serviceable for him.
Haven’t played much vs. Viper. The only footsies I think you really have to deal with is her c.MK / c.MP; most of this fight is probably how well you can move and deal with her game in general as a player. NJ.RH against her super jump, bait and punish reversals properly (Make her whiff / hit her out of EX Seismo, punish blocked FP Thunder Knuckles / EX Burning Kicks)