Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

Yeah, I cannot fathom why Capcom thought 31 frames of recovery was necessary considered its vulnerable startup, ease of air to airing it, ease of using a reversal against it, ease of focusing it, ease of dashing away, etc, etc. And let’s not mention it does very little damage.

31 frames? Why? WHY?

I’ve just noticed something very interesting against Rufus, not sure if anyone knows because it has not really been mentioned. Basically, if you land a safe neutral jump RH, you can do a safely and it will bait Rufus’ ex.messiah to whiff as shown on [media=youtube]dVxaveC6WT0[/media] at 0:58. I guess it has something to do with the spacing of the neutral jump and the hitbox. Just putting it out there if no one knew, it sure did made my day!

Interesting…i actually use neutral jump hk alot in rufus matches but only because it usually baits ex messiah alot on wakeup. I didnt think would whiff like that when i land, that’s good to know.

Not sure if anyone knows about this, so here it goes:
I found something with the Blanka matchup. It’s nothing significant, but it’s worth noting. You can combo cr. mk into mp Rolling Crystal Flash. You have to be fairly close to him in order to do it, so it’s best to do after a jump in or something (WHICH IS BAD TO DO ON BLANKA)

Blanka really does have a wonky hit box. Didn’t work on any other characters I tested it on. hp rcf doesn’t work, and it wont work if you cancel it from any of Vega’s other normals other than the first hit of cl. hp of course. Hopefully in Super, the possibilities will be more interesting with an increased rcf speed.

Need some tips vs Akuma…

-After a blocked DF.HK what can I do to beat out a jab?
-When I knocked down I have to eat the Votrex?

Also vs Akuma a whiffed DF.Hk= A Free S.HK combo into knockdown…

Don’t know much about Vega. DF.HK is his sliding sweep? If so, on block u can’t do anything to avoid this.

Try to block, backdash, fa + backdash, throw (crouchtech if possible) or maybe you can try EX-Sky High Claw (I guess it has some invulnerability). Don’t try to backflip since you predict a whiffed palm strike into demon is coming. It’s easy for Akuma to follow and punish your backflip with fs.HK.
But because of a lack of a good AA… Yes, you’ll always have to deal with his vortex. This is his gameplan. Pin you down and never let you get out.

Right. fs.HK leads to pain.

Can someone (preferably a high level Claw) please breakdown the Guile matchup again. I am struggling with some pretty low-grade guiles lately… it is just unacceptable…

Im no high level player. But essentially it boils down to patience, defense, capitalizing, and most importantly your poking game.

think of Guile like a moving wall. What he wants to do is set up a defense to keep you out. As he applies pressure to you he is going to push you in the corner. Its very important to be patient in this match up. Do not be afraid to block as many sonic booms as you need to. Finding an opening is hard, but that is where footsies come into play. You have to constantly poke him. In doing so, chances are you are going to create an opening. Once you are in, you have to apply massive amounts of intelligent pressure. Dont just walk up to him and poke the shit out oh him with because he can flash kick you. And since he has the FADC safety net it more or less works to his favor. Kara throw is very important as well. Look for patterns when you attempt to throw him. Does he option select your throw? If he does use that to your advantage and mix up st.hp or the next time you try to grab him. Conditioning is very important if you manage to push him to the corner. That is just some basic crap though. The match up is much more intensive and complicated than that, because of Guile’s amazing normals.

It’s really annoying to find a pure turtle vega now since super. Get that turtle shit out of here, imo. This isn’t CVS2.

thanks for the bp loser

i’m not understanding.

Im guessing that Tatsu kicked Dzyne’s ass, Dzyne mad, Dzyne salty.

some ideas of matchups:

Cody: Should be not that bad. Cody has a good pressure game, pretty incessant like Bison and Rufus with some decent ultra set ups that he can hit-confirm into, and they do some pretty good damage. His f+mp and c+mk both move him forward and he can link out of f+mp into some hueg shit, it’s just like Ryu’s Solar Plexus. His overhead is really slow, you shouldn’t get hit by it much. It seems like Cody will want you to press buttons so he can mixup with Zonk Knuckle or keep hit confirming into Criminal Upper or Ruffian Kick. With that said he is very slow moving forward in great distanecs so a backdash will often be a solid answer to any of his offensive maneuvers. Get yourself in the corner though, and you’re pretty screwed, since focus is not a good idea at all against him, he doesn’t invest much in big pokes so much as really fast, chippy, +hit comboable normals and ruffian is his focus breaker. Of course backdashing will often get you nowhere, so your best bet is to be conservative and tech throws when they’re obvious. Fidn the first opportunity to jump out wall jump or EX FBA through him.

Cody has some good zoning moves. b+ mp beats certain moves and c+hp is prety good too. Close rh is also key. I think Vega will be able to jump in on him easily enough though, they don’t seem quite good enough. Vega’s footsies are also most likely beter than Cody’s. Unlike some rushdown characters this is a matchup where you shuold actually be able to suceed at outside-close range. You can zone him as he zones you, and you alwayshave plenty of time to create distance cause he doesn’t move himself far forward. Where this matchup will get nasty is, as I said, backdash owns him right? Well Cody’s will eventually learn OS Ruffian and you’ll be screwed there. Untechable knockdowns, trapped in the pressure loop. I don’t know much about his air to airs but I think that is a generally good place to get Cody at. Own him on the ground in terms of outside clsoe range footsies and stonewall him in the air. If you need to do damage to him you should stick to the ground thanks to Cody’s good anti airs. I don’t know anything about Zonk Knuckle yet so I’m still unsure how that will play into this matchup outside of a good mixup for him up close. This will probably be a bad matchup, something tame though like a 5.5-4.5 or 6-4. Cody doesn’t have great footsies which is exploitable but he’ll be really annoying, really pesky up close and solid because of so many good hitconfirms and mixups with Zonk. Him having a life lead, and being able to sit on it unlike others will also cause some frustration, but I don’t think his wakeup game is that great. Also, EX SHC does go through Rocks. (but how!?!)

Adon- I don’t know much about Adon’s move properties and how they really factor into the matchup vs Vega. Seems like there will be little point for Adon to use his wall dives outside of punishing poorly maneuvered and unsafe FBAs. Adon is realyl pesky up close, incessant, with c. short into the jaguar kick, and a pretty slow overhead. Footsies here will be some of the most interesting in the game. Don’t be fooled by Adon’s specialty; which is slow startups on a lot of moves, but really quick recovery. Often it will be him making the first move, but at times it’ll be easy for him to bait you because even if you react and punish with something you might not make it in time. IE, sweep, he might bait it with something as heavy as a st. RH. IIt’s got great range, can hang with the most of Vega’s pokes but vega will still have the edge, ultimately. Abuse c. mp and c. mk. Adon can’t combo for shit. Up close he’ll probably mix you up something fierec with his overhead, rising jaguar and general shenanigans with the jaguar kick. He won’t be able to punish you at all with most of his jaguar tooth shenanigans as Vega’s footsies are faster than some and really, you shouldn’t be mashing pokes anyway and it’s easy to tell when that move is coming: it has a huge start up, even the EX one. Adon is kind of tough to grasp. Seems solid in general, but not really a punisher like Vega cause he sucks so much at comboing on the fly. Much better up close than Vega though, and he is highly capable of a rushdown because of great walk speed. You should crouch a lot, but react to his overhead since it’s so damn slow. If you crouch he literally will not be able to hit confirm into anything more than 150 damage since rising jaguar whiffs. He’ll be tough to pin down. IMO this will be the most interesting of Vega’s new matchups. Lots of flying around and generally I think the matchup will boil down to outsmarting Adon on defense. It’s not as simple as “outpoking” Adon because he has good pokes and can out maneuver you very easily with jaguar kick in the air, but you will have to expose Adon’s lack of comboability. I don’t know the properties on either Jaguar Tooth or Kick but I think they are unsafe, maybe not unsafe enough to be thrown.

T. Hawk - Probably will be about the same as Zangief. T. Hawk can mix you up better thanks to jab MT putting you right at his feet. However, no OS’s, so getting away should be much less of an ordeal. Also, Don’t bother anti-airing T. Hawk. Neutral jump air-to-air. If condor dive, it’ll go under you and you can punish, it’s not the kind of move he can whiff like Condor Spire and follow up with grab, it has more recovery. Otherwise you can air-to-air: T. Hawk jumps HIGH though, it’s crazy. He has great footsies too. Will be very difficult to expose him outside close range. Should be interesting.

Bison’s new ultra is just as good (if not better) at punishing whiffed FBA’s as headstomp is.

Blanka’s new ultra is chip damage hell: Barcelona might provide enough time in the air to get away and stay out of it, but apparently it’s just erally cheesy and lame and you have to evade it only the most correct way, or jut hit blanka or something. More info needed.

Guile is like Tatsu said a worse matchup than before. Guile got fixes in places that effect the matchup: Vega’s only change is SC helping out on wakeup.

Balrog is made a tad better by the arrival of SC and an overhead, otherwise it’s the exact same.

VS. Ryu is better than before. SC is a no-fireball button, much better at owning fireballs than BHC ever was. Combo potential on this mofo that was never before an issue. Less likely to invest in a DP on wakeup during Barcelona shenanigans, could prove beneficial: focus will still get him out of thick shit though.

Vs. Seth will be better. U2 seems like a worse choice than U1 still. Seth doesn’t need 100 extra damage when he can mix you up to hell and stun you whenever he wants. At least, the ultra trap is gone, so countering fireballs will be easier, and of course SC will give you some leeway when it comes to getting yoru ass kicked. U1 will still be a headache in terms of shutting down Barcelona and meter-building in general.

Ken will be about the same. Both charactesr got buffed. Being able to combo Ken will help considering his tendencies to receive only a slap on the wrist punish after bad SRK’s. Now he gets hurt bad.

Vs. Blanka is probably better. SC owns horizontall balls, no matter what. I had one go behind me during invinc. window and still punished it =). Overhead should help a lot, as will heightened combo potential.

Vs. Sagat is probably a 5-5 now. Of course he can still lock you down with Tiga Nii, but you got SC nucka!

Honda will probably be better. OVerhead and combo potential.

Aside from that… I think Dudley and Ibuki aren’t as strong as the trailers made them out to be. They’ll probably be tough matchups, but not that bad. As for Makoto… lulz, that won’t be bad at all. Hakan will be CRAZY!!! Off the chain, it’ll be great though since you can punish oil ups with 200 damage if you’re paying attention. Juri, I haven’t played yet. Guy will probably be tough. Deejay, probably not as bad as Guile.

The only 7-3’s I can see are probably against Cammy still, and probably Bison will be a terrible matchup with more mixups and generally the same pressuer game. Chun could be even worse than before thanks to U2. Rufus is more tolerable, thanks to the abolition of target combo and less damaging dive kicks. Gen is probably easier than before. Gouken and Akuma too, thanks to punishable demon flip throw whiffs (meaning no OS rape). Sagat, Balrog, and Blanka, all easier. Shotos easier, but watch out for Ken. Dhalsim will be tougher, sounds like dive kicks are good. Abel’s new ultra is not much of a factor: he could rape Barcelona with roll n’ punish with U1 as it is, and generally, jumping in on Abel is highly unnecessary. I expect Abel’s to pick U1 for more damage and combo ability, since combos-a-plenty when you fight Vega.

Should be good. Still will have bad matchups, and none really stick out as highly advantageous for Vega. Gouken might be a slouch now, Hakan could be positive, but that’s all I can see atm. Need to sit down with it some more.

Cammy, Guile, and Chun Li… My predictions for Claw’s worst matchups.

Vega can punish Ryu, Balrog, Blanka, and Akuma’s sweep and probably everyone elses who couldn’t get punished before with c. mp EX FBA. Huge damage where you never had it before. Vega’s footsies are a lot better as a result: the fear of throwing out a sweep is a fear of 240 damage.

However Chun Li can not be punished after sweep. Go figure. Great tool against Blanka and Ryu though.

Guile was a hard matchup before…and i havent played against a good guile in super yet…but im sure the matchup prob got worse…but anyways, im just here to tell you guys that deejay is WORSE than guile. Izuna doesnt work against him, and footsies doesnt work either. Unless im playing the matchup completely wrong…im thinking that deejay might be Vega’s hardest/worst matchup…if not, definitely top 3.

Im not gonna go into details as to why…since i dont want any deejay mainers to read any of it lol

As a first impression that’s good to know but I’m personally taking that one with a grain of salt, Buddha.

Yeah, im hoping im wrong…and if you guys fight any good deejays and know any good strats against him, im all ears!

Just give it some time, I bet when you learn the matchup you will find it much more managable.

Balrog, Gief and Guile are gonna be the top 3 worst match ups. Called it.

DeeJay is a pain but s.HP and s.MK zone his silly ass out. Also who said you cant Izuna him >_>?