What type of Screen is that?
That shit looked clean, is it a normal 4:3 ratio screen or is it more like 16:9?
What type of Screen is that?
That shit looked clean, is it a normal 4:3 ratio screen or is it more like 16:9?
Good videos, looking forward to more. Your Guile was totally on-point controlling some of those rounds.
Daigo has definitely got some skill. You can tell in the videos he was trying shit just for the sake of trying it – reversal super through the sonic boom with Dee Jay across the screen, weird links, etc. Crouching short x 2 jab DP on-demand :eek:? For those un-aware in ST you can’t 2-in-1 off a rapid fire weak attack, you gotta link it.
Thanks for posting them.
How the fuck does a fireball, throw, medium sweep stun? That had me scratching my head too.
Man, I cant wait to get home and watch these!
well jeff, good job on getting some of those wins… one thing though, lets try to get off our own nutts, if you know what im saying… you played well, i give you that, but take these few things into consideration. daigo was on american sticks, huge difference, daigo didnt want to go out that night, he was drained from plane and etc, daigo didnt always play his best characters… but like i said, you played well, you put up a good fight and got some wins… just dont let your head rise above your neck too far brother… :):):):):)
ShinjiGohan, when you get those uploaded will you post a links to those movies?
shit Mike!
he played Ryu from ST like 6 times? And he layed Balrog 1 time, Old sagat like 3x? those are his best characters. All of them lost to Guile. I don’t think he knew how good Guile was. I don;t know.
I got the biggest dick here mike. lol Im on these pills, make it swell up real big, it affects my head too.
ahha. right.
I would think Daigo be more used to ST where he doesn’t have to deal with broken characters like CE guile. O.sagat vs deejay was too funny, low tiger shot spam… yeah this game is much better then 3s… not!
what’s the difference between CE and HF chars?
As far as I know CE was just a game so you can pick the boss characters right? So it was identical to WW?
i’ve done 3 jabs into DP before.
The links for “a.mov” and “sagatvsguilewin.mov” are broken. Could anyone send these files to me? I’m trying to set up a mirror for Jeff, but I’m missing those two files.
I’m always on IRC (efnet), so you can send anytime.
I’ve got the first one (which we renamed to Diago vs Schaefer), however that was also a Sagat vs Guile match where Schaefer wins, hence why he renamed that one to a.mov
-still uploading those that I have, and still missing that 2nd sagat vs guile match.
Anything with Honda?
The character differences were the only differences between those two games. There are plenty- go read up on some history- there’s probably a big FAQ/list somewhere.
Yeah, same thing. You’re actually letting the animation for the last jab finish as opposed to canceling it. shrug This is why 3 c.short into super with N.Ken was a neat thing a while back.
Yeah, the CE damage thing seems high. In the ryuvsguilewin movie he’s really only hit with 1 throw, 3 c.forwards, and a s.fierce for the 1st round. I haven’t played AE yet so I dunno how it all plays out.
I know HF was a sped up SFII.
Whats the character differences between CE and WW?
I think that’s what I meant to ask.
Differences between CE and WW? New normals, modified specials, changed throws. Everybody is different. Seriously, the list is too long for this thread. try www.gamefax.com
So what IS the difference between CE and HF Guile? Just the damage differences?
some comments on the vids.
Jeff, you’re obviously a very good player. You seem to be going out of your way to be exceptionally cocky though. Probably just for the fun of it…
Anyway, I think you should definitely keep in mind that Daigo was using American sticks, which would be a major handicap for him I assume. Heh, you might not want to go on about those times that you miss uppercuts because of not being used to the sticks. Daigo seems to miss stuff too.
Also Daigo probably had not played much against pre super guile before. He seemed to be surprised alot by the speed and priority of the low forward. In fact, a hell of a lot. What would happen if you used ST guile instead?
Dude ST guile is a fuckn wimp.
to Jeff…concerning Guile…
on some of the vids (like ryu vs guile, balrog vs guile, etc), you knock down Daigo, and then proceed to do a whiffed jump forward kick. why is that?
just curious.