But… it’s ST.
But… it’s ST.
goforbroke… burningdojo… colonel sanders… somebody help us out and host the vids!
on my list on GFB…
Thansk Shirts. Wow. Thanks alot.
Thank you. Somebody host those vids I uploaded please.
You got anymore those was really good u a smart as player the air throw was:eek: damn son
I got 14 of them. Need to get them uploaded and get somebody to host them.
I am uploding them now.
Thanks. I told you man, that airthrow was TIIIIITE. So hard to get that.
It felt good getting it vs undisputed best player in the universe. Ill tell you that.
I think I upset him with some of the cheap shit I was getting him with. You like how when Sagat jump straight up I threw him when he landed 2x? lol
DAMN that was good. haha.
It must feel good to suck your dick in every post too.
“oh god that throw!! OMG I’m gonna cum.” Jeez.
what ever happened to tomo???
he was the undisputed GOD of old school SF
Thats not cheap shit…thats SF2 (high damaging and nontechable throws), throwing him after he whiffed his jump straight up was a good move/decision because he was turtling on the defensive. Besides I learned something new against Sagat when he jumps straight up.
That air throw was tight.
i really wish kuni would post
3 More Video’s UP. This time, I lose 2 of the 3 here. But it could have gone either way, he had 0 life and I made the mistake in timing. Oh well!
I made a few stupid, dumb mistakes, should have just sat there and played my game. The guy is good. Real good, you can’t make a mistake. I could not uppercut on those sticks, as you can see from the vids with Sagat. Cost me every game, for sure. Oh well.
second link broken
ps. ur name is los angeles akuma, deep.
Here is some more…
I don;t know how I got stunned with Balrog VS RYu, but damn, that was bad. haha. I just got super, I should have been more patient. Live and learn. Also, Blanka VS ST ryu is stupid, and no chance. I am surprised I lived so long. TOmo would have murdered me like nothing.
What was I thinking. Playing the best player on earth.
thanks for the vids jeff, neat to see daigo fuck around w/ various characters… your CE guile is toooo cheap
Good vids Jeff. Your CE Guile is the best (beating Daigo Tomo style)…, probabily almost equivalent to Tomo’s CE Guile IMO.
Excellent bro!
uploading to my streamload account.
BTW it seems I’m missing one… I have
Daigo Vs Schaefer.mov (might have been renamed but pretty sure thats the a.mov but it features Sagat vs Guile in Kens stage (Guile is definitely CE, Sagat seems to be either CE or T)
Sorry if I missed a part of your post, but wtf do I use to open these vids? I can’t see the picture when it plays only the sound
I’ve been viewing them with quicktime.
how did you get stunned?
Daigo is the devil…
Ah this reminds me of the old newsgroup threads hehehe