Since I was such good friends and a good competitor of Kuni Funata, so long ago. LONG time ago, I asked him if he could invite Daigo over to play some AE edition VS me.
First off, I have to thank Gerald Abraham, Mike Watson, Shirts, and Jason Wilson for warming me up so that I could gain some form back. I learned alot. Like 360’s suck, and Super turbo characters are really dominant. I did mediocre. BUt then it happened. I starting feeling good, and starting beating watson about half the time with the OG style I used to have. At first, when jason, and Shirts were there I had to ask Mike to “let us poor mortals have a chance” because he was mopping everyone like nothing! Damn Mike…the guy is a legend. But then my ego kicked in, and I started playing supremely with GUILE and Super turbo old Sagat.
Guile felt like he had been there all along, I have mastered that character. Old Sagat, so so. But decent. I missed alot of uppercuts from the stiff joysticks.
So Daigo comes over, and we start playing.
I will list my character first, and his second. Like Ken VS Ryu I would be KEN.
- Sagat VS ST Ryu I won probably the majority of this matchup. he plays alot like the style of Tomo and Thomas from a long time ago…which is also, my style too, almost exactly. This style we both employed is a strategy of “never jump forward” or don;t try to. So we might have done it 1-2 times a round. With Sagat you want to pound him with fireballs, force him to spin kick over it, and or jump forward, and when he jumps is free, just trip him when he lands…he can;t block. Jump roundhouse right away hits spin kick. Its a lock for Sagat.
Guile VS ST Ryu. damn, this guy is good. Similar to Tomo, in that everytime I push low forward and I make the mistake of not touching his body…I get tripped. And this game is FAST. So he is like Tomo in that respect, and Mike. I won the majority of these matches too, with a series of strategic traded hits and jumping up over alot of his fireballs. Of course, I got he lead out and broke out the OG style cheating method and threw him quite a few times, as he threw me quite a few times. I felt good, this was the best match.
Blanka VS ST RYU: man, ST Ryu is not like Hyper Ryu. ST Ryu just murders blanka. Blanka is not a good character anymore…he really isn’t. I thought he would be good, but he SUCKS. He sucks VS Super turbo Chun Li too, as Wilson demonstrated. No priority, no super thats decent, and on and on. Daigo was unreal man. He is one of the only people on earth that can execute moves on the top top level. Like for example, short, short, short then super? Or short, short uppercut? All from ducking? Thats great.
Sagat VS ST DJ. Hes pretty good at that match, but I got the timing down really good and know the match. I know when to throw the fireballs and when to hesitate. So I got him there.
Guile VS ST OG Satat: Incredibly, I got him a few games with my Guile VS his Sagat. I know that match beyond belief from Tomo doing it to me all day. I could not beat Tomo’s guile with Sagat either. But its wierd. I could beat the living shit out of Thomas Osakli’s Guile with Sagat. Daigo didn’t know the match as good as I did, but he did some crazy crap in there thats just nuts. His uppercut timing is flawless.
Sagat VS ST M.Bison. It was close, but he got me. He had some crazy ass combo’s and stuff, flying around perfectly, good player.
We went back and forth for about an hour? maybe 45 minutes? Long time. about 25 games. I have to watch the video see how many times I lost.
I watched the videos on here before I went down there, and it looked like I was playing myself. he plays exactly the same,e xcept when he hits you, he does better combo’s than I do. Hes very technical. He is what I call a “king” turtler" which is how Thomas was, and Tomo. They get the lead, sit back, don;t jump forward, and just eat you up. I was AMAZED at this guys patience. I was pissing him off with OG sagat, just tiger, tiger, tiger, forever for like 30 seconds straight, and he was losing by like a sliver. And he didn;t jump forward until time was running out, and then even then, it was perfectly timed.
So there you have it. I came into good form when it counted, and did really well to represent the OG USA player.
When you guys see the video’s it will be fun to watch. Your all going to laugh, we both played super turtle style and carefull. Felt like a tournament in 1992 again.