there has got to be some better info for yang and yun other than spam ST like a noob and use …
anytime i play a high caliber yun or yang i get blown up lately… im at the point now where i dont even have a strategy because nothing is working
can anybody provide me with some incite?
my number one issue is everytime i go for an air throw, or air to air their dive kick i whiff… lol they go under me… and then they are in my face until im ko’d
Use jiMP instead. HK and HP have their uses as well. But jiMP is generally better.
If they are going so low that your air to airs are whiffing… stay on the ground and use stHK or crHP.
You can react to a footsierange divekick with jump toward instant air throw, keeps them more honest. If they’re doing a far divekick you can it. I still think Yun is a frustrating matchup though, but Vega does have atleast some options.
Against dives, bjMP or jbHP are are a good idea if you can react fast enough to land them.
I wouldn’t use cHK nor sHK, 'cause their hitbox is specially weak against up close attacks… and twins can adjust their dives angles quite easily.
As you can see, anything hitting Claw around his head would straight beat our move. Plus the hitbox right here is the far version. Close version is even worse, with hitting box shrinked so that the hittable box is now way ahead and above it. -_-
If bjHP do whiff too often against very angled dives, I’ve seen some claw players successfully using sLP or sMP. But with care, it’s not meant as an aa.
I went back and watched a Reiketsu vid and he keeps yun at about far range (and is able to airthrow, j.hp on reaction) and a brokkeng video where he keeps them at range and EX-ST’s and wins without trade. Dive kick startup is 7 frames so in theory if you are fast enough you can win those.
They play yun closer than I would have expected. That range also makes shoulder check pressure unsafe.
Actually, EX-ST hitbox is very decent, and quite buffed compared to regular ST. Most dives do not have beastly hitboxes (the only really strong one i see is Cammy’s EX CStrike, so it’s an alternative indeed. At the cost of one bar though.
Absolutely, they are useful to counter distant jumps. =)
I use st alot vs divekicks up close, it’s a gamble but at worst it trades and you can establish some range again. Plus it keeps em honest, if you land one it does alot of damage.
I just wanted to give an update on yun yang game …
staying in range is pretty much the way to go… because they cannot footsie you and you can react to jump ins from that range… totally counter intuitive but the dive kick height limit really helps vega
i used after they finished a block string or empty zone dive kick in order to preemptively keep them out of the air (total newbie habit I picked up because it worked against bad yuns and yangs)
i now use cr.lp to frame trap them on the ground and throw/frame trap
the frame advantage from cr.lp is + 8 compared to on guard (derp lol) so yeah more time to react with air throw…
3 tiny adjustments and match up nightmare is somewhat resolved
I’m having problems with the deejay matchup, I don’t know how to deal with his jumping d+lk move and end up in tick throw set-ups because of it. Also I can’t find any way to reliably safe jump against him so I end up having to use empty jump to try and bait out his reversal anti-air
vs Deejay you can’t reliably safe jump him if he has EX meter unless you do it naked and don’t press a button, and I am only talking about hitbox based jumps. You can try the izuna drop timed jump in but if you are one frame late you will get nailed… so its risky
It’s safer to meaty him with because it beats everything except EX. Machine Gun which I believe has Invincible frames… up kick whiffs, forward kicks get stuffed.
In order to anti-air Deejay you need to get out in front of him really fast … or I would suggest jump back mp.
His stupid block string game is easy to get away from after his cr.lp cr.lp you can jump back HP and it will beat his jump in / overhead him if he walks forward and tries to throw. If he follows up with I believe that whiffs. Your other option is throwing out ST after the second which will beat his throw / hit a jump in on the way up … much more risky but sets up your meaty and gets stuffed by
Also his forward kick puts him at a frame disadvantage so once you block it alternate between walk up kara throws and pokes to punish button pushes.
Thanks for the tips I’ll give them a try next time I get to face a Deejay. I had a look at Deejay’s frame data and it seems a lot of moves are punishable by d+mp->ex Izuna which I wasn’t aware of, in particular the lk sorbat. After watching some matches on youtube it also seems I was trying to deal with his projectiles in the wrong way too, I should have just been focusing them and building Ultra meter instead of trying to get in on him.
Yo guys haven’t been here in a while, I just got back into AE( I quit before 2012) and lucky I have not lost most of my skills. I’m at an intermediate lv, which for a Vega player means that I’m not winning many matches but most of them are close. I’m looking for what matches are worse for Vega in 2012 and how can you deal with pressure( mostly form Ryu, E.Ryu, Saget, Cammy, Guile, Deejay(i guess), The Twins, and Fei) My pokes are decent but i fell that they can be a little predictable, how can i mix those up. I’m pretty good at predecting jump-ins and stopping them with air grab. Anyway things for the help <br>
@ Dr Faust If you could be a bit more specific about why you lose the said match-ups maybe I could give some pointers but in general those characters can not out footsie vega on the ground. One thing I was doing wrong was using d+mp , st mk and d+mk too much and I kept getting hit by the opponants focus attack so i started to use faster strings as well like st. far lk-> cr mp, cr lp-> cr mp and sometimes cancel to ex FBA as this also beats out focus. If your footsies are on point the opponent will likely <br>1/ try to jump in (anti-air him)<br>2/ go for a dp or other invincible move (block and punish)<br>3/ turtle up (throw or overhead)<br><br>This is just the theory it’s difficult in practice to predict what they will do all the time, for example if they jump in while you have a d+mp out then you won’t be able to anti-air them and will be in their mix-up.<br>
Hey fraust, ann made some great points and this somethin I thought long and hard about and I found 2 major factors in predicting wats next. Spacing is number 1. At what range do they want to challenge. Don’t guess it but find out by jus walking. I can understand if u don’t trust ur def enough but u won’t kno for sure. Then u avoid that range byh diving deep into the fight or staying back. U have a great grab and st lk. Dontg always want comboes and knockdowns, u don’t always need ur decision and just go. Second is how aggressive they are. Do they always try to get in. Do they jus press buttons. Do they actually want to counter ur play style. Again test it and see and play to counter that. Vega has 1 normal that beats every normal of other chars and its all on range. Kno it and stay there if that’s wat they use. I make ryu,s not cr mk cause. Vega cr mk is better. Trust wat u kno and trust ur ranges. Hope this helps cause it helped me alooooooot. Gl
I’m not so much interested in general matchup info because I know that fairly well.
I wanted to talk about nuetral game pressure. Specifically cammy’s hit confirmed into spiral arrow.
So I can’t walk up and karathrow good cammies because of hit confirm. I went back and looked at uenis, brokkeng, reiketsu and they all get blown up by it as well.
My alternatives are,, and but throwing those moves out get blown up by dive kicks.
So for pressure I only see cr.lp and as safe options because of their great recovery and quick startup. However cr.lp and are slightly shorter than cammy’s
Has anyone have any matchup experience pressureing with cr.lp and vs cammy’s and like what has priority or what trades.
I am hoping far at its closest range or cr.lp at its farthest range beat her clean but I don’t know that atm.
I am assuming her whiffed moves are frame disadvantage and open to karathrow because all short pokes are but getting good players to whiff is tough sometimes.
i feel your pain. most cammy’s use cr mk because they know its super safe against 90% of the cast. imo its not to tough to deal with. cammy to me, is not worth walking up and grabbing for a knock down. only use grabs on wake up frame traps. getting that close to her is pointless because its a extremely high chance its not in your favor. most cammy’s will either mash that or cr lp when u get a bit to close pm reactopm
hearing that you find the cr mk an issue tells me your not sitting back and being patient enough. you should never want the knock down first. a knock down is a bonus to your strat.
my strat for fighting her is staying at her st hk range. and i use st lk not to atk, but to counter all her options. if she uses anything with range, u will win, if she tries to dive kick she has to jump higher so u have a bit more safe time.
i mostly try to test their patients with a focus at about 3 zones away. most cammy’s see u dancing and will just want to cammy spike. jumping will only get u dped. use st mk or cr mp but make sure u establish some safety with st lk from a good distance cause they wont know when u will challenge/be unsafe/ or just walk back.
When you say counter with do you mean hit their whiffed normal or beat their normal clean, or just having it blocked with the option of trying a frame trap or karathrow.