Daigo VS Jeff Schaefer 1 hour video....and

I can provide a mirror for the vid in case the first host gets overwhelmed. Check your PMs, Jeff.


I could put it on my streamload account as well.

Hosted up after Sunday? Damn that’s a long time to make us wait after putting up such an interesting post.

Damn thats too bad you aren’t going to Evo, if they put AE would you consider it maybe next year?



I don’t know if I woudl consider it. I mean I am married, have a 3 year old son, run a business full time, which I own, I have alot of responsibility.

Its like people think that I just can “come back” and be as good as I used to be in like 1 hour. haha. I don;t know what people expect.

AE is still really difficult for me. I never got into ST and I don;t know that game. I have to learn it. That takes alot of time. Time I don’t have.

I love AE because if you stick to SF2, CE, HF and Super Characters, I got it pretty well handled except for a few off the wall characters nobody plays and a few other things.

Like I said, I don’t see why people like ST so much, that is the game that RUINED SF for good. You guys can’t see that? I mean seriously, people are blind to that FACT.

Its like the difference in foreign policy between democrats and republicans. thats like the grand DIVIDE there is in ST.

I hate the game, personally. Its stupid as hell. To proove my point, watch the games with me and Daigo and notice the TONE of the match when he doesn’t have SUPER, then notice the TONE when he HAS the super. And vice versa.

When he gets the super, or I do, there is alot of NOTHING going on, and people end up just sitting there waiting.

Wow, thats great entertainment. Did you know if your Balrog you can land ALL 5 super punches with Balrog VS Sagat from length of the screen? Thats awesome isn’t it? not.

How about Hyper Fighting. Like Ryu VS Guile. You can’t just sit back with a lead and think you got it won, you got to use SKILL to get inside, and get the health back! With all skill. And thats what makes the elite players elite. Fighting back with less health, with no super BS to win.

In ST, you can get “lucky” and guess when somebody does something, and do your super and “maybe” take off 50%.

Thats not all skill.

Like in HF, you are 100% not going to win by luck with some nonsense VS Ryu or Guile turtling in the game VS you. Your going to have to execute advanced moves to even get close.

In ST, you can get close, then “pause” then do a super…its almost 50% of the time, the other guy "might: stick something out, or jump, or just plain old block…And the SUper can also be used to GET you in a superior playing position, which even if it doesn’t hit, can lead to a win.

ST sucks. I will never think its good, Tomo hates it too, we are in the minority, but fuck it, thats how we feel.

Funny thing was, I took Tomo to play A2 once. As soon as I hit him with the first Chun Li low forward Alpha Counter he said “take me home, this is fucking stupid” LOL and I agree…

it might be “fun” to play, but its not serious…


Yeah bro, I see what you mean regarding your family and business. Those require your time way more than SF does. family >> SF.

I think that HF and ST are both good games. I know the game changed for a lot of guys when supers were added to the mix, it turned a lot of people off. CvS2 to me is a very meter oriented game and very complex because of it.

Its tight that you still could hold your own in AE against Daigo tho.

Ill keep my eye out for those vids.



wow u got streamload account also? Pm when u get it so i can send u my streamload account.

Wow…the memories…

It brings a tear to my ear even when I hear the word “World’s Finest”…

Too bad I was too poor to play in more than a couple of tourneys there…

I’ll never forget Thomas Osaki(sp), Watson, Tomo, or Tim… (I met Thomas for the first time, in YEARS, at evo2k2…)

…Some things never change…

…and some things do …

Personally, I didn’t like ST that much, either. Part of that deals with Super SF,
I felt that some characters were completely nerfed from HF --> Super SF (Blanka, anyone?) Plus some other issues (but I really liked Chun getting her CE ground priority back…Ryu jump at Chun= free hit for her :)–and then she lost her priority AGAIN in ST (O.chun still has most of the SSF2 priority, while N.Chun’s priority was reduced to barely above HF levels-- Big Thanks go to Seth Killian for pointing this out at evo2k2, when I was stuffing Bison with O.chun moves that he would get hit out of, when he was new chun…)

it was still a very good game…I did enjoy SSF2, even though it felt like a really strange version of Champion Edition… HF was pure fun in some matchups; SSF2 seemed like more work…

True, everyone is ‘good’ in ST, but in my opinion, Super SF took more true skill to win than ST with its supers… The super system simply didn’t “belong” in that type of fighting engine (compare it to the newer games, where it makes sense…)…as said in above replies, the ‘nature’ of the game changes completely. (very logical why some veterans hated it). Being held helpless by someone with meter is less fun than being corner trapped classically… it took great skill to get out of a corner trap…but an “attack and lose 50% life trap”? uh uh…

One thing about ST I did like: I loved how old chars inherited the new “cancels” of the new chars…this affected Chun Li positively more than anyone else, due to her style (it made her much stronger), though it was rediculous that old Sagat could do the same thing…like he really needed that @_@

Great post. If my bandwidth weren’t already getting raped I’d host the vid too.

When I show my non-SF-playing friends the Evo DVDs, they all just want to see Watson and Daigo, because they’re simply more visually impressive. Funny how experience translates into awesomeness. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I don’t see why people hate on Super SF2: NC so much, myself… there was (and is) nothing wrong with it at all…

Heheh. I said all this about 3 months ago and got shouted down. LOL.


I wonder how many people will change their minds now that a respected name has said the same thing.

I don’t think it would be a problem getting MRJamie, GFB, or gcc to host a video these days just get in contact with soemone

I was just wondering if there was ever a Wacky Japanese SFA3 tourney where the machine was in Classical mode? I wonder if that would be any fun. Though I suppose people would just say why not play HF or something eh?

what’s classical mode?


aka the no super, no guard bar mode.

LAAkuma is hardly the first person to say that ST supers are retarded. I have a lot of problems with ST:

A bunch of chars got air defense easy-mode moves.
Throw softening.

Throw softening I don’t care that much about, mostly because it makes my bite-tastic Blanka that much better comparitively.

The supers are messed up, in part because they are too easy to get, too invulnerable and too much damage, and in part because they vary so much in effectiveness.

With Blanka I can build up 4 supers in a round, and then what? Use it for block damage then get hit back?

The easy mode air defense really annoys me. Not every character needs an anti-air special!

The big problem with SSF2 was the speed. There are some nice things about ST (new moves mostly) but I would rather play HF any day.


HF owns.
In fact, SSF2 > ST, in my opinion, besides from the speed. (HF speed is perfect, SSF2 is too slow, ST on “Turbo 1” felt exactly like HF.
T3 is rediculous…i mean, I can hardly do Chun’s lightning kick with forward easily, due to the game being too fast, WTF…I don’t need carpel from having to mash the button that fast@_@

The only thing i ‘miss’ from the ST version, compared to SSF2, is that old chars in ST can cancel the same normals that new chars could do, which makes some old chars much better than they were in SSF2 (biggest example is Chun…her fireball far more deadly); I would for that reason, rather play O.char vs O.char in ST than normal SSF2.


this is exactly what I start bitching about w/ “street fighter” style games that have supers.

“Look I can do two fireball motions, hit a button, and win!”

This is one big reason why I swear by UMK3: everything is manual, no canned high priority multi-hit bullshit. You have to do every hit with timing and tactic. Theres nothing you can bank on other than your fighting skill.

Jeff… need I ask what you think of third strike? =\


i want to see the vid gotdamn it