Daigo VS Jeff Schaefer 1 hour video....and

I know. Which is what Daigo would be used to playing against…

short short xx DP / super

iirc, short short xx DP (or super) doesn’t involve linking; you’d have to chain 3 SKs and cancel the third into a DP (or super) before the third SK came out. it’s similar to Guy’s final fight chain proximity cancels.

i can’t find the sagat vs guile with the airthrow :(.

great vids :).

Well. I am cockey and stupid for fun. Who really cares. It brings excitement to me when I played.

Like I would talk shit for a long time, then come out to play a tourney, and there would be EVERY guy who would want me BAD.

The shit talking is like a magnet to meet new players, bring them out, get them to go play.

It works. A few people know this is my method, some think I am just a total asshole.

Whatever it takes to further the sport…I take it for the team.

ok, well, I am done with SF for a few months. Lost my sticks tonight, and a friend at the same time. I couldn’t stand to be his friend anymore after he told me his political views. Unreal. I support the war, the troops. Oh well.

Until I see you guys again.

Have a nice life you guys. Even the people who hate me, please have a nice day for me.

BTW: That low forward WHIFF thing…yeah…The sticks were jacked up pretty bad, I couldn’t get the timing of the speed of the game either…you can see i missed the timing EVERYTIME.

YOu do this: And I am the inventor of this…OG style.

Low forward, STANDING strong, FORWARD BLADE KICK. 3 hit combo. And on the bigger characters, I do low forward, standing fierce, blade kick, and that stuns them.

I missed it 10 in a row, timing from speed. He wasn’t 100% on those sticks, but I haven’t played that speed in my life, and haven’t played in 10 years. So its even.

Ill miss you guys, especially the shit talkers.

And I love Mike Watson, the guy is so great.


all 9 are up, though still missing 1 completely.

Jeff if you want you can aim me the last guile vs Sagat (with the air throw) and that’ll make the mirror complete.

contact me on aim

I don’t understand how someone not supporting a bloody corporate war with all the markings of profiteering inncentive is “UNREAL”? God forbid in a nation that preaches freedom of everything (but mainly markets) that someone should ever hold views in opposition to the suffocating dominantpolitical opinion - that’s too much for me. There’s nothing un-American about questioning the validity of a nation’s actions, especially when it’s acting as a representation of you as an American. It’s civic repsonsibilty.

Bwahaha, now this crazy thread is going into the political sesspool. LAAkuma knows how to get people riled up, I’ll admit that much.

Wow. You really are a fucking retard.

Sagat vs Guile – Just beautiful!

Wow, your friend must have said some pretty bad stuff for you to break off a whole friendship.

I support the troops in a war that should never have happened.

You have to be really stupid/insane to end a friendship over this corporate-sponsored farce of a “war.”

Haha I knew your name was familiar. I checked my old SF2: HF guide and there it was.

  1. Tomo Ohira
  2. Jeff Schaefer
  3. Kuni Funada
  4. Frank Kwang
  5. Mike Watson
  6. George Ngo
  7. Martin Vega (Apoc)

STFU bitch…Jeff is hella cool so don’t fuckn disrespect him.

Ya until you disagree with him and he turns his back on you. What kind of person does that ?? You consider someone like that cool ??

What if you were chilling with jeff and you didnt want green peppers on the pizza and he did ??

You might get fucking stabbed.

He is taking the piss morons. Jesus this forum is getting more and more like ddr freak general discussion everyday…

jeff: first, thx for the vids. u were in a good day. but i just have 2-3 things to say.

it seems daigo missed A LOT of moves (i remember one match, guile vs ryu…missing 1387 hadouken…2389723 tatsumaki). he had US joystick, didnt he??

i saw him missed A LOT of 28+LK(goes through fireball) > super (deejay vs sagat).

even one match, he get hit by 123976239 tiger shot (u even didnt hit him while he was stun…maybe u noticed he missed a lot).

And i dont think he uses to play OLD guile. lol (2 hit dizzy. lol)

IMPORTANT:i dont say u told “aha, i almost beat best ST player”, etc.
not at all, its just to add my opinion^^ u would be WAY happier if u played him with a japanese arcade cabinet (u play on US stick, and him on jap stick). i think ure like lot of us, play your opponent at his best capacity. Of course, sometimes we cant do what we want^^. but u were lucky to play him during 1 hour. only you and him :slight_smile:

btw, daigo IS NOT the best japanese ST player.
for those who say HSF2 = ST with more option…(apoc^^)
thats not true…here are differences between HSF2 and the original games (sorry, japanese only).

ps: to all people here: i just posted to give my opinion (dont kill me plz. lol). And NO, i dont suck japanese players. (many people will tell me this i think :frowning:

Those Guile matches were very good.
I’m tired of reading, well he’s only used to playing ST Guile. Who fault is that? I don’t know either player, but I am sure they both knew what characters and what sticks were available to the both of them before playing.

I’d say the handicap was about the same. Diago was on a stick he wasn’t used to, and whose to say that ST Was the first SF game that that he ever played? He might have played previous SF2 games like CE or T.

Now keep in mind that Jeff hasn’t played serious SF2 in at least 5 years though its more like 8 to 10, so he’s definitely rusty, he also wasn’t used to the speed that the games were being played.

Based on that, I’d say Jeff was probably more handicapped than Diago was. And he still did well.

Some interesting points raised here, but have a different slant on things…

These are valid points but I think Daigo using us stick, not used to CPS1 Guile etc… isn’t as much of a handicap as an 11 year competetive lay off and coming out cold against one of the worlds best players. How the hell did Jeff stay that sharp anyhow?

Yes this is undeniably true, I don’t even think he enters X-Mania (btw this is THE ST tourney in Japan). People get confused cause none of the ST specialists come to Evo so they think Daigo is Japan’s best ST player. Truth is he’s prolly not even in the top 10 maybe more. He is however, probably the best all round fighting game player ever and on the right day could prolly beat any of the top, more knowlegable, more tactical ST guys with his sheer natural talent…so lets not undermine Jeff’s acheivement.

Could anyone translate this page (not with a web page translater, the Japanese makes more sense to me than the output of those things), I would love to know the details.


Jason gonzales is Apoc, not Martin Vega.