Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

when using the st lk, beat it clean. if she dash or press a lenthy normal, st lk will likely beat it clean. but with this option, if u use it smart can bait lk cannon spikes or jump ins because they want to punish it and make u pay. if ur making her block with ur normals during neutral ground, u are way to close.

hey guys can you write any tips about the Guy matchup? that ninja elbow is a pain :frowning:

Guy is a matchup I kind of play like balrog.

If the guy respects you then I just try to or to whiff punish. Other then that I am holding down back looking for that damn flip. Though I know other Vega players probably have a better method of avoiding the flip while walking around I haven’t done a lot of research on it and would like to hear your tactics as well.

I am waiting for the guy to attack then when I block a running special that puts him at frame disadvantage I try to alternate between poke hit confirm to ex FBA or karathrow and run mixups.

When a punch get’s blocked I’ll cancel into RCF to push them into the corner.

If the guy is trying to rush you down blindly use CH a lot.

The better guys use cross up and an elbow drop that looks like the cross up but hits you in the front last minute. That is the trickiest thing he can do to you other than Ultra 2 after blocked normal which is impossible to escape.

Honestly all you have to do to beat Guy is corner him and run karathrow mixups and bait his tatsu. If guy doesnt have meter you can izuna loop until death.

Hey, I hope I can shed some light on this and help you out. Imo guy is a rush down power house, u can’t give him a window. Guy is a character like cammy. i fight him like i fight cammy. when i play footsies, i keep him at his max cr hk distance. majority guys, good or bad will use that sweep. its up to you to take it from him. it beats out every option even if its a trade because he gets knock down and all u get is a bit of damage.

dont do follow ups behind ur pokes. i know everyone reading is like wtf, why not but dont. the reason i say this is because if u dont really hit confirm, he has options from everything. u do rcf, he use sweep. u get knock down. you use ch, that sweep will beat it. u do ex bca, he will jus jump back with that izuna and it will win.

take away his options, one at a time. then you will be able to predict him very well. good guys wont use run sweep without meter to cancel it. so when and if he gets in, u see run stop comboes, just stand grab it. u will grab him everytime unless he uses a command behind it. one he starts using commands, use scarlet terror or jump back air throw(my favorite option for the overhead.)dont be scared to jump in on him, just realize, his hit boxes get reallllly funky when he use certain normals. and shinangans dont really work on him cause of that wake up time.

if you notice hes only way of getting in is to do flip elbow or jump elbow, dont be scared. you have options but it allll based on space. if mid screen or right outside sweep, react with jump back mp or hp. dont use kicks cause he will grab ur leg. if he does it real close during a rush down combo, use sweep and block low cause 9/10 chance he will use sweep to try and catch u or u can use scarlet terror. im kinda like johzear, i dont like charging alot because then it makes you a sitting target and some players love it when u sit there cause they can do what they want.
keep moving right out side of sweep and use that focus and back dash or let it rip.

O YEA, be veryyyyyy careful of this if he has 1 meter. that ex shoulder will pop u in the mouth. i hope this helps alot. play safe but not scared xD

Any tips for the Guile matchup? I’m unsure of how to get in against him and it seems most Guile players can easily turtle because of this.

Quick fadcs (with forward dash) and neutral jumps until where his back knuckle or flash kick will reach. When you come that close he will feel he should do something to run away to a distance to spam sonic booms again and feel treathened. Use that. Do a neutral jump over his sonic boom, he will think you are jumping in and do a flash kick which will whiff and that thing has terrible recovery. He can start to walk with his light sonic boom, then ex.roll towards him when he is close. Even if he blocks, you are in now. Jump in, only if you are sure he is doing sonic boom, so he can’t FK you or cr.hp you from the air as SB has godlike recovery. Do not ever U2 his sonic booms, you can’t catch him if you are not psychic.

Be sure to punish everything whiffing. This is a match where you score every hit from punishes. Don’t just slide a whiffing flash kick. Be ready for a jump when you got him in the corner to ST or air-grab him. Be good with link and connect it whenever you hit with ex.roll.

Hey prime, imma add a bit more to gross.guile is the only char in the game u can’t run from. Hois SB has infinite range and the more u run from it, the worst ur situatio becomes so playin a safe rush down is ur best bet. Ppl say to focus his SB is a good idea but I don’t like it cause at some point, ur gonna need that health back.
I’m not saying go all forward butg zone him. Make him back up. I get a certain range and wait for a SB and I jump in with a early feirce. I do it to force block, stop jump air throw and no normals will win or at best trade. Wat u need to remember is SB is a poke like a normal so getin his knucle range and turtle. If he sb, u cn trade. Normal, u win. If he jump, anti air. If he block, overhead or kara throw. Show him his best normals are useless. And then abuse his turtle.
Most likely he will result to SB again. And he will be scared to anti air. I do this to chun too and it ccomes down to u being calm seeing patterns.

If u got xbl, I will gladly show u my matches against vortex which is like number 2 guile, he hates me lol so its funny to see y. I will try to upload it today. My gt is TSC Spitfire

Sometimes when I fight a good Rose, I feel like she has godlike pokes and she outpokes me more than I outpoke her. Anybody agree? Or give me tips on how to beat her cause right now, that stupid Counter Hit message keeps popping up on my side… and no, I’m not pressing buttons too much/randomly. (Am I being downloaded?)

It is only normal that those “counter hit” message keeps popping up, cause she is based on frame traps. Know the normals and specials of her that you can punish on block. You see en ex.spiral, punish it hard. A soul spark, jump in, cause it is the slowest projectile in the game. But treat her non-ex spirals like bison’s knee press. Don’t try to hit her after their recovery. Her grab is brilliant, so watch the patterns the opponent comes for a throw. When U2 is activated, go to a little far from her. She is bound to throw a soul spark, punish it with ex.shc and make that orbs disappear. She has big gaps between her special cancels, so be ready with your U2 while blocking the normals. Don’t ever come for izunas in this match. Her will make her escape very easily.

Hey kaibo, gross has got it completely right. another major thing is spacing. stay out of range of that sliding mk. stay slight out of range so on reaction, u can respond with cr mk or st lk to get a punish. i say st lk because it will beat out soul spiral and if u guess wrong and she jumps in, u got jump air throw or mp/hk depending on which way you jump. if you notice, they start walking forward to get that slide to land, start walking a slight inch and do cr mk for counter hits.

Anybody have any advice against Seth during the neutral game? I know Vega almost always loses when he gets a knockdown. I know a lot of Claw players say this matchup isn’t that bad but I’m not seeing it.

You can focus absorb and hit his cr.hp from about half screen.

Don’t neutral jump sonic booms when has ultra 1 stocked.

Just kind of play the matchup like you were Dhalsim, poke run away poke run away. Bait him into jumping in on you your air to airs crush his. Obviously everyone is looking for the EX FBA knockdown but my advice would be until he makes that crucial mistake to just make him come after you … or just walk him into a corner if he is a runner.

The person I’m playing with everyday is GFWL’s best Seth. It’s probably the MU I know most. And I can tell you that your sentence is wrong. Seth’s jumping normals are the best in the game and you will lose all of the air to air trades except if you have taken your chance to air grab him or without seeing him jump and he actually jumps by chance. His beats any jumping normal flat out. Our is the best one we can use, but it also loses %90 of the time.

Our air game is completely cancelled in this MU. The times you will have your air game will be when he is in the corner, or you are. Your only AA options will be ST and air grab when he is in the corner. Even if ST trades, he takes bigger damage. If he somehow corner jumps to your back, immediately ex.fba to your back wall while he is in the air.

Do not ever come for izuna loop, or any izuna. In the blockstrings, wait for the engine or SB gap and Don’t try to focus his jump ins, his jump is perfectly fast. Corpse hop is also ineffective in this MU.

This is a MU you will only make him whiff things and then punish. It is also the MU you learn to block in a new level.

This is one of the two MUs for me where I sometimes use U1 along with Sim.

Thanks for the advice, I actually played lame against a Seth last night and managed to win.

Shouldn’t you be using U1 on the Viper matchup though since her burn kicks count as projectiles?

Jozhear’s opinion is nonsense? lol

Honestly that advice is generally weird…the only thing I’d agree with is that you shouldn’t bother with Izuna loop. “Always jump back in the corner” is an awful idea. j.MP is hard for Claw to deal with when he doesn’t have a charge but his air throw doesn’t lose 90% of the time and neither does nj.MP. j.HK (back) can work too but the spacing is kind of weird and you have to give up space. This isn’t vanilla, jumping over Booms is fine when he has U1…only time you can’t is when Seth has a Super. You can’t focus booms when he has U1 though. Nobody’s jump is “perfectly fast” (what does that even mean…vanilla Gen?) so er dunno what to say about that. I can’t give much more than that (cuz my Claw is casualmodeo) but as I always seem to end up linking, Jozhear’s set up plays a large part in making the match not-so-hopeless. Gambling with flips isn’t too bad cuz of it.

I said “always jump back **if ** you are gonna jump”. Meaning, when you want to meet him air-to-air, your has a smaller chance to hit or trade than your Someone here told me this, and only after that I’ve realised that jump back normals hit seth better air-to-air
Fast jump means, he lands very quickly after he jumps. For example, Chun-li, Sim and Bison have slow jumps.
Neutral jump mp only hits above your head and by the time it comes out it actually hits above your head when you are at the peak of your jump, aka where there is no Seth to hit.
Of course jumping over sonic booms is fine, but you can’t do it when you are in the corner. I’m talking about cornered situations.
Yes, air throw loses to his most of the time if you do it with forward jump. Again back jump or neutral jump air throw has better chance.

i agree with gross 90% of the time i lose air to air if we both predict the jump. The few time i win was with and i prefer a lot ST against seth, even if it trade often.

Any advice for the Bison matchup? His pokes and scissor kick pressure are quite good =/ .

Also, his jumping normals seem to stuff many things.

ahhh i know this one. this one isnt that bad to explain but to apply it and use it in your game is the hardest part.

Dark, plan and simple dont chase bison. do not chase him or challenge him if he is always walking back. he is showing signs of turtling and it can realllly mess u up by giving him free chip and actually landing damage on you with counter pokes. STAY at his max sweep range. always stay at max sweep range. most bisons like rushdown and will wait til then can. if u stay at max sweep range, he will have to come forward with either a jump,dash or sweep. neutral jump at this range is godly because if u time it and he sweeps, free damage. none of his jump in normals will reach u and hes only effective option is psycho crusher but nj hk will beat it everytime. get life lead and let him come to you.

if u notice he is chasing u, dont be scared to jump in, he dont really have good anti air options but to jf mp but he would have to predict it. you took him out of his confidence zone so he will second guess everything. if he has meter, dont do anything after you jump in. just walk back and im sure he will ex psyco to get that life lead. just try and catch him doing his best to get in and poke him down. cr mk has no real help in this matchup so if u do it alot, remove it cause all his moves beat it out. if u see head stomp, challenge it with jp mp, u will win like 90% of the times and u remove that shenanigan he has with headstomp into ultra if it miss.

one lil helpful trick is to always have 1 meter. try to save it because at full mid/full screen, most bisons will try to ex psyco for chip and to get in for free pressure. take this away by charging ex scarlett terror. suprisingly, it will ALWAYS beat it out so abuse it specially full screen. when i see him jump or head stop, i like to use sweep cause he will never recover and attack fast enough if you do it right. its better then standing there and allowing him to get a free jump if ur not fast enough to dash forward. dont be a standing target when at that range. u wont be able to poke him til he challenge and u force him to take risk to get in.
i hope this helps you in your fight against bison. i hate that bastard and i hope this helps u take him down

If you stay at the tip of range his light scissor will whiff if you do nothing or get stuffed by if you are throwing it out there. His sweep, med, and heavy scissor will be unsafe on block. His only option to get in would be med or heavy scissor kick with FADC. Im not 100% med kick is unsafe but your cr.lp will beat his lights because is close to -2 or -3 at that range.

You can also NJ everything except sweep at the range.

So you can use my zoning advice with spits I guess. :stuck_out_tongue:

Regarding the walk back like spit said do not bother chasing him down. However if you insist on doing it forward dash begin down charge ex FBA is a good way to do it. You should be aiming the dash then to hit him with the tip of your foot any closer and you are way too close. You have to zone into a position where he is walking back and your dash is setup correctly. The best way to pressure is jump in but you have to poke and maneuver your way in slowly. Tick throws and frame traps after jump in should be your goto but beware of that ex psycho crusher. When you score knockdown with ex fba just run your throw safe jump and frame traps until he is ko’d.

You need a lot a lot a lot of patience but if his scissors are not useful due to you out-zoning him you will find the rush down way more bearable. That tiny little area of safe real estate above is a good way to get “close” for a jump in without being reckless.