Daigo VS Jeff Schaefer 1 hour video....and

Didn’t he play at least through A2 or A3? I was pretty sure he was a top A2 player?

Schaefer used to play SFA2 but stopped playing.

I got to admit, alot, ALOT of IGNORANT people here.

Political, but I wont argue that.

I want to say that you notice I would not have lost 1 GAME with old sagat if I could uppercut on the sticks? not one game?

Every lose was from missing 2-4 uppercuts per round on average. Damn…forgot to mention that huh? its always “daigo missed everything, Schaefer played perfect”

fucking bullshit. 1 sides nonsense.

And I played A2, got 4th at B3 out of like 128 people or something, I was not very great at A games, but I liked A2. At least I beat david Sirlin down stupid, embarassing style at B3. The guy got worked, and he denies it to this day. People hate me so much, they are in denial of truth and facts. he forgot before the tournement I won about 30 in a row with ken? And beat down his M.Bison like FREE. And all the other comers too.

I didn’t play ST since 1994? When I went to Nor Cal for a little tournament and got 4th? But at that time, I had already quit for about 9 months, I just went for fun. No matter, I have the current record of most tournament wins in a ROW next to TOMO. People forget that little fact.

I wonder why my name was #1 or #2 on the board for 3+ years. Above everyone except Tomo. I wonder. maybe because I never lost to anyone except Tomo on the old games? except a few games, here and there.

People have bad memories. They hust hate me so bad, they are in “hate jeff” denial mode. Now we get political. People hate BUSH SO fucking bad, they are blind to real facts, and no matter what facts come out, it means nothing to them, they just HATE bush.

Thats ignorant, and blind. You can hate Bush, but at least fucking look at facts, and accept them. I mean shit. Its like 99% of all Men have “I can’t admit I am wrong” syndrome.

its called ignorant.

Also, I can’t help it if Daigo beat my guile like 2 times out of like 10 or something. what the fuck am I supposed to say? I did great.

Also, I know Daigo is not best SF player in Japan. The best are from osaka, Daigo would be in top 5 though.

I know all about it. Continue to rip me, I don’t give a fuck. Fact is, I beat alot of your guys hero, and you guys can’t handle it.



Jeff did you get my pm about the mirror?

jeff, talk after winning evo 2k5 ST :stuck_out_tongue: or X

so people won’t give you all the respect you crave for beating Daigo in some AE games… that’s life, just deal with it. Not everyone is going to suck your dick and listen to age old stories about how good TOMO was. boo hoo.

Did you not read that he doesn’t play ST?

For sucking dick, you seem to be doing plenty of that already.

Why should he have re prove himself to you new school players? He has already proved himself to be one of the best players of SF2 in the US back in the day…Why should he have to prove it again just to satisfy you whiners. Not necessary. Besides ST’s not his best game as he mentioned before, and he doesn’t even play the game.

JEFF: i said u did good job. Not everyone can beat daigo even with bad sticks, etc…

btw, daigo IS NOT in top 5 in japan.

okok, u missed tiger uppercut. i didnt say u successed 100% of your move too. but miss tiger upercut with sagat…and miss hadouken with ryu. who has the advantage…

crayfish: there is other lot of things on this japanese site about old sf series (bug, frame, diagram, blablabla. MASS things. I cant translater EVERYTHING. sorry (especially in english. i suck in english. lol)

I believe Kuni told Bucktooth that Daigo was considered to be in the lower rankings of the top players in ST.

Jimmy whats your team now in cvs2?

Yeah, its a huge site. Looks fantastic, I would love to have the info from T Akiba but I was only asking for the differences between the different SF versions of the characters compared to thier AE versions. I must say they seem pretty damn close to me.

Not taking anything away from either player, but people are reading far too much into this sticks stuff.

I sometimes miss moves, but I can’t use it as an excuse. And I can’t always play on controls I’m used to. I’ve used some shit cabinets over the years, but you just have to get on with it- Jenson Button didn’t complain about his helmet in the race last week!

If anything, I would say that the better player is the one who can adapt to any stick and still win.

mwa hahaha: i dont play cvs2 for looooooooooooooooooooong time. if i play it, i would choose c-gief, vice, kyosuke^^. and if i want to play “seriously”, i cho a-sakura, athena, yuri

crayfish: in fact, its difficult to translate, because there are comparaison to original version. ( for example, they say “dhalsim has no more his yoga reset glitch”). this example is easy to understand, but there are some more difficult.

richard: i sometimes miss moves too. If i lose because i miss moves…ok…but if i lose cause stick sucks…not ok, i get angry. lol. Daigo played even if he doesnt use to play on this stick cause hes cool, and he doesnt think there would be a THREAD jsut for those matches. lol. u think japanese players are still talking about those matches? they didnt even begin i think. And even if daigo knows we are talking about them, maybe he thinks we would understand that he missed MASS moves cause of sticks.
( i dont know if i explained well. lol)


So you say.

Yes, I have looked at the facts, and they all point to a very lucrative deal for defense contractors and contruction firms. Did you know we import oil from the states to run our machinery over there? Can you tell me that isn’t the least bit suspicious? Come now, WMD - more like WTF are they. If we really wanted to kill Saddam we could have done so easily, nothing has stopped us in the past (Chile anyone?) We’ve embarassed oursleves enough already, but its too late to look back. And, before you start name calling, let’s try using proper English, so others will take your arguments seriously. Also, please substaintiate some of your claims, this isn’t even the place for politics, but if you have to continue speaking of the subject, at least give us the decency of any sort of example - right wing (or left for that matter) banter doesn’t cut it. Just because the something is complicated (as corruption tends to be) doesn’t mean it’s far-fetched.

No, it’s called ignorance. And it seems as though you (and a lot of other people) haven’t thought about any potential disparity between the textbook way a government runs and the everyday dealings of politicians. I’m not so much pouding you as I am trying to get people to read and discover that the times we live in are just a dot in history. CNN and Fox News are no substitute for Gramsci or Marx. Let go of tradition and embrace learning. Tradition, however closely woven with our lives, blinds and binds us to ignorance. It’s hard to know truth without having the nessicary tools to discern. This is good for government, bad for citizens.

Okay Jeff, destroying our heros with old school Guile, quite an accomplishment. You’re a good player - but please - spare us the ego boosting! Plurality is good thing too, btw.

I hold no ill will against anyone, I just wish that people could take a step back momentarily and realize what’s going on outside of their own lives. I won’t say anyhting more on the matter, because this thread is so out of hand.

I apologize for going off topic.

he doesn’t have to reprove himself, i know he has mad skillz in old school games.

HOWEVER, if he wants to continue to pad his ego, why not win a few tourneys after not playing for 10 years??? That will shut the haters up. Anyone that good at CE/HF should be able to adapt to ST.

^ but if he doesn’t enjoy ST, why should he play it? besides, he said that he’;s older now with more responsabilities.

But what I’m saying is that provided it works, everything else is immaterial. If I can pull off my shit on a stick from America, Japan or Antarctica, as well as on a Jaguar pad, a Nintendo pad and a Quickshot, then that makes me a better player than somebody with the same mindset and knowledge who can’t.

well i’m just saying tournament wins are more telling than casual matches of CE vs ST characters :stuck_out_tongue: as everyone else has been saying…

if he doesn’t play ST that’s fine, but no one plays CE or HF anymore so …

That why there is SF2 AE, and the next Evo should have it(if not I will be pissed off). He would not have made a come back if AE was not released.

all I can is, THChardcore, better hope I don’t see him in person.

I am going to spit in your face, several times.

And there is not a damn thing you can do, or will do about it.

Jeff do u only play in the arcade or both?..If so, whenever I am in california…Ill play your old school guile with ryu…(sf2hf that is…Ce is too slow and Im not a fan of st)…I have never been dominated by guile so it would be interesting…I mainly play at home now on the collection series cause ive been out of the arcade scene for years…good shit against Daigo